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The SECOND discourse by Michael Goldstein. M.D., USA- PART - I

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The SECOND discourse by Michael Goldstein. M.D., USA- PART - I

Mon, 4 Feb 2002 17:47:32 +0530

Organization: Sai Darshan Infotech



For some time SatGuru has been in receipt of two discourses given by Dr. Michael

Goldstein in Spanish in South America. Sevaks of SatGuru now offer this

translation of the second discourse into English as an offering to you.



A discourse for members of the public, by Michael Goldstein. M.D., USA

Dear ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters of the family of humanity, Embodiments of Divinity,

Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting. We are here today to share our

spiritual adventure with you, our experience of love and unselfishness. Our

dream becomes reality, the bliss which arises when fear and egoism cease to


Today, we have nothing to sell, but everything to offer. We are offering that

which, to us, is most precious. As far as we can, we will share the

inspiration, which we have experienced in our interactions with Sathya Sai Baba

and his teachings. These meetings have given us a broad and extensive view of

life, a universal vision of reality and the knowledge and experience of

Divinity. We hope to share with you today this perspective, this reality, and

this spiritual introspection.

One unique aspect of this spiritual adventure is based on the fact that it is

happening right now. Sathya Sai Baba is teaching and demonstrating his

universal and spiritual message of love and service. His teachings and his work

are inspiring and elevating the lives of benevolent people, all over the world.

What we will speak of today, you can see for yourselves, you will know first

hand. This is very special and important; the great spiritual adventure is now

manifesting itself.

While our lungs are breathing, our hearts are beating and our minds are awake,

the great God-given opportunity of reaching our spiritual destination of these

human lives can be realized.

The presence, the teachings and the undertakings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

directly and indirectly influence each one of us. They teach us and show us that

the highest objectives, those furthest from our reach, the very highest goals

and noblest aspirations of man and woman can be achieved. In fact, these are

reality-- anything else, is pure delusion. Delusion is what has invaded us

since the beginning of time. It is delusion to believe that we are merely a

conglomeration of flesh and bones, instincts and sensations, thoughts and

emotions. It is delusion to think that we are limited to these individual

identities, to these weak human bodies, and to these variable and imperfect

minds. It is not like that, it is not like that, we are more than that, much


Sathya Sai Baba has taught us and demonstrated to us that humanity is unique in

the whole of God’s creation. We are capable of profoundly and intensively

turning within, and finding the divine source and selfsame essence of our lives.

Our spiritual heart, our interior voice, our conscience, is all names for our

true spiritual identity. The truth is that we are manifestations of God.

I have had the good fortune to travel to India some 80 times over the last 26

years to be in the presence of Bhagawan Sathya Sai Baba. My mother, my father,

my wife, my sons and their wives, and all my grandchildren have traveled to

India to be in His presence. All of them adore Him and their lives have been

spiritually elevated by Him. Four generations of my family have been His

devotees and have been inspired by His love and wisdom.

Sathya Sai Baba has given me a spark of His unconditional love and has allowed

me to understand in my heart that there is a divine purpose in human life.

Our goal, inspired by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, is to recognize the true

divine nature of human life. To the point that any one of us, who succeeds in

achieving this culmination of noble ideas and universal spiritual principles,

becomes a living example of love, goodwill and joyfulness, which inspires

everyone with whom he interacts to look within themselves and find their own

unconditional love, goodwill and joyfulness.

Many of you, will perhaps never more hear about Sathya Sai Baba, or never think

about him after this meeting. However, all of us will be influenced by the

unconditional love, which He generates, and the movement towards God that He

has initiated among the men and women of all nations. Goodwill and love know no

frontiers nor limitations. They cannot be contained nor restrained.

Prashanthi Nilayam means `the abode of supreme peace.’ It is the name of

the ashram of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, situated in southern India. It is a

true wonder of the world. That ashram is an oasis of apprenticeship and

spiritual elevation. It is to be found in the middle of India, there it is,

this place, which seems to defy the imagination. However, this oasis is real.

