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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue 10-2005

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Third Year of Publication

Published as Bi-Weekly

Issue 10 / 2005


Please visit our Web site: http://www.saidarbar.org



















Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar – Hyderabad.

>From the Satsanghs of SaibanisaJi


1. While earning money, do not be lazy. Get the proper returns for the

work you have rendered.

2. Be away from the people having bad habits and evil thoughts.

3. Do not aspire for the extra martial life affairs.

4. Avoid abusing others.

5. Do not aspire for the desires which are beyond your reach.

6. Avoid over ambitious in life.

7. Think always that others know better than you and you are one step

below them.

8. Do not boast about you and your family members

9. Do not hurt the feelings of others.

10. Live in such a place where you will get good air, light to

maintain good health.


To be Continued……..



May 1913: waman Rao Patel (Swami Sharanandji) visited Shirdi again

and this time he stayed for eleven months.


May 1917: Lokmanya Bala Gangadhar Tilak arrived at Shridi with Dada

Saheb Khaparde for having Baba's dharshan.


May 1990: Foundation stone was laid for Sai Baba Bhaktha Niwas Sthan

in Shiridi.



"Rohan Bedi": rohanbedi

Fri, 22 Apr 2005 02:39:50 +0100 (BST)


Book: Spiritual Truths

Authors Name: Rohan Bedi

Publisher: iUniverse USA

Purchase amazon.com, bn.com (search on 'Rohan Bedi')

Awards: Hollywood Spiritual Film and Entertainment Festival 2004

finalist award

Web-page: www.saisansthan.com/SpiritualTruths.html

Price: USD 23.95




The author explains the different spiritual energies and their impact

on human personality and behavior by detailing the spiritual state of

knowledge. He believes that direct access to these spiritual energies

alters the human personality that leads to spiritual knowledge... a

level that is far superior to intellectual knowledge. He simplifies

and explains human relationships from the perspective of energies.

At the core of Spiritual Truths is the experience of the mystic in

which his Guru or spiritual guide plays a critical role. The author

explains how the mystic acquires spiritual knowledge through the

erosion of his negative propensities and their subsequent recreation.

Spiritual Truths draws from different religions and faith-healing

systems and is not about any one school of thought or philosophy.

The chapters `Spiritual Decision-Making' and `The Decision Hierarchy'

are helpful pointers for individuals as well as societies. They detail

an interesting and simple approach to the critical task of making


Spiritual Truths offers interesting spiritual insights to the task of

framing Social Policy. It also details an organizational model based

on spirituality that has as its main objectives, the maximization of

creativity and minimization of ego... a must read for management thinkers.

It ends with the most important treatise that `Without devotion,

spiritual knowledge is useless and cannot take you to God'.

This book is a fascinating journey for anyone, of any religious faith,

who wants to understand Spiritual Truths.

It promises to challenge you to think differently.


Please Note:

Those desirous of using this facility (Sai's Book World) to spread

the word about their books may send ONE new copy of the book to

Saidarbar, Post Box No. 33, ECIL P.O., Hyderabad - 500 062, with an

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Happy periods and bad times are common features in every body's life.

It is also quite common to think about god only in the hour of crisis.

Lord SAINATH has always been kind to be with me on all the occasions.

