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"M. Palaniswamy" saidarsn


Sai Darshan News letter - Swami Talks to you

Thu, 13 Dec 2001 18:27:20 +0530

Organization: Sai Darshan Infotech

Om Sri Sai Ram









What is the meaning of the word Ganapathi. 'Ga' stands for Buddhi (intellect)

'Na' stands for Jnana (Wisdom), which means 'Ganapathi' is the master of

intellect and wisdom. Acquisition of knowledge and wisdom amounts to worship of

Ganapathi. The name 'Ganapathi' is apt in the sense that He is a combination of

various forms of Anushakthi (Atomic power). Not only this, He is also the

Master of all Ganas and powers. He has another name 'Vinayaka', because He has

no master above Him. He is also called 'Vighneshwara', as He is the remover of

all the obstacles and the master of all forms of Wealth. As the same current is

responsible for the bulbs to glow, fans to rotate, and the machines to function;

similarly the same atomic power is responsible for various forms of energy, be

it heat, light, laser or magnetic. Water extinguishes fire, yet you find fire

in water, which is referred to as 'Badabaagni'. Forms may vary, but the power

is one and the same. Basing on this, Vedanta says "Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma" (

Brahman is all-pervasive), " Sarvam Vishnu mayam jagath" (the entire world is

pervaded by Vishnu). We should give up observing differences between

'Ganapathi', 'Vishnu', 'Shiva', 'Shakthi' and human beings. The Divinity is

uniform in all. Observing differences is only pravritti lakshana (external

trait) and not nivritti lakshana (inward trait). The inward trait refers to the

atomic energy, which moves about formlessly in everybody. To sustain this

external world, the atomic energy assumes many forms.

As long you are egoistic, you will not be liked by anybody including your wife

and children, though they may exhibit love externally for the sake of the

world. So long there is ego in you, you will never attain bliss. Therefore you

must kill the ego in the first instance. You will be miserable as long as there

is anger in you. The day you give up anger, you will experience happiness. So

long there are desires in you, you will never attain wealth and prosperity. The

day you give up desires, all forms of wealth will follow you. So long there is

greed in you, you will not find any happiness. Vinayaka is highly intelligent.

Many derive happiness seeing the form of Vinayaka. The form itself is wonderful

and mysterious with a fat belly, big trunk, attractive eyes and beautiful ears.

Why is Vinayaka is elephant-faced? Elephant is very intelligent. It has a huge

body, compared to other animals. Even the footprints of the mighty lion get

erased, when the elephant treads on them. No other animal can match the

intelligence of an elephant. Elephant also acts as a guide to mankind, in the

sense that it clears the way as it treads along in a dense forest. Similarly in

the forest of life, to clear the thorny bushes of pain, sorrow and suffering,

one should tread along the path shown by the intellect. 'Ganapathi' has the

elephant face as a symbol of high intelligence.

The principle of Ganapathi is not an ordinary one. It is the very manifestation

of various forms of energy and intelligence. The wisdom of Saraswathi is

contained within His belly. We will not have any obstacles, if we undertake any

task paying our first respects to Vinayaka. On Ganesh Chathurthi day students

keep their books in front of Ganesha and worship, so that they may be bestowed

with good intelligence.

The festival of Vighneshwara is not an ordinary one. All the faculties and

powers are latent in Vighneshwara. It is not enough if you pray to Ganapathi

only on Ganesh Chathurthi day, you have to pray everyday. We should think of

God every moment of our life. We should offer all our actions to God. For

example, you eat an apple. Are you eating for the satisfaction of the apple?

No. You are eating it for your own satisfaction. You go to Mandir wearing white

dress. You do not wear the dress for the satisfaction of the dress, you wear it

for your satisfaction. Likewise, whatever you do is for your own satisfaction

and not for its satisfaction. Whatever you do, do it for the love of God. You

will achieve success in everything, you will attain the state of bliss and

peace. Consider everything as Divine.

Develop your faith and see the same divinity existing in every living being.

Spread your love, which is the very essence of your divine nature and the

divine nature of all living beings. Look upon every person with compassion and

love. Unless you adopt this approach in your dealings with others, all your

spiritual exercises will just be a waste. Worshipping God while harming your

fellow human beings can never take you to your goal. The Gita teaches that man

himself is God, and that God is man. This unity of God and man has repeatedly

been emphasized in the Gita. "Only the one who treats all alike is a true human

being," Krishna proclaimed.

I have come to give you the key of the treasure of Bliss, to tell you how to tap

that spring, for you have forgotten the way to blessedness. If you waste this

chance of saving yourselves, it is just your fate. You have come to get from Me

tinsel and trash, the petty little cures and promotions, worldly joys and

comforts. Very few of you desire to get from Me the thing I have come to give

you viz Liberation itself, and even among these few, those who stick to the

path of spiritual discipline and ultimately succeed are a handful.

I am always aware of the future, the past as well as the present of every one of

you. So I am not so moved by mercy. Since I know the past, the background, the

reaction is different. It is your consequence of evil deliberately done in the

previous birth, and so I allow your suffering to continue, often modified by

some little compensation. I do not cause either joy or grief. You are the

designer of both these chains that bind you. I am Full of Bliss come and take

Bliss from Me, dwell on that Bliss and be full of Peace.

God cannot be gained through attachment to a falsehood. The body is a house

given to you for rent; the owner is God. Live there so long as He wills,

thanking Him and paying Him the rent of faith and devotion.

Symbolism of the Siva Form

The secret of Creation is evident from the description of the form of Siva. The

crescent moon on Sivas head symbolizes the consciousness in human beings, the

Ganga symbolizes the Life Force and the snakes on Sivas body represent the

myriad of living beings. He resides on a silver mountain. His dearest friend is

Kubera, the Lord of Wealth. Despite being endowed with all these, why was He

obliged to carry the begging bowl? To demonstrate to the world that every kind

of wealth is a hindrance to spiritual advancement, Siva renounced everything.

It is through renunciation Siva became the eternal embodiment of supreme bliss.


The Lord has another name. It is only when the love principle underlying this

name is rightly understood, the real form of the Cosmos can be recognized. That

name is Saambasiva. Saa means divinity. Amba refers to the cosmos. Siva means

the Supreme person (Purusha).

Attachment: (image/jpeg) Sai-on Sun Chariot.jpg [not stored]

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