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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue 13-2005

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Third Year of Publication

Published as Bi-Weekly

Issue 13 / 2005


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Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar – Hyderabad.

>From the Satsanghs of Saibanisaji

31. At the end of the day, you should summarize your activities and

conduct. Question self whether you have behaved like an animal or a

human being. You should once for all decide not to repeat the bad again.


32. As a human being, in your day to day activities sometime or other,

you are bound to get angered, but it should be like a fire to a small

piece of paper.


33. If you say that he is my man and the other one is my opponent's

man that shows your mean mentality. Shun it.


34. When plants and animals are living in nature with the quality of

sacrifice, why not human beings?


35. You should be away from the persons who are ungrateful in nature,

the murderers of children and trouble creators in the society.


36. You should not be contended with education, penance and charities

alone in society. You should feel contended with your money, your

homely food and spouse.


37. In the birth and death cycle, there is no guarantee that you will

take the birth as a human being again. To be born again as a human

being which alone will give a chance to realize God, Always chant the

name of God and tread the right path.


38. If you want to maintain a contended life – you must develop an

attitude to help others, use the wisdom in your work and do not aspire

for ambitions that are beyond reach.


39. Unless you avoid unnecessary disputes in the society, aspiring

other's money and women, you can not travel in the spiritual path.


40. If you maintain a tree called BAD qualities it will give the

fruits such as sorrow, unhappiness and disease. So try to maintain a

tree called GOOD qualities which you will give fruits such as

pleasure, happiness and good health.

To be Continued……..



June 1991: All India Sai Samaj celebrated its Golden Jubilee at

Mylapore, Madras.


Ashada -1908 (Gurupoornima): Prompted by BABA, Dadha Kelkar and others

started the "GURU WORSHIP" in Shirdi.




Let us recall from Shri Sai Satcharitra as to how Sai blessed two

students and granted them success in their examinations. Babu

Tendulkar believed the predictions by astrologers and got

disheartened. He preferred not to write the examinations in Medicine.

Similarly Shevade who was also taking Law examinations were equally

graced and blessed by Baba to come out successfully in their tasks.

I would like to humbly submit my similar experiences. It dates back

to the month of October 1990 when I was set out to go for a

departmental promotion scheduled to be held in Madras (presently the

city of Chennai). As a matter of habit, I was nervous. On the dawn of

the day I was sitting on the lawns of the Guest House and going

through the ritual of reading the Sai Satcharitra. The day's chapter

turned out to be 45th one where in Kaka Sahib expresses doubt and Baba

answers to Anand Rao in vision "go now, fear not, feel no anxiety, and

you will attain your welfare". I could simultaneously hear a cuckoo

singing. I took it as a good omen and blessings from Sainath. I faced

the interview courageously and could come out successfully with flying

colors. Happily I returned back to Hyderabad.


Again during the same month of October 1997 I moved out to Bombay for

promotion to the next higher grade. I was relatively less qualified

compared to all others in the fray. Sai must bless me this time also,

otherwise it is simply impossible. After a shower in the morning, I

sat down for the normal parayana of Satcharitra. By strange

coincidence I was to read the same chapter i.e. 45th one. Repetition

of what is sited in the above lines - Kaka Sahib's doubt and Anand

Rao's vision - Baba's unfailing words of assurance. Of course this

time it was not cuckoo but a pigeon's call. I am once again blessed

and I leave it for any body to guess the outcome.


Repeat of 1990 in 1997 under identical situations and to be blessed on

both the occasions is humanly not possible but for the divine

intervention of Sainath. Recapture of these incidents rejuvenate my

faith in Shirdi Sai Baba. I am sure every one can undergo his / her

own experiences in his fold.


To be Continued….




Namdev was born in 1270 or 1269 AD into a family of tailors, though as

he grew he showed little interest in the family profession or in any

worldly affairs. As is sometimes common in rural India, he was married

as a child, at age 11. He eventually had four children. His marriage

was not a happy one, however, as his wife was worldly minded, often

belittling Namdev and his devotion to God, while Namdev, for his part,

did little to earn much needed income for the family.


