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mso-bidi-font-family: 'Courier New'"> VIII 17TH OCTOBER, 1936. rao saheb

yeshwant janardan galwankar, B.A., Brahmin, Landholder and Superintendent, Home

department, Secretar­iat, Bombay, aged 51, living at Turner Road, Bandra (Bombay

20), says:

Arial"> I visited Sai Baba in 1911 first. I went because my father-in-law. Mr.

Dabholkar and other relations, went to Baba. I had heard of His saintliness but

was not very serious personally to benefit by the visit either temporally or

spiritu­ally. I went thus four or five times. But gradually my interest

increased. He appeared in my dream and asked for Rs. 2 dakshina. When I woke

up, I resolved to send it and I sent Rs. 2 M.O to Baba at Shirdi. In that

dream, He gave me two valuable directions, first,i.e., behave with probity and

integrity: secondly, be chaste, be sexually pure. I have followed these

directions with great care and zeal. Then on one occasion, it was perhaps 1917,

when I went to Shirdi, He placed His palm over my head

and that had a strange effect on me. I forgot myself and all surroundings and

passed into as ecstatic condition. Then, it seems, Baba was telling others

present (as I was told afterwards) that I was a soul characterized by integrity

and purity, that I went through certain forms, states and conditions in my

previous births (which He described), that He placed me in my present mother's

womb in this birth and that I had still retained my integrity and purity. I

went to Him during my Christmas or other vacations. He never made me overstay

my leave. I have full faith in Him. He has, however,

given me neither Adwaitic self-realisation nor any other teaching on ethical or

religious matters- except what I have stated already. I have, however, heard

Him say at one of my visits to Shirdi, i.e., I am not (confined) within this

body of 3 1/2 cubits- height, I am everywhere. See Me in every place." I

believe that all my studies are directed by Him, and I go on studying Gita,

Bhagavata, i.e., Eka-dashaskandha of Ekanath. But I was not directed by Him to

study them, in the way in which He directed Jog, H.S.Dixit, etc., I am sorry I

made so little use of Him, to get into contact with Him before He attained

Mahasamadhi. I was much younger and, therefore, not so serious-minded then as I

am now. I found also few among those who approached Him, fit enough to take to

self-realisation. Hardly any soared so high. Even up to other spiritual and

levels few soared.

Arial"> As for dakshinas, when I went to Him first, I started from my lodgings

to go to His Mosque. But on the way I recollected that He would ask for

dakshina. So I went back and took Rs.2, in order that I might pay it to Him.

When I was with Him at the Mosque, He asked me for dakshina. I paid Him the

Rs.2, and He did not ask me for more. I was glad to note His Antarjnana of my

intention and preparation to pay Him Rs.2, and His kindness in accepting that

amount. Baba has been kind to me. I am perfectly content to continue in the

state in which I am placed. (Some years back) In 1921. perhaps, I started with

my family to Prayag and Kashi. At Prayag, I was taken to all holy spots. At

Bharadwajashrama, my heart was touched and I prayed to Sai Baba to give me the

sight of some Saint. I had told my guide also, that besides seeing holy spots,

I was anxious to see holy Saints. Within a few minutes after we left

Bharadwaja's Ashram, the guide stopped our Tongas and pointed to a venerable

Saint, "Whose beard descending swept his aged breast." The guide stated that

rarely, once in some years or so, that Saint would visit

Prayag, that his Saintliness was widely known, that he would not allow people to

ap­proach him and that he would accept no money. Seeing him, so soon after my

prayer for the sight of a Saint, my heart was all aglow and I went near enough

to him, despite my guide's protests. The Saint far from being angry, welcomed

me with arms raised by way of blessing and said "Come, child." My wife, mother

and other ladies also approached despite my guide's objections. They too were

well received and blessed by him. Then I bethought myself what gifts I should

give. I had no flower, fruit or eatable with me. I found three annas in my

pocket and gave it to him. Much to the surprise of my guide and contrary to his

custom, he received the annas, looked at the coins with a pleased countenance

and pocketed them. I felt that it was Sai Baba that gave me this welcome and

accepted dakshina.

Arial"> Since I got ecstasy by Baba's blessing, I began to pay more attention to

Adhyatma, i.e., spiritual side of my exis­tence. Then came the second stage in

1932. I had a dream then. Baba came to me in that dream and asked me, "What do

you want?" I replied. "I want to get Prem,i.e., Love, that and that alone".

Baba blessed me with Prem and disap­peared. Ever since then, I have had spells

of Prem gushing through me - sometimes while I meditate, sometimes while I am

reading, etc.

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