This is the third experience of SAI BANISA under the series. Every

devotee rarely forgets the first experience and I am no exception to

the rule. Prior to 1989, I did not know about this great saint. It was

during the months of January, February of 1989. One of my friends

presented me with a photograph of SAI and with due respects I got it

positioned in my drawing room. The light smile on the face of SAI

inspired me a lot and was instantly drawn to it and from then onwards



It was regular practice to visit the temples of Lord Anjaneya and

Goddess Pochamma on all Saturdays. Days were passing on and I have

decided to go to SHIRDI on advice from my friend Shri.Bhonsle. As

usual I started for my temple ritual with Rs.4/- in my pocket and

offered Rs.2/- to priest in Anjaneya temple. Rs.1/- to an old woman

outside the temple and Rs.1/- to Goddess Pochamma. On that particular

Saturday the elderly woman outside greeted me traditionally and I

promised to pay her normal due. On coming out I noticed another

stranger an old aged person in Khaki colored shorts and Shirt, White

Headgear Tin Pot and a Wand, stretching his arm for money. With a

pause I parted with the balance Rs.1/- and offered a plain visit to

the other temple. I left the place and could see the old man rubbing

the coin and gazing at me with a smile writ on his face. I was to set

out for my travel to SHIRDI on the same day afternoon. A passing

thought ran through my mind and perhaps it could be that SAI came in

the form of old man to receive dakshina from me. Immediately I rushed

to the temple again and he was not available there. I enquired from

the old woman. I was told that an aged person with a white dhoti,

white khafni, a tin pot and a wand was inquiring whether devotees to

this temple offer any alms to people like him. The lady it seems

promptly replied that I would offer her Rs.1/- and he too can ask for

it when I come outside. I was at loss to understand as to how he

appeared to me in a different dress than what the old lady has

described. The old lady must have been very fortunate to have his

grace though ignorantly was my feeling then. He immediately

disappeared from the scene.


To me it was SAI who took dakshina from me, with a typical smile

perhaps at my failure to recognize him in the first attempt. I ran

fanatically through all streets to locate him on my two wheeler but

could not trace him. I reached SHIRDI the next day morning (Sunday)

and gazed the marble statue of SHRI SAINATH with folded hands and

tearful eyes. Needless to say that my imagination ran to the old man

in khaki shorts and shirt. From then on he has always been with me

through thick and thin and extending constant and continued support.



To be Continued….





These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SAIBANISA

from our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that

this feature will help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled

from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS.


Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.


Dated: 09-03-1993.

Sri.Sai has shown me a nice visual. I saw some Saibandhus were leaving

Hyderabad and migrating to far off places. I was indecisive and could

not decide for either way. As a result I was growing restless and

impatient. An unknown person approached me and advised me – "Do not

attach any importance to my and mine (Self). The place and men amongst

whom you choose to live will be yours ". " Look at me I do not know

where from I came. All places are mine and I belong to all". I

realized that Sai in the form of an unknown person has passed on a

valuable reality to be practiced by one and all. Sri Sai Baba in the

fifth chapter accompanied Jauhar-Ali to Rahtha with out experiencing

any attachment (push and pulls) towards Shiridi. He mingled freely

with his accomplice as well as with the people of Rahtha. Sai's love

for all was on equal platform.


Practice selflessness with out any attachments.


Dated: 12-04-1993.


Yesterday night Sai was very angry with me and at the end gave a very

powerful message that I learnt to practice as a matter of routine. It

was reasonably a big Hotel. I along with a friend of mine have entered

the Hotel to have our dinner there. The owner resembled Sai in

features. We could not eat properly and wasted more than what we ate.

At that point of time, the owner has lost his cool and said to us with

anger – "you have taken very little food, I won't ask you to pay the

bill for the eatery, but, I will certainly ask you to pay the bill

towards the wasted food". He shouted on us with anger and asked to

shell down RS 1000/-. My good friend and myself were both dumb folded

and were standing as mere spectators in the whole drama going on

before our eyes. His tempers then cooled down and told us in low voice

that "Annam Para - Brahmah Swaroopam ". Food is God given and it

should not be wasted. Learn to offer the first morsel to God as a

measure of gratitude and thanks giving. I considered myself fortunate

enough to have seen both the qualities of anger and compassion in Sai.

My attention was then drawn to the contents from 24th and 38th Chapter

where in Baba advocated to treat Food - the main energy resource as

equivalent to God and always to take it after offering to the giver

i.e. God.


Food is divine and all our energies are drawn from it.


To be continued……




(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)

"Shashi": shashi_31

16. What is God? Who is God? How are we to see God?

When Nana Chandorkar asked Baba how to reach God, Baba explained: If

you act upon what I have said, you will attain SUDDHA CHATUSHTAYA.

Then Chandorkar asked what are they? Baba said the first is NITYA

ANITYA VASTUVIVEKA (i.e. discrimination between the real and the

unreal); the second is VAIRAGYA; the third is SAMA (i.e. preventing

the mind from going after the objects of the senses); the fourth is

DAMA (i.e. the withdrawal of the mind by controlling external

activities); then TITIKSH i.e. putting up with pain that results from

Prarabdha Karma; the sixth is UPARATI (i.e. looking upon wealth,

women, children etc as unreal); the seventh is SHRADDA (faith); next

is SAMADHANA in pleasure and in pain; SAMADHANA is MUMKSHATA i.e.

strong desire for MOKSHA.



