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Baba used to walk about the street abutting the mosque in the evenings. The

people would stand in line on both sides of the street at that time. Baba would

walk slowly talking to each person and enquire about his welfare.

The evening arati was given to Baba between 6 – 6.30 pm. After the arati it was

time for Sri Sai Baba to hold court again where the devotees could come and

tell him of the troubles plaguing them and get his blessings.

Baba used to demand and take dakshina from the devotees. Every day around 8 pm

Baba would give away all the cash he had taken that day as dakshina. This

charity continued all his life. He would give a fixed amount to each devotee

every day. The devotees would consider it their salary. He used to give Rs.55

to Bade Baba, Rs.35 to Sri Tatya, Rs.7 to Jante Musalman, Rs.4 each to Bayyaji

Patil Kote, Bhogoji and Ramachandra Patil and so on. Ramachandra Patil would

give Baba four pieces of crystallised sugar in return for the four rupees he

received from him. Baba would give a rupee each to the newly wed bride and

groom when they came to him for blessings. On the occasion of festivals such as

Ramanavami he would give two bundles of one rupee notes to Dada Kelkar and Bade

Baba and instruct them to distribute the money. Many fakirs and mendicants

stayed at Shirdi living on the food offerings, which came to Sri Sai Baba. He

would give them each a quarter of a rupee a day. In the evening the balladeers,

the storytellers, artists, dancers, acrobats would come to Baba and display

their skills. Sri Sai Baba used to give them two rupees each.

After all this was finished Tatya would bring rotis and milk for Baba’s repast.

Baba would eat sparingly from that and give the remainder to the devotees as

his prasad. He used to give 35 rupees to Tatya at that time. If it were the day

for Baba to sleep at Dwarkamai, all would take Baba’s blessings and udi and

would depart for their homes. Baba never permitted anyone except for

Mahalsapati and Tatya to sleep with him at the mosque.

Once there was a storm and a huge downpour of rain at Shirdi. As the mosque was

in a dilapidated condition the devotees pleaded with Baba to sleep in Chavadi.

They entreated him but Baba did not budge. Then a devotee called Narayan Teli

summoned up his courage and lifted Baba and carried him on his shoulders to

Chavadi disregarding Baba’s angry shouts. In this way Baba slept in Chavadi for

the night. From this day onwards he slept on alternate nights at Chavadi

Baba slept on the right portion of Chavadi, and some of the devotees slept on

the left portion as it had been separated with a railing. The Chavadi Festival

was conducted grandly on these days. Radhakrishna Ayi and Abdul Baba would

sprinkle water on the road from the mosque to Chavadi to prevent the dust from

rising. They would then decorate the entire distance with coloured powder in

various designs. Cloths would be placed on the ground for Baba to walk on as

befitting royalty. Then Tatya would come to the mosque to tell Baba to get

ready to go to Chavadi. Baba would however not move from his place. Tatya would

put his hands under Baba’s arms and lift him up to a standing position. As Baba

started, he would place a gold embroidered shawl around his shoulders. Tatya

walking on the left side and Mahalsapati on the right side of Baba would

accompany him to Chavadi. Baba would first stir and rearrange the

firewood of the dhuni with his right foot and extinguish the lamp with his right

hand and then start for Chavadi. Tatya would hold Baba’s left hand and

Mahalsapati would hold Baba’s right hand while walking him to Chavadi.

As Baba was getting ready to climb down the steps of the mosque Pilaji Gurve

would play the shehnai. The devotees would start singing bhajans. The horse

Shamkarna would be decorated beautifully and would lead the procession. The

palanquin with Sri Sai Baba’s padukas came next. The procession was lit with

glittering lamps of various colours and was a magnificent sight. On one side

the sound of musical instruments, on the other the bhajans by the devotees, and

on another the shouts of "All hail to Sai Maharaj" would reach the skies. The

devotees would throw flowers and coloured powder on Sai Maharaj as he stepped

majestically as befits a king of the universe. He would progress slowly along

in his awesome majesty and grandeur bestowing his kindly glance of grace. A

well-decorated ceremonial umbrella was held aloft by Jog. As Baba came to the

end of the mosque he would turn towards the Maruti temple and make some

mystical movements.

Chavadi would be well decorated with coloured lamps and mirrors to welcome Sri

Sai Baba. As Baba reached Chavadi, Tatya would go in first and place a seat for

Baba along with a plank for him to lean on and adorn him with a coat. Nana Saheb

Nimonkar would hold the ceremonial umbrella, which would be revolving

majestically. As Baba seated himself opposite the door, Jog would wash Baba’s

feet in a silver salver and applying sandal paste would offer betel leaf and

nut to him. The devotees would make obeisance to the lotus feet of Sai Maharaj.

Shama would make a chillim ready by this time and lighting it would offer it to

Baba. Sri Sai would take a few puffs and then hand it over to Mahalsapati.

Later it would make the rounds of all devotees. Kondya would make some betel

leaf and nut ready and offer them to Baba. Sai Maharaj would eat some and give

the remainder to the devotees. The

Sej arati would be performed at this time. After the completion of the arati the

devotees would all take leave of Sri Sai Baba and go home. Baba would permit all

to go home but would call Tatya and say, "Go if you must, but do come in the

night and see me." Tatya would agree to do so and take his leave.

Sri Sai Baba, who is the saviour of this world, may act as if he sleeps, as he

has to follow the rules of the nature regarding the bodily form he has assumed.

But his glance of kind compassion is ever upon us. He will keep his kindly eye

on us – his children, and always protect us.

--Suchitra Devi in Sai Padham

Arun Reddy Nukala


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