Namdev came under the influence of the bhakti poet-saint Jnanadev, who

was several years his senior. Namdev became a wandering minstrel,

traveling through the countryside chanting and singing songs of

devotion. In his fifties, Namdev settled down again and a group of

devotees gathered around him. It was in the household of Namdev that

Janabai served as a maid, a revered poetess in her own right.


Namdev, like his mentor Jnanadev, was a devotee of the Vitthala cult.

Being a pastoral sect with a distinctive bhakti (devotional)

attititude, Vitthalas are often grouped under the umbrela of the

Krishna cults of Vaishnavite Hinduism. Many poets and saints in the

bhakhti traditions, including Namdev, are revered by the later Sikh

religion, as well.


To be Continued….




These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SAIBANISA

from our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that

this feature will help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled

from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS.


Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.


Dated: 19-08-1993.


I was in TIRUMALA-HILLS to have the darshan of Lord Venkateswara.

Annual Brahmothsavams were being conducted. Entire surroundings of the

temple were decorated with lights and the whole area wore a festive

look. I was dressed in full white and entered the Simhadwara to have a

glimpse of the main deity. Inside it was pitch dark and I was moving

ahead cautiously. A fellow devotee asked me to move forward careful,

as one has to struggle a lot to find God in darkness. If you take the

guidance from a Samardha Sadhguru, you can reach him relatively with

ease. I got up and with folded hands and prayed Lord Sainath to stand

by my side always and at all times.


Guided direction is necessary to seek the almighty.


Dated: 21-08-1993.


Before going to bed I prayed Sainath to tell me some thing more about

the spiritualism. The visuals were more than interesting to me. I saw

a person; perhaps Sai himself was switching a remote controlled

device. Lights started glowing in a serial order beginning with a

Temple, Mosque and finally in a Church. Through out the night, I was

watching the glow of those lights and by the dawn I reached the bank

of a river. I go for a swim in the river with all the happiness in me.

I proceeded further in the same direction. Finally, I enter the sea.

There were no tides and the water was more or less still and calm.

Peaceful environment prevailed over there. A stage has then come when

I was not swimming but I found myself floating on the water surface. I

got up from my sleep and felt extremely happy. I got the essence of

the message that all Religions are like rivers .You may swim or sail

in any one of them to ultimately reach the Sea i.e. God.


All prayers lead to the same almighty


Dated: 24-08-1993.


Tonight I asked Baba to define the qualities needed to qualify as a

true devotee of Sai. His replies were as follows:


1. The person should move freely and mix up with people drawn from all

walks of life, with out any inhibitions. He should have the

magnanimity to respect all Religions, food habits and traditions.


2. Never to hurt the feelings of others


3. He should show no hesitation to sit even by the side of a Leper and

have food in his company. Comfortably.


The qualities of a true Sai devotee.

To be continued…..



(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)

"Shashi": shashi_31

16. What is God? Who is God? How are we to see God?

d) Strive for Self-Realization

You must strive for SELF-REALISATION before trying to achieve

G0D-REALISATION. We must know how to get SELF-REALIZATION.

Sri Sai Baba always advices us to enquire into our own self thus – WHO

AM I? Generally, we understand this I as the body, constituted by the

Pancha Bhootas. But, in a subtle sense, one understands that this I as

not this mere body, which perishes, in due course, but, as that very

Atman, which enlivens consciousness, the Pranas, Manas, etc., and that

Atman which is Self-Effulgent.

Dehee nityam avadhyoyam dehe sarvasya Bharata

It means- `I' in everybody exists as the Sareeri (Soul – Atman) as

imperishable one. It is said here that Atman is not perishable, giving

the resultant truth, that the body is sure to perish.

