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There are innumerable leelas of Baba in the lives of our family members.

My son Aditya is a gift of Baba. When he was 16 months old in early 1964, he

toppled over the balcony railing from our first floor flat. We took him to

the doctor. After a thorough check up, the doctor declared that nothing had

happened to the child. To make sure we took the child to another doctor for

a thorough checkup. This doctor doubted whether the accident had really

occured! There was neither any external or internal injury. It may be

concluded from these facts that the merciful Baba virtually held the child

in His arms when he fell to the ground.

A similar incident occured after 20 years at the residence of a Sai devotee

Shri Praful B. Mehta, Bombay.


Shri Mehta's eldest daughter is Mita Mehta. Her son Aditya who was 15

months old in November, 1983. fell to the ground from their third floor

flat; from a height of over 30 feet. The child came with a thud on the

concrete flooring of the courtyard. He became unconscious but without signs

of a wound or bleeding. He was taken to Nanavati Hospital where he was

attended to after about 15 minutes. During this period, Shri Praful Mehta

placed Baba's ring on the forehead of the child and prayed for protection.

Immediately the child regained consciousness, the doctor detected a minor

fracture in his right leg. Plaster was not applied. Child was sent home

after 8 days of hospitalisation. The leg was kept bandaged with the support

of a steel rod. When I met Shri Praful Mehta at his residence, Aditya's

condition had become normal. My head bowed in reverence to our Lord and I

could not resist the temptation of talking to my son Aditya on phone.

These two incidents remind us that Baba is ever active for the protection of

devotees and their family members who surrender to Him.






(The experiences of Devotees as published in Shri Sai Leela Magazine, can be

read at www.saileelas.org/magazines/SAILEELA/exp.htm)

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