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Wishing you all a very healthy life ....

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THERAPY?1. Early morning, after you get up from bed, (without even brushing

your teeth) drink 1.50 litters of water i.e. 5 to 6 glasses. Let us all know

that ancient Indians termed this therapy as " USHA PAANA CHIKITSA ". You may

wash your face thereafter.2. Here it is very essential to note that nothing

else, neither drinks nor solid food of any sort should be taken within 1 hr.

before and after drinking these 1.5 litters of water.3. It is also to be

strictly observed that no alcoholic drinks shall be taken the previous night.4.

If required, boiled and filtered water may be used for this purpose. Is it

possible to drink 1.50 litters of water at one time? This is a BIG QUESTION? To

begin with, one may find it difficult to drink 1.50 litters ofwater at one time,

but one will get used to it gradually. Initially, while practicing you may drink

four glasses first and then the balance two

glasses after a gap of 2 minutes. Initially you may find the necessity to

urinate 2 - 3 times within an hour, but it will become normal after quite some

time.By research and experience, the following diseases are observed to be

cured with this therapy within the indicated days as below:Constipation --

1 dayAcidity -- 2 days.Diabetes -- 7 days.Cancer

-- 4 weeksPulmonary TB -- 3 monthsBP & Hypertension -- 4 weeksHere is the

list of diseases that can be cured by this water therapy:1.Head

Ache2.Urogenital diseases 3.Blood Pressure / Hypertension 4.Hyper

acidity5.Anemia ( Blood shortage)6.Gastro - entities 7.Rheumatism (Pain in

joints/muscles)8.Dysentery 9.General Paralysis 10.Rectal Piodapse11.Obesity

12.Constipation13.Arthritis 14.Hostorthobics15.Sinusitis 16.Diabetes

17.Tachycardia 18.Eye diseases 19.Giddiness20.Ophthalmic Hemorrhage &

Opthalmia| 21.Cough 22.(Reddish eye) 23.Asthma 24.Irregular Menstruation

25.Bronchitis 26.Leukemia 27.Pulmonary Tuberculosis 28.Uterus

Cancer29.Meningitis 30.Breast cancer 31.Kidney stones32.LaryngitisNOTE:It is

advised that persons suffering from Arthritis or Rheumatism should practice

this therapy thrice a day i.e. morning, mid day and night, 1 hour before

breakfast, lunch and dinner for one week and twice a day subsequently until the

disease disappears.HOW DOES PURE WATER ACT ?Consuming ordinary drinking water by

the right method purifies human body. It renders the colon more effective by

forming new fresh blood, known in medical terms as Haematopaises. That the

mucousal folds of the colon andintestines are activated

by this method, is an undisputed fact, just as the theory that new fresh blood

is produced by the mucousal fold. If the colon is cleansed then the nutrients

of the food taken several times a day will be absorbed and by the action of the

mucousal folds they are turned in to fresh blood. The blood is all-important in

curing ailments and restoring health and for this water should be consumed in a

regular pattern.LIFE IS SHORT & INVALUABLE, JUST GO FOR IT."Gurur Brahma Gurur

VishnuGurur Devoh Maheshwar;Gurur Shakshat ParambramhaTashmai Shri Gurur Veh

Namah"May the Merciful Sri Sai Baba always shower His grace on us and our

families and remove our problems and anxieties by giving us all - strength ,

goodluck, success and happiness with peace of mind.Sai bhakt,Deepa


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