Through the path of enquiry by gradual negation of the body, Indriyas,

Pranas and Budhhi, as is said in the Sastras, `Neti, Neti, Neti'. All

these viz. Body, Indriyas, Pranas, Buddhi, etc are perishable but not

`I', which is distinct and gives light to all of us and this `I' is

the Supreme in Nature. Atman is imperishable and ancient one. Our main

aim, to achieve GOD-REALISATION, has been called MOKSHA PARAYNAH. As

God pervades everywhere, all the time, all of us can attain Him. But

He is not quickly attained because we have not a firm resolve. As soon

as we have a firm resolve, God will be realized. In fact the aim we

have been bestowed upon is to attain God. When we realize this aim, we

become MOKSHA PARAYANAH, so that we may realize that our aim is

God-Realization. How can we attain perfection or God-Realization, if

we have not a firm aim to attain Him? The firm aim to get

God-Realization is realized thru the path of Meditation.


God-Realization is eximatic and is beyond the reach of the senses but

we are covered by the curtain of pleasures and thus we cannot realize

God. As soon as we renounce our affinity to the worldly pleasures, God

will be revealed. When we like a tortoise, which draws in its limbs

from all directions withdraw our senses from sense objects, our wisdom

becomes stable. If we have the least affinity for the senses, we

cannot get stable wisdom. The reason is that when the senses are

withdrawn from our-sense objects, we can realize the SELF substance.

Even if we cease our contact with the sense objects and do not enjoy

them, the taste for them still persists. When this taste also

disappears, our mind will be stabilized. Who ever follows the

spiritual path, but is not dispassionate, can restrain his body and

senses by thinking of the adverse consequences of senses, enjoyments

though his taste persists.


A striver has taste for his egoism Viz. 'I-ness'. This taste changes

itself into attachment. Therefore, a striver should have determination

and have no attachment or no desire. This sort of determination frees

him from relish and after realizing God, this relish disappears

completely. These turbulent senses, forcibly carry away the mind of,

even of a man who is practically, set to realize God. The reason for

this is, so long as the mind is yet to be permanently established in

God, the past influences of the enjoyment of pleasures attract the

senses and the mind towards pleasures forcibly. So we must never

believe our senses and should be always on our guard. Then only we can

get God-Realization. When we are free from egoism, individuality is

completely wiped out and then we will automatically be established in

God. Individuality persists only due to affinity with the world. With

renunciation of affinity, individuality completely goes. In the state

of eternal union with God, no individuality remains.


To be continued…..




6/08/2005 19:41:07 +0530

Om Sairam

Hello friends... I have a great experience from Lord Sairam ..the ever

merciful God who takes care of his devotees at all time. In the past

couple of weeks I was very tensed .the project on which my husband was

done with and it came as a surprise to us ...as it usually happens

with jobs in the US.I was very disturbed as I am not working and just

came to the US after marriage. I very determinedly prayed to Sai to

help us get thru a good job soon and did the Sai Satcharitra

parayanam. Normally a job search would take at least 1 to 2weeks

....and the week my husband came to know about the end of the project

was a long weekend with virtually no time for him to get an other job

immediately. But we had the blessing of Sai...it was very opportune

that he got a project opening in one of the old clients he worked with

and within a week he landed up in a good project ...this is all very

wonderful and show the all loving nature of our lord God Sai who is

always with us and taking us out of all difficult situations in life.

Thanks so much Baba ...we cant redeem your blessing unto us...



>From Saidarbar files:

SEPTEMBER 10, 1998

Shailaja Divakarla, Sydney, Australia

I had a wonderful experience yesterday of how Baba draws people to

Himself. I had offered a friend of mine to take her and her mother to

the Sai worship on Sunday (yesterday). On the previous day, I informed

her about it. However, later my daughter became sick and her fever

began to rise. I thought at night I would cancel the program the

following day and thought of ringing my friend the next morning to

tell her about the same. But in my heart I was not decided because my

friend has polio and she could not drive to the Mandir and in 5 days

she was leaving for a holiday in India. I wanted to wish her well

before she left and I felt seeing Baba in the Mandir would do her good.