Then Chandorkar asked Baba: What is SUDDA CHAITANYA? Baba explained-

SUDDA CHAITANYA is the origin, the essence, the foundation and the

permit of the Universe and also the end of it. SUDDA CHAITANYA exists

in every moment of your existence. There is no place without it, but

it has no form or name. It is just like the colourless air. SUDDA

CHAITANYA is Brahman. It is the original cause of all appearances,

perceptions and knowledge. It can be defined as SAT CHIT, as existence

and consciousness, Ananda or Bliss and Ekatva. All of you are not

distinct from it. On this Chandorkar questioned Baba- You said that

Brahman is Bliss. At the same time you say the same Brahman is

everything in this world. Then wherein there is no multiplicity but

also suffering. Then how can Bliss appear as the unreal? In case we

consider all of us as Brahman, there must be many Brahmans but not one

because we are so many. All of us must feel like that because our

bodies and souls are different.


Baba clarified this doubt by explaining- Red, black, white, blue,

yellow etc, are different colors. Add water to it. Is not water still

one and the same? You will see by separating the colors from water and

the result is that you get water in each case. Just like that Brahman

or Atman is one and the same. It is one and the same Atman that runs

thru all our hearts. Regarding pain and pleasure, these are NOT the

functions of the Atman, but only of our senses. To make the heart

perfect and pure, it is the function of the Atman. Baba further

explained- Chaitanya appears thru three gunas as PARAMARTICA SATYA,

VYAVAHARIKA SATYA and PRATIBHASHIKA SATYA. It is just like as one body

has three stages i.e. childhood, manhood and old age.


To be continued…..



>From Saidarbar files:

AUGUST 06, 1998

Sai Ram,

One day I was in deep trouble, I really do not know how to deal with

the situation and how to tackle it. I had only one and only Guruji it

is my SAI. I say Sai is my friend and direction. He wakes me up so

many times whenever I sleep. He is my dear guru. I am lucky to become

close to my Sai. I read a book on Sai, on some pages it suggests me

that offer some sugar to Sai for 40 days and give it to a sadhu. I was

successfully offered sugar and able to complete 40 days. I was in a

question that how to give it to a sadhu. There is no sadhu in my area.

I took it to my home. I arrived with that whatever I was offering to

Sai, in a pack on a morning. The same day I saw a person who looked

like a fakir wearing a turban and a stick in his hand shouting at the

door "SAI BABA". I was so surprised. I just took that pack of sugar

and offered to him. After three days, I was thinking how I was able to

make it to reach the offerings. Its amazing Sai came on his own to

collect my offerings. That is Sai. I love you Sai. Hey friends... You

see Sai. He is in your hearts. You call Him; He will come anywhere you

want. This is one small experience in my life. Sai has done many many

miracles in my life. He is Great Sadguru.



Venkateswaraswamy Swarna" swamysv & swamymain

4/24/2005 02:30:42 –0700


Sai Ram. Let us now take up the Spiritual Gems from the 15th Chapter

of that ocean of Spiritual knowledge, Sai Satcharitra. "Baba

permanently entrusted this function (Kirtan) to Dasganu permanently.

Now in this Chapter we shall describe the manner in which Dasganu was

performing the Kirtan."


Naradiya Kirtan-Paddhati

"Generally our Haridasas, while performing the Kirtan, wear a gala and

full dress. They put on a head-dress, either a pheta or a turban, a

long flowing coat with a shirt inside, an uparani (short dhotar) on

the shoulders and the usual long dhotar from the waist below." Sai

Ram. While there is nothing wrong in dressing up for any occasion

including the performance of a kirtan, Hari Katha etc., body

consciousness is to be avoided and Baba wanted to remove that body

consciousness in His favorite disciple, Dasganu.


"Dressed in this fashion for some Kirtan in the Shirdi village,

Dasganu once went to bow to Baba. Baba asked him - "Well, bridegroom!

