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SAI KRIPA (December 1983) by K. Ramakrishna Sastri

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SAI KRIPA (December 1983)

Sai is ever loving and showers His blessings on His bhaktas and knows when

to fulfill their desires. When His grace falls on us our desires are

fulfilled effortlessly. But we should continue to put forth our efforts

and wait for His grace. Unless He desires we cannot have our wishes

fulfilled. If we have firm belief in Him, He takes it on Himself to do the

needful at the time He decides. Here is an incident in our life to prove



I am connected with the All India Sai Samaj, Mylapore, Madras for the last

four years and I visit the Sai temple there every year and pray for His

blessings. Shri Subba Rao garu of the Samaj encouraged me to visit Shirdi.

I had decided to do so. My trials for the last three years did not bear any

fruit. But with faith in Him I continued my efforts.


During April, 1982, when we were contemplating the marriage of my son, we

both decided to visit Shirdi. The marriage proposals came to a sudden

halt, as we had received a negative reply from the bride’s father. So we

wanted to avail of the holidays for our proposed ‘Shirdi yathra’. We went

to the railway station on the 18th April and we could easily get

accommodation by the Navajeevan Express on 5th May. We were preparing for

our journey. On 20th we got a letter from the bride’s father (Nellore)

expressing his sincere regrets for his previous letter and requesting us to

go over to Nellore to see the bride. As desired we went to Nellore on 27th

and everything could be settled within a matter of minutes. We told them

about our ‘Shirdi Yathra’. It was decided to have further talks after our

return from Shirdi.


Just two days before our departure we received a letter of 9 pages from Shri

T. Kesava Rao, President, A.I.S.S., Madras describing the various important

places of visit in and around Shirdi. He was kind enough to enclose with it

a letter of introduction to Shri Kakresaheb. This was in response to my

letter requesting him to guide us in our ‘Yathra’.


We started on the 5th May and reached Shirdi by 10.30 a.m. on the 6th (we

traveled upto Manmad for our reservation to Hyderabad by the Ajanta express.

Hence the delay) the Sansthan authorities were very helpful to us. See our

fortune we could get a room just in front of ‘Gurusthan’.


(to be contd....)


K. Ramakrishna Sastri

Tirupati (A.P.)




(The experiences of Devotees as published in Shri Sai Leela Magazine, can be

read at www.saileelas.org/magazines/SAILEELA/exp.htm)

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