The next morning, my daughter's fever subsided fully and she was

running around! So I decided to go. I picked them up and went. In the

worship, the last segment is the reading of one experience of any

devotees. Yesterday the story was about how a lady gave her friend who

had polio, a locket of Baba to wear and how the former lady

miraculously had got her leg cured, could jump and run, and had got

married!! It was so apt. It was like Baba saying that to my friend. My

friend and her mother were stunned. Later in the car, I felt the whole

story fitted exactly except the locket given to that lady. So I

immediately took the Baba's locket that my daughter wears and gave it

to my friend wishing her well in her trip. They were so pleased.



Venkateswaraswamy Swarna" swamysv & swamymain

6/11/2005 21:28:45 -0700

Sai Ram. Let us continue with the gems from the

Chapter 15.


"Now we close this Chapter, with a story of two little lizards. Once

Baba was sitting in the Dwarakamai. A devotee sat in front of Him,

when a lizard tick-ticked. Out of curiosity, the devotee asked Baba

whether this tick-ticking of the lizard signified anything; was it a

good sign or a bad omen?" Sai Ram. Curiosity is good in that it moves

one to seek and gain knowledge. And asking Sadhguru and getting one's

doubts cleared is the best way. Doubts come because of our sense of

duality, which in turn comes from the sense of separation, Ego.

Sadhguru Sai's contact is the best way of dissolving this ego and the

consequent sense of separation. Sai Ram.


"Baba said that the lizard was overjoyed as her sister from Aurangabad

was coming to see her. The devotee sat silent, not making out the

meaning of Baba's words." Sai Ram. Many times, Baba used to speak in

parables and devotees had difficulty in following the meaning of what

Baba said. So, when Baba spoke something directly also (like in this

case), the devotee did not know whether Baba was speaking

allegorically or directly. But one thing he should have remembered is

that Baba never spoke a falsehood. In this case too, what Baba spoke

came true since Baba was simply seeing into future and telling what is

going to happen.


"Immediately, a gentleman from Aurangabad came on horse-back to see

Baba. He wanted to proceed further, but his horse would not go, as it

was hungry and wanted grams. He took out a bag from his shoulders to

bring grams and dashed it on the ground to remove dirt. A lizard came

out there from and in the presence of all, climbed up the wall. Baba

asked the questioner devotee to mark her well. She at once went

strutting to her sister. Both sisters met each other after a long

time, kissed and embraced each other, whirled round and danced with

love! Where is Shirdi and where is Aurangabad? How should the man on

horse-back come there from Aurangabad with the lizard? And how should

Baba make the prophesy of the meeting of the two sisters? All this is

really very wonderful and proves the omniscience -- the all-knowing

nature of Baba." Sai Ram. What is wonderful is that we continue to

wonder at the powers of Baba since we keep forgetting that Baba was

One with God, Para Brahma. So, He keeps showing His oneness so that we

can remember. And the object of this exercise is that sooner or later,

we too realize our unity with the Para Brahma! Sai Ram.


Post Script


He who respectfully reads this Chapter or studies it daily, will get

all his miseries removed by the grace of the Sadhguru Sai Baba, Hence:

Bow to Shri Sai - Peace be to all. Sai Ram.

We shall take up the next chapter of Sai Satcharita in the days to

come. Sai Ram.


Author, Editor, Proof-Reader and Book Reviewer


To be Continued…….




Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.

Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with

children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting

Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. Baba told before He

took His Maha Samadhi that He is Muralidhar and would like to play in

Booty Wada (Samadhi Mandir) with His devotees. So far you have enjoyed

Krishna Leelas. Baba has also established his identity with Lord Sri

Rama. Now I will take you through our epic Ramayan. Tell your parents

to read the Glory of Shirdi Sai – Bi-weekly E-magazine and narrate

Ramayan from this magazine.




Ravana came to Sita. He sometime pleaded and sometime threatened her.