Where are you going dressed so beautifully like this?" Sai Ram. See

how Baba is reminding Dasganu that beauty should not be external. The

kirtan should come straight from the heart and the various coverings

should not interfere with the kirtan. He was indirectly indicating to

Dasganu that he should discover his true self and see the Hari (Sai)

who is seated in his heart. He is also

indicating that Dasganu should offer himself in spiritual union with

the bride of pridelessness and lack of body consciousness which comes

in when the externalization of beauty and the habit of looking at

things with the normal eyes stops. Baba was also known for His subtle

humor and His charming way of addressing disciples in an endearing way

and also giving them hints at how they should mould themselves.

His addressing Dasganu as bridegroom should be seen in that light. Sai



"'For performing a Kirtan' was the reply. Then Baba said - "Why do you

want all this paraphernalia-coat, uparani and pheta etc, doff all that

before Me, why wear them on the body?" Sai Ram. It is not just the

external paraphernalia that Baba is asking Dasganu to

take off before Him. He was indicating that the layers of ego should

be shed before Him so that Dasganu can truly do the kirtan of Hari.

Sai Ram.


"Dasganu immediately took them off and placed them at the Baba's Feet.

>From that time Dasganu never wore these things while performing the

Kirtan. He was always bare from waist upwards; a pair of `chiplis' was

in his hand and a garland round his neck. This is

not in consonance with the practice generally followed by all the

Hardidasa, but this is the best and the purest method. The sage

Narada, from whom the Kirtan-Paddhati originated, wore nothing on his

trunk and head. He carried a 'veena' in his hand, and

wandered from place to place everywhere singing the glory of the Lord."


Sai Ram. Dasganu was truly blessed by Baba. He was lifted up to the

level of that great sage Narada and was given a Deeksha of simplicity

and purity. That is what Shri Hemadpant; another blessed devotee of

Sai was trying to indicate in a mystical way through the above story.

Sai Ram.

We will continue with the remaining stories in the coming weeks. Sai Ram.


Author, Editor, Proof-Reader and Book Reviewer



To be Continued…….




Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.

Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with

children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting

Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. Baba told before He

took His Maha Samadhi that He is Muralidhar and would like to play in

Booty Wada (Samadhi Mandir) with His devotees. So far you have enjoyed

Krishna Leelas. Baba has also established his identity with Lord Sri

Rama. Now I will take you through our epic Ramayan. Tell your parents

to read the Glory of Shirdi Sai – Bi-weekly E-magazine and narrate

Ramayan from this magazine.




Lakshmana met Rama on the way. Rama was running quickly towards to his

hut. Finding Rama unharmed and safe, Lakshmana was relieved. Seeing

Lakshmana coming Rama asked, "How come, you are here? Why did you

leave Sita alone at the hut? Why did you disobey me?". Then Lakshmana

told Rama of the painful cry and they had heard and how Sita had

adamantly sent him to help his brother. Rama Said, "Let's rush to the

hut immediately. I fear that some misfortune have already befallen

Sita." The two brothers hurriedly ran to the hut. At the entrance of

the hut a little far from the line Lakshmana had drawn, they found

some fruits scattered on the ground and a dish, and at once their

suspicion of some untoward incident grew. They ran into the hut but

found Sita missing. Rama called out her repeatedly but only silence

was the answer. The two brothers ran here and there in search of Sita,

but they could find Sita no where. When they were running in search of

Sita, suddenly they came across the wounded vulture king, Jatayu,

whose both the wings were cut off. The dying Jatayu told them that

Sita had been kidnapped by the demon king of Lanka, Ravana. He said,

"I tried my level best to save Sita from Ravana. I gave him a fierce

fight, but when he wounded me and cut off my wings, I became helpless

and fell down on the ground." Saying this the vulture king Jatayu

breathed his last.


Now, Rama was unsolacious. He missed his wife Sita. Sita who as a

dutiful wife had accompanied him to the forest and borne all the

hardships and sufferings of forest life only because her husband,

Rama, was by her side. Rama remembered and distressed himself at the

thought of her suffering at the hands of Ravana. Then he vowed not

only to kill Ravana but also to eliminate his entire clan from the

face of the earth. But the big question before him was to find Ravana.