It is not a mirage. There are schools, from primary to university levels. There

are general hospitals and hospitals of advanced specialized surgery. There are

spaces and places for devotion, sleeping quarters for spiritual peregrines, and

other necessary infrastructures to receive the multitude of spiritual seekers

who meet to be in His Divine Presence. Still more important is that there

exists a serene atmosphere of reverence and love, amiability and compassion,

which is profoundly moving. This ashram, far from the city and civilization, is

truly a wonder of the world.

And in this unusual place, in this spiritual oasis, is Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai

Baba, defying reason, the pinnacle of the unexplainable.

The greatest storyteller of all times could never conceive a heaven such as

this, nor a being like Him. Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the prominent

master of the world, extraordinarily humanitarian, who elevates and transforms

individuals and institutions of society in a unique and monumental way. He is a

lamplight of wisdom and love, which shines through the tempestuous seas of the

egoism and the ignorance, which prevail today. He brings the greatly needed

illumination to this world of disharmony and chaos, which we have created by

our lack of common sense and goodwill.

The light of his wisdom and love re-unite people from everywhere, independent of

nationality, race or religion. Every benevolent person who yearns for truth is

attracted by the light of his wisdom and love. He has mentioned that his

mission is to light the lamp of love in the heart of humanity. My experience

has shown me, through many years, that the qualities of his love are purity and

unconditional, and the powers of his love are redemption and transformation.

His teachings are direct and compatible with the teaching of all the religions

of the world. He teaches us that every man and woman can recognize and realize

his true and highest self. He teaches us that Divinity is omnipresent, and that

the nature of Divinity is unconditional love. In fact, this is our true nature.

This unconditional love is accessible to all of us. We will achieve the

“awakening” awareness of it, within ourselves, when we cross the

threshold of our consciousness and our attention is focused on it and we follow

it; when we are permanently conscious, then we will be conscious of our innate

divinity. Finally, we experience unconditional love, a profound wisdom, and a

lasting happiness.

The humanitarian undertakings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba are astronomical

in magnitude and scope. Bhagawan Baba has established an educational system,

which covers Primary School to an accredited University, the Sri Sathya Sai

Institute of Superior Studies. The University offers pre-grade and advanced

studies including doctorate grades. The academic achievements of the students

are of the best in India. The outstanding facts, which distinguish this

educational system, are very important precedents:

The Sai educational system promotes goodwill and virtue equally in the student and in the teaching.

The education is totally free of charge for all students. The payment is not in

money, but in commitment to achieving nobility of character.

The education on all levels puts emphasis on that the result of education, the

development of nobility of character, goes side by side with the achievement of

skills and knowledge.

In this way, the educational institution is truly ennobled.

In July of this year, there was a conference in Prashanthi Nilayam called “Educare”.

The Prime Minister of India sent a telegram to Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba,

directed to all the delegates of the conference. The Honourable Vajpaye, Prime

Minister of India, telegrammed the following message:

“I am extremely pleased to know that there will be an international

convention of Sri Sathya Sai teachers in Prashanthi Nilayam in July 2001, on

the subject of “Educare”, meaning education based on human values.

It is another demonstration of the profound commitment of Bhagawan Sri Sathya

Sai Baba, for the good development of everybody, especially for our children,

who constitute the future of our nation and of humanity.

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s understanding of the art and science

of education has given Him the discernment to convert the educational programs

and texts into “holistic Educare”, which involves not only the

teachers, but also the parents. It also grants them great happiness, as well as

the responsibility for the development of the children’s potential. The 5

D’s, corresponding to Devotion, Discipline, Duty, Discrimination and

Determination will help not only the youth, but also all of us to live a life

full of meaning and happiness.

Truly, the philosophy and practice of “Educare” needs to be

integrated into the general education system of India for our national



I send my best wishes to all the participants for the success of the convention.


I hope that we can be capable of transmitting the knowledge and the love which

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba generates to all the children who are entrusted to





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