He told her that he wished to make her his chief consort. Sita was

angry at Ravana's attitude. She told him in no uncertain terms that by

abducting her he was hastening his own doom. She was sure that Rama

would find her and punish him for his evil deeds. Sita advised him to

return her to Rama and ask for his forgiveness for the evil deeds. The

raging Ravana warned her of dire consequences if she did not agree to

become his queen and went away. Hanuman saw all this and waited for

the appropriate time. As the demonesses fell asleep, he climbed down

the tree and presented himself to Sita and said, "Mother! I am Rama's

servant, Hanuman." Then, he gave Sita Rama's ring and said, "Take this

ring, mother, by this you will recognize me as the true servant of

Rama." Sita became so happy at the news of Rama's well being that

tears flowed from her eyes. She welcomed Hanuman and asked him many

questions regarding Rama and Lakshmana, and then she told him of her

sorrow and suffering. Hanuman assured her that her sorrow and

suffering was nearing its end.


Hungry Hanuman asked Sita to give some thing to eat. Sita had nothing

to given him so she permitted him to eat fruits from the trees in the

grove. Hanuman jumped from tree to tree and ate delicious fruits and

wasted and threw many. The noise awoke the guards, and they attacked

Hanuman who was destroying the beautiful garden, but found themselves

severely beaten by Hanuman. The terrified guards rushed to Ravana and

told him of the havoc caused by a monkey. When Ravana heard this he

became furious and sent soldiers under the command of his son Akshaya

Kumar to capture the monkey, but shortly he was told by some soldiers,

who ran back saving their life, that his son Akshaya Kumar and many

soldiers were killed by the monkey. Then Ravana's valiant son

Meghanadh, named Indrajeet after he defeated God Indra, was dispatched

to capture and bring the monkey. Meghanad, after a fierce fight, threw

a divine weapon of Lord Brahma at him, which Hanuman respected and let

himself he tied by the Brahma's noose. Meghanad dragged and presented

Hanuman before Ravana. Ravana asked Hanuman who he was and why he came

in Lanka. Hanuman told him about himself and his mission. He even

advised Ravana to return Sita to Rama and seek forgiveness. Then

Ravana looked at the fearless Hanuman who was advising him. He was

angered at his advice and ordered to kill Hanuman. But Vibhishana, who

had earlier met and befriended Hanuman knew his noble task he was

doing; so he dissuaded Ravana and advised that the emissary should not

be killed and advocated some other punishment short of death.

Thereupon Ravana ordered that Hanuman's tail to be set on fire.


Ravana's soldiers started to carry out Ravana's order. Hanuman grew

his tail longer and longer and his body took the gigantic size. When

Hanuman was paraded through the streets of Lanka with his tail on

fire, he suddenly broke loose throwing the soldiers holding him on the

ground and started jumping from one place to another setting the city

of gold on fire. The whole city caught fire and people ran about in

panic as the flame shot skyward. Excepting Ashokavatika and Vibhishana

palace the entire city was ablaze in a short while. Setting the whole

of Lanka on fire Hanuman dipped his tail into the ocean to put off the

fire. He reached, then, to Sita and sought her permission to return.

Sita gave a jewel to Hanuman and said, "Hanuman give this to your lord

Rama and acquaint him with my sufferings, and ask him to invade lanka,

kill Ravana and rescue me." Hanuman took the jewel, bowed with folded

hands and flew away. Hanuman reached his waiting companions and, then,

they together returned to Rama. Hanuman gave Sita's jewel to Rama, and

told him what he had seen, heard and done. Now, having received the

good news of Sita, Rama and Lakshmana speeded their preparations to

mount an assault on Lanka.

To be Continued……



Sankaraiah Dubagunta" sainama

Akhanda Sainama at Thangal Ashram


We generally go to holy places for getting peace of mind. If we get it

we say "It is a sacred place." As we have experienced Divine grace on

8-12-2K(Baba's Maha Samadhi Day) at Thangal Ashram I wish all devotees

to know about the place i.e., sacredness and importance. Sainath sent

us there for remembering Him, and also as part of 108 Sainama Japa

Yagnas proposed by us for world peace and prosperity.