Having performed last rites of Jatayu, Rama and Lakshmana resumed the

search. On their way they were caught by a demon, Kabandha, and when

the demon was about to eat them up, Rama and Lakshmana drew their

swords and cut down his long arms. Kabandha, who was cursed to lead a

life of demon until killed by Rama and Lakshmana, was happy to know

that they were Rama and Lakshmana. When Rama asked him to tell about

Ravana, he said that if they performed his funeral rites, he would

regain his original form, and then he would be able to tell something.

Rama and Lakshmana performed his funeral rites, and the demon regained

his original form of a handsome man. Then, Kabandha told them they

should befriend with Sugreeva, who lived on Rishyamuka Mountain near

the Pampa lake. "Sugreeva will help you in finding out Sita." Saying

these words Kabandha flew up in to sky.


To be Continued……



Sankaraiah Dubagunta" sainama


(Goddess Saptha Shringi)

A reference to goddess Saptha Shringi is found in Chap.30 of Sri Sai

Sat Charitamrutha. Her divine abode is located on a hillock near Vani

which is about 167 Km from Shirdi. The author of Sat Charita atressed

the importance of this chapter thus. "He who drinks pure nectar will

realize Sai's greatness and all pervasiveness." Shri Kakaji Vaidya,

the priest of the goddess lost peace of mind on account of worldly

problems. He wholeheartedly prayed to his Istha Devatha to show him

away for getting peace of mind. Having pleased with his service and

devotion the goddess appeared in his dream and directed "You go to

Baba and then your mind will become calm and composed." As he could

not identify "Baba" he thought over and came to the conclusion that

Baba might be Tryambakeshwar." He went to Trayambak for ten days stay.

His ten days puja and stay at Trayambak did not yield the required

result. He again prayed to the goddess on his return to Vani. She

again appeared in his dream vision and clarified "Why did you go to

Trayambakeshwar in vain? I mean by Baba - Shri Sai Samarth of Shirdi."

The general rule is that there is no difference between a Sant and

Anant (God). He who invites anybody for a visit also arranges

everything for his reception. Same happened in the case of Kakaji. He

was ready to leave from Shirdi but waiting for company. Let us go to

Shirdi for a while Shama an ardent devotee of Sai Baba had to go to

Vani and offer a pair of silver breasts to the goddess. One day an

astrologer came to Shirdi and gave accurate readings. Shama's brother

Bapaji also consulted the astrologer.

The unfulfillment of Shama's mother's two vows came to light after 30

years. Shama's mother took a vow to place him at the feet of the

goddess in case he recouped from ill health. After sometime his mother

suffered from ring worms on her breasts. At that time she vowed to

offer two silver breasts to Her if she got relief. She did get relief

from the ailment. When she was on her death bed she called Shama

narrated the event. He had totally forgotten. On hearing from his

brother's mouth, he ordered and rushed to Sainath with two silver

breasts. But Baba Sai wanted him to present to the goddess only. Shama

went to Vani and accidentally met Kakaji. After performing the rites

they came to Shirdi. On arrival Sri Kakaji fell at Baba's feet. His

eyes were bedewed with Ananda Bhasphas (tears of joy) and his mind

attained calmness. Mere Darshan and Sparsha (touch) of Sai brought

peace of mind.

Now beloved guru Bandhus, try to think over the following points - Why

goddess Saptha Shringi directed her pujari to Baba? Could she not give

peace of mind to her own pujari? Why the trip to Trayambakeswar was

useless? What is the significance of samarth? Once Sai in a mood

declared He was ganapathi, Mahalakshmi, Siva, Rama etc., Could he not

accept silver breasts and redeem Shama from the vows!!! A Saint only

can understand another Saint. Goddess knew who Sainath was. Perhaps

she wanted the world to know that Sai Samarth was Trayambakeswar in

flesh and blood through Her pujari. We know Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

was directed by Kali Matha to get Sanyas from Tetapuri. Similarly,

Namdev, a Vittal Bhakta was directed to go to Visobha, a realised

saint. After the visit Namdev who was limiting Lordpanduranga to a

particular form and place could see Him in a dog. Thus Shama who could

see goddess Saptha Shringi in Sai Baba could not see Sai Baba in

Saptha Shringi. Kakaji Vyadya was made to see Trayambakeswar and

Saptha Shringi in Sai baba. Let us remember matha Saptha Shringi's

words "Sai Samarth" and bow down before Him for giving peace of mind

to think of Him always.




