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INVOCATION - by Sri B.S. Narayana Murthy

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Obeisance to Thee O Saint of Shirdi,

Conscious am I of Thy all - pervasive eye

Watching and guiding me

Wherever I go and whatever I do.


With this perception of Thy ceaseless vigil,

All my actions are moulded and directed

Towards attainment of the Eternal Bliss

Vouchsafed by Thee to Thy devotees.


I know not, elaborate rituals or prayers

Nor am I learned in the holy scriptures.

But with unswerving faith in Thy assurance

That Thou Care'st not for show of respect of forms,

I simply repeat 'SAI', 'SAI', SAI',

With ecstatic devotion, and seek refuge in Thee.


Although Thou has't attained Mahasamadhi,

Thy spiritual presence is manifest all the while

And a fervent call to Thee in humble devotion

Brings they Divine Presence to my side.

Relieving all my cares and woes

And blessing me with joy and peace.

O Great Baba, What more do I need

But to go on repeating Thy hallow'd Name?



by Sri B.S. Narayana Murthy

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