This place is enroute to Thiruthani from Chittor (18 Kms) and 9 Kms

from Vallimalai in Vellore Dt. of Tamil nadu. It is here we find

'Jeeva Samadhi of Sri Sri Sri Mauna Guru Deva and Mahasamadhi of

Sadguru Sundarama Swamiji. Both Gurus are being worshipped

irrespective of caste, creed, sex and economic status. Both gurus had

Sakshatkar of Lord Venkateshwara. 9 feet high Panchaloha Murthi of

Venkateswara Perumal is presiding over the Ashram.


We found Marble Murthi of Sai Baba installed by the then Governer of

Tamil Nadu, Dr M Channa Reddy garu. We were further surprised to see

idols of Jesus Christ, Lord Buddha, replica of Macca and Madina. We

hear and read about universal religion here. Hats off to the Founders.

Mauna Guruji cured diseases through prayers and medicines. A tiger was

his constant companion. He took Jeeva Samadhi. Sri Sundara Rama Guruji

sacrificed health and wealth for the sake of suffering devotees. He

did Kumbhabhishek of more than 5000 temples and devotees called him

"Kumbhabhisheka Chakravarthy". Not only Sundara Rama Guru visited

Shirdi but took number of devotees to Shirdi.


The essence of their teaching centres round one sentence i.e.,

"possess but behave as if you do not possess". Though this is a simple

sentence but has deep meaning if we analyze.


Shri Sundara Rama Guru taught:


1. In all circumstances, we should try our best and leave the result

to the Almighty.


2. In all circumstances of difficulties try to be confident that God's

blessing is there to protect us.


3. All kinds of problems come across because of imbalance so let us

try to be perfect, calm and concentrate with utmost dedication at all

point of time and work.


We are happy one Mr. Mohan Raj of USA attended the program though he

was on a very short visit to India. If anyone likes further details

may contact the Managing Trustee, Mauna Guru Ashram, Thangal,

Vellore(Dt), Tamil Nadu-632514. Telephone(04172-57236)




D Sankaraiah.



"Ramchand Chugani": rgcjp

Sat, 18 Jun 2005 03:49:54 -0700 (PDT)


Respected Sai Brother Sai Ram and Greetings to you from Kobe Japan.

Congratulations for the wonderful seva you are doing for Shirdi Sai

Baba. May Sai bless you abundantly in your selfless work on Shirdi Sai

Baba and sharing His messages. I too have visited

Shirdi many years back with my family and received His blessings...


With Sai Love

Ram.Chugani Kobe, Japan


"Pritisha Mukherjee" preetz_here

Wed, 15 Jun 2005 14:24:09 +0100 (BST)


Thank you for your wonderful issue. I would like to narrate an

incident which happened to me a few days back. One evening I was going

to a nearby park to throw the stale flowers which we give to Bhagawan

while offering puja. We throw the flowers under a neem tree always.

While going to the park I was singing Baba's name. When I reached

under the tree, I found to my pleasant surprise a portrait of Baba

lying under the tree. It was a vey unusual photo. I picked it up and

thanking Baba for his mercy on me I brought it home with me. From that

day whenever I pray to Baba in that photo for something He blesses me.

One day I was very upset over nothing actually. At night I cried in

front of that photo and requested Baba to somehow tell me how he

actually looked since I had always seen him in photos. That very night

when I checked my e-mail I found that a friend had sent me the

original photo of Baba. What a pleasant way of Baba to offer me so

much joy and bless me in this manner. I would be very happy if you

could also pray for all my Sai Bandhus.

Pritisha Mukherjee.



6/17/2005 14:56:07 +0100

Dear Saibandhu,

I am really happy to join the Group. The news bulletin sent is really

wonderful as the same contains the various themes about the Great

Sainath of Shirdi.Pranams to Satguru Shirdi Sainath.





Please visit:




Author's Name: Sai Ananda

Publisher: Sri Sai Spiritual centre, 1st Block, Thygarajanagar,

Bangalore – 560 028- INDIA.

Web: www.ssscsaipadananda.org

Telephone: 6766922.