Sarat Chandra siriki siriki_s

4/21/2005 06:48:39 –0700


I am very thankful to you for sending our E-magazine "The Glory of

Shirdi Sai". We are staying in Visakhapatnam. Please send me details

about saibaba. We are waiting for your reply and I am forwarding "The

Glory of Shirdi Sai" to my friends.

Sarat Chandra


"Neeraja": neerajalankar

Tue, 19 Apr 2005 09:16:41 -0700 (PDT)

Om Sai Ram!

The spiritual discourse on Ramayana by Saibanisa Uncle Ji is an

excellent gift to all of us for Rama navami. Looking forward for more

pearls of wisdom. May Sai Baba always shower His choicest blessings on

all of us!

Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai



"Charan yam" charanyam279

Mon, 18 Apr 2005 09:08:51 +0100 (BST)


We got through you the blessings of Lord Sri Ram and Sri Sai Ram on

this auspicious day of Sri Rama Navami. Me and my family wish you all

in the Sai Darbar team a very happy Sri Ram Navami

Renuka Mohan



4/30/2005 18:18:51 +0530

I have gone through http://www.saidarbar.org web site, thought I

would like to go through it again. It has given me much pleasure to

read about our Sai Lord.

May he bless each and everyone.




Please visit:



Visit http://www.angelfire.com/sd/SaidarbarCanberra/index.html for

SAIDARBAR - Canberra - Australia activities.

Visit http://www.viswasaidarbar.com for SAIDARBAR - London Activities.

Visit http://www.saidarbarusa.org for SAIDARBAR - Walling ford



"Saidarbar Chennai": saidarbarchennai

Thu, 21 Apr 2005 06:34:53 +0100 (BST)



>From 13th - 15th May 2005


Saidarbar Chennai WELCOMES SAIBANISA, Founder Member of Saidarbar

movement and cordially invites you, your family and friends for

Shirdi Sai Festival at Plot No. 28, Krishnan Koil Street, Thirunagar,

Valasarawalkam, Chennai 600 087.


Annababa Mandir Address : Aiswarya Garden, Baba Nagar, Poonamallee

High Road (Next to Pepsi),

Chennai 600 056 (ph:6496363) Thirunagar Address : Plot No 28,

Krishnan Koil Street, Thirunagar, Valasarawalkam, Chennai 600 087 (Ph:


Date Time Venue Program

May 13th 2005 6 To 7 PM Thirunagar Sai in Ramayanam by Saibanisaji

May 14th 2005 4 To 6 PM Thirunagar Shirdi Sai Bhajans

May 14th 2005 6 to 7 PM Thirunagar SAI's advice to Married Couple by


May 15th 2005 11 To 1 PM AnnaBaba Mandir SAI in Bhagavatham by


May 15th 2005 4 To 4.10 PM Thirunagar Ganesh Mantram

May 15th 2005 4:10 To 4:30 PM Thirunagar Sri Subramanya Bhujangam

May 15th 2005 4:30 To 5:00 PM Thirunagar Vishnu Sahasranamam

May 15th 2005 5:00 to 5:15 PM Thirunagar Shirdi Sai Ashtotra Namavali

May 15th 2005 5:15 to 5:30 PM Thirunagar Satcharitha Parayana

May 15th 2005 5:30 to 6 PM Thirunagar Prize Distribution

May 15th 2005 6:00 to 6:30 PM Thirunagar Evening Arathi

May 15th 2005 6:30 to 7:30 PM Thirunagar SAI in the lives of His

devotees by Saibanisaji

May 15th 2005 7:30 to 8:00 PM Thirunagar Mahaprasad

For Details Contact: veerasai or on phone


Chennai Saidarbar Team.