Price: Rs.50/-



The present book by `Sai Ananda' completes the trilogy of the author

on Baba. Having been a follower of Poojya Narasimha Swamiji, Poojya

Saipadananda Radhakrishna Swamiji and Poojya Narasimha Baba, `Sai

Ananda has been a silent Sadhak. While his first book focused on the

path of Dharma propounded by Baba, the second one highlights the role

of Sadguru. The present volume `The light of wisdom – Shirdi Sai Baba'

complements the Guru's role as a destroyer of darkness unto light.

Hardwork and a lot of patience have gone into the book. To serious

students of SAIISM, the present volume along with the two others

mentioned above is a must.


Please Note:

Those desirous of using this facility (Sai's Book World) to spread the

word about their books may send ONE new copy of the book to Saidarbar,

for details contact, webmaster

saidarbar saidarbar

Acknowledgement of receipt of books will be done by E-mail only.

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SAIDARBAR - Canberra - Australia activities.

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Visit http://www.saidarbarusa.org for SAIDARBAR - Walling ford



Saidarbar Chennai: saidarbarchennai

Wed, 15 Jun 2005 16:32:36 IST

Dear Saibandhus,

Baba conducted last month's Festival in a magnanimous way! We had the

privilege of having Founder member of www.saidarbar.org Saibanisa –

GopalaRao Ravada Garu for three days at Chennai Saidarbar. His

speeches were wonderful! The new topic "janma janmallo Sai"(Sai in

the lives of HIS devotees) had lot of insights about the

reincarnations and relationships.


This month Baba conducts satsang on June-18-2005, Saturday at Plot No.

28, Thirunagar, Valasarawalkam, Chennai 600 087. The event starts

with Ganesh Mantram followed by Sri Subramanya Bhujangam, Vishnu

Sahasranama Parayana, Dhup Arathi, Satcharitha Parayana, Sri Shirdi

Sai Baba Ashtotra Namavali,

Spirituality--A discussion, Shirdi Sai Bhajans ending with Mahaprasad.

All are Welcome!

Long Live the Ancient & Supreme One!

At the feet of Lord Shirdi Sai!

Chennai Saidarbar Team.


"Ramesh and Anitha" kandra

Saidarbar Canberra

For Shirdi Sai Bhajans in Canberra please visit:



Shirdi Sai Baba technical

6/19/2005 15:17:47 -0000

Next Satsang on Saturday 25th June 2005

Dear Sai Bandhu,

Our next Sai darbar and satsang will be held on Saturday the 25th

June, 2005.

05:00pm - 05:30pm - Sai Nama japa 05:30pm - Satsang Prayer starts

There will be another special satsang on Sunday 26th June at

Wallingford, PA. The members will receive a separate email with

satsang agenda and direction details shortly.

For activities of Saidarbar Wallingford

Please contact: technical


Shanthi Ramakrishnan: shanthi

5/22/2005 16:04:05 -0700

Sai Darbar Portland OR USA

For Activities of Sai Darbar Portland

Please contact: shanthi



13 Jun 2005 18:37:18 -0000


Dear Devotees,

as you are aware the temple construction is fast progressing. Under

the platform, where Baba will be installed, we propose to embed the

note books where devotees have written prayers like:

-Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai OR -Om SaiRam OR -Sri Ramajayam OR

-Om NamahShivaya OR -any such prayer on any deity.

If you have any such material please hand them in at the temple or

mail them so as to reach the temple by July 17th.


Atlanta Sai Temple News" webmaster

Sat, 21 May 2005 21:19:59 -0700

North America Shirdi Sai Temple of Atlanta


For more details please contact the Temple

700 James Burgess Road, Suwanee, GA 30024


"Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center": sai

Thu, 2 Jun 2005 05:11:49 -0700 (PDT)

Guru Poornima 2005 - Sai Utsav on July 23rd at BAPS (Swami Narayan)


With the grace and blessings of Sadguru Saibaba of Shirdi, Shirdi

Saibaba Prayer Center will be celebrating Sai Utsav, a day long

celebration, on occasion of Guru Poornima on 23rd July at Shri

Swaminarayan Mandir [bAPS], Brooklyn Center, MN. Please join the

celebrations and receive Sadguru Saibaba's blessings. The program

includes Traditional Artis, Sai Abhishek, Ganesh Homam, Sai Satya

Vrata, Palki Seva, and Sai Naam jap.