For further details contact: veerasai


"Ramesh and Anitha " kandra

Saidarbar Canberra

For Shirdi Sai Bhajans in Canberra please visit:



Shirdi Sai Baba technical

5/8/2005 14:30:24 -0000

Saidarbar Wallingford

Next Sai Darbar and Satsang on Saturday 14th May 2005

Dear Sai Bandhu,

Our next Sai Darbar and Satsang on Saturday the 14th May, 2005.

05:00pm - 05:30pm - Sai Nama japa 05:30pm - Satsang Prayer

For activities visit:



Shanthi Ramakrishnan :shanthi

5/9/2005 19:34:21 -0700

Activities of Sai Darbar Portland for the month of April 2005

Sai Ram

We had a wonderful session of our monthly Sai Darbar on April 9th

Saturday. We started the session with OM, Gayatri and Sai Gayatri

followed by Sai Ashtothram and sang a Ganesh Bhajan. Then we read 38th

& 39th chapters in Sai SatCharitra.

Sai Darbar was concluded with Aarti & prasad.




9 May 2005 18:56:54 -0000


FLUSHING, NY 11355 is in progress.

For further details please visit:


and contact :Phone: 718-321-9243 Email :info


Atlanta Sai Temple News" webmaster

Please note that from Monday, April 4th onwards the temple timings

will been changed as follows:

Mon, Tue, Wed - 5 PM to 9 PM

Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun - 12 Noon to 9 PM


"Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center": sai

Hamaresai-Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center.

For Further details Visit: Web Page: http://www.hamaresai.org/

Email: hamaresai


"Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW" USA: shirdisaidallas

Wed, 04 May 2005 21:36:14 -0000

The executive committee is pleased to announce the new temple timings.

Mon thru Fri - 5:15am to 6:00am, 12:00noon to 1:00pm, 6:00pm to 9:30pm

Sat - 5:15am to 6:00am, 10:am to 9:30pm

Sun - 10:00am to 8:30pm

Please email your questions, comments or suggestions about the web

site to: admin http://www.shirdisaidallas.org


"Om Sai Mandir" saisandesh

4/30/2005 22:47:44 -0400

Om Sai Mandir - Sai Sandesh May 2005 Issue.

Sai Sandesh can be read online at:




Mon, 25 Apr 2005 00:46:14 –0000

Dear Shirdi Sai devotees

This weeks' Shirdi Sai Baba Bhajans at the Prayer Hall in Cupertino,

CA. We would like to invite you and your family for these Bhajans.

This week we will

chant Sai Mahima.

For Further details visit: www.ShradhaSaburi.org





You can get your copy at http://www.ebeacon.indiainabook.com

Sai Sevak-Vijay Agarwal vijishvanya

Sai Ram! We welcome your valuable comments time to time. On behalf of

Saidarbar, We are grateful to Saisevak Vijay Agarwal, who has released

the Second edition of SAI A BEACON FOR HUMANITY, consisting of Baba's

Aaratis in Audio form

We will be happy to conduct Tele-Satsanghs to cities out side

Hyderabad and India on prior intimation. For further details please

contact saidarbar



Things impressed me from this Magazine:

"Annam Para - Brahmah Swaroopam ". Food is God given and it should not

be wasted. Learn to offer the first morsel to God as a measure of

gratitude and thanks giving. Food is divine and all our energies are

drawn from it.

Happy times and bad periods are the nature' s built in mechanisms to

strike a balance and prepare us to face all the situations with

equanimity and to make us to realize the importance of one over the

other relatively. That's why it is cautioned not to be overjoyed at

happy times and also not to be dejected in the events of crisis and

resort to God as HE only is the saviour.


Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place,

essays, articles and poetry on Sai to " The Glory of Shirdi Sai" -

they may be address their contributions to E-mail id:

saidarbar with a copy marked to webmaster


We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of

Shiridi Sai- the bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the

articles instructs, not to publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish

them as a matter of routine practice.


You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative

by submitting e-mail ID in the main page of http://www.saidarbar.org

also read the old issues from: http://www.saidarbar.org/glory.htm,

from www.saidakshina.com and from http://www.saidarbarusa.org


Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the

articles published.


This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only.


Submitted by Sai Sevak: Srinivasa Rao Kasturi



P.S. In case you do not like to receive "The Glory of Shiridi Sai ",

kindly reply UNSUBSCRIBE for our necessary action.

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