For Further details Visit: Web Page: http://www.hamaresai.org/

Email: hamaresai


"Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW" USA: shirdisaidallas

The executive committee is pleased to announce the new temple timings.

Mon thru Fri - 5:15am to 6:00am, 12:00noon to 1:00pm, 6:00pm to 9:30pm

Sat - 5:15am to 6:00am, 10:am to 9:30pm

Sun - 10:00am to 8:30pm

Please email your questions, comments or suggestions about the web

site to: admin http://www.shirdisaidallas.org


"Om Sai Mandir" saisandesh

Wed, 1 Jun 2005 22:03:40 -0400

SAI SANDESH June 2005 Issue

The online issue of Sai Sandesh is available at:




Tuesday, June 21, 2005 2:17:48 AM



Shirdi Sai Parivaar invites all to join us for Shirdi Sai GuruPoornima

celebrations on

July 24th (Sunday) - 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Venue: Presidential Ballroom

Sunnyvale Community Center

550 E Remington Drive,

Sunnyvale, CA 94088

For details please visit www.ShirdiSaiParivaar.org

Or send email to saibandhu






You can get your copy at http://www.ebeacon.indiainabook.com

Sai Sevak-Vijay Agarwal: vijishvanya

On behalf of Saidarbar, We are grateful to Saisevak Vijay Agarwal,

who has released the Second edition of SAI A BEACON FOR HUMANITY,

consisting of Baba's Aaratis in Audio form in the above E-book.


We will be happy to conduct Tele-Satsanghs to cities out side

Hyderabad and India on prior intimation. For further details please

contact saidarbar



Things impressed me from this Magazine:

At the end of the day, you should summarize your activities and

conduct. You should once for all decide not to repeat the bad again.

"Go now, fear not, feel no anxiety, and you will attain your welfare".

Repeat of 1990 in 1997 under identical situations and to be blessed on

both the occasions is humanly not possible but for the divine

intervention of Sainath. Recapture of these incidents rejuvenate my

faith in Shirdi Sai Baba. I am sure every one can undergo his/her own

experiences in his fold.


These turbulent senses, forcibly carry away the mind of, even of a man

who is practically, set to realize God. The reason for this is, so

long as the mind is yet to be permanently established in God, the past

influences of the enjoyment of pleasures attract the senses and the

mind towards pleasures forcibly. So we must never believe our senses

and should be always on our guard. Then only we can get God-Realization.


When we are free from egoism, individuality is completely wiped out

and then we will automatically be established in God. Individuality

persists only due to affinity with the world. With renunciation of

affinity, individuality completely goes. In the state of eternal union

with God, no individuality remains.


Under all circumstances, we should try our best and leave the result

to the Almighty.


At night I cried in front of that photo and requested Baba to somehow

tell me how he actually looked

That very night when I checked my e-mail I found that a friend had

sent me the original photo of Baba-Pritisha Mukharjee.



Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place,

essays, articles and poetry on Sai to " The Glory of Shirdi Sai" -

they may be address their contributions to E-mail id:

saidarbar with a copy marked to webmaster


We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of

Shiridi Sai- the bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the

articles instructs, not to publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish

them as a matter of routine practice.


You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative

by submitting e-mail ID in the main page of http://www.saidarbar.org

also read the old issues from: http://www.saidarbar.org/glory.htm,

from www.saidakshina.com and from http://www.saidarbarusa.org


Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the

articles published.


This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only.


Submitted by Sai Sevak: Srinivasa Rao Kasturi



P.S. In case you do not like to receive "The Glory of Shiridi Sai ",

kindly reply UNSUBSCRIBE for our necessary action.

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