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The SECOND discourse by Michael Goldstein. M.D., USA- PART-III

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The SECOND discourse by Michael Goldstein. M.D., USA- PART - III

Mon, 4 Feb 2002 17:47:41 +0530

Organization: Sai Darshan Infotech

PART-III [Final]


For some time SatGuru has been in receipt of two discourses given by Dr. Michael

Goldstein in Spanish in South America. Sevaks of SatGuru now offer this

translation of the second discourse into English as an offering to you.



A discourse for members of the public, by Michael Goldstein. M.D., USA

In the context of our life, who is Sathya Sai Baba? Sathya Sai Baba, as other

Divine forms manifested before him, is not like us, living a small and solitary

drama, which is part of the great divine drama. Sathya Sai Baba is one with the

consciousness of humanity.

He is the mirror, which reflects our spiritual progress, and the rule, which

evaluates our stature. He is the mirror and the rule of humanity!

He is one with the author, the producer and director of this great divine film of life.

Sathya Sai Baba is an extraordinary man with abilities without precedents to

spiritually elevate the people, reform institutions, and even more, transform

society. He teaches us that the institutions of our society will be raised

until we recognize and realize our innate divinity. Social institutions were

not created to torment or persecute man, but to serve him and elevate him.

They cannot be manipulated by power nor by politics, but by unconditional love

and service to all humanity. Sathya Sai Baba teaches that we are not merely

minds and bodies acting and reacting to events, and to people around us through

the ego, desires and instinct. Instead, he teaches and shows us that we are

essentially divine. We learn that our conscience is our master and a reflection

of the divine spark, which shines in the heart of every man and woman.

Nature is our school and unconditional love our lesson.

Our personal identities, egos, desires, minds and bodies are evanescent,

although, our true essence, our true identity is eternal.

When we come to the end of our days, the divine spark within us will regress to

its origin, the conflagration of God.

Ladies and gentlemen, there is nothing to fear, or season for sadness. The bliss

and wisdom of Divinity is within us. It is always available. The Lord has always

been in us and we in Him. The Lord is no stranger to us. We do not search the

communion with Him. We only look for the reunion with Him, from whom we have

originated and to whom we return. That is spirituality.

Based on our faith in God, based on our comprehension of the divine teachings,

based on the understanding of ourselves, we must determine our own needs and

make the choices, which carry us to the realization of our divine inheritance.

Why put it to one side? It is inevitable and time is everything. That is


Ladies and gentlemen, sharing this vision of eternal truth with you, we will

understand ourselves better. Sharing our spiritual experience with you, we

reaffirm our own convictions. Sharing makes us happy and it enables us to grow

to the point that what we share is genuine and heartfelt, you too will be

happy. This sharing is Spirituality.

The doom and gloom of tragedy in the world shadows over us all like a gray

cloud, a storm omen. But the real human tragedy was revealed at the beginning

of civilization. The real human tragedy is that many of us live our lives

superficially, externally like machines. We react to people and events in a

reflexive way. We do not contemplate the spiritual significance of our lives,

or the supreme importance of time. As time passes, our body becomes weaker,

less agile and our minds become forgetful and less alert. Then, the opportunity

to see the eternal truth, to experience happiness and to contemplate the divine

purpose in our lives, which is: to covert ourselves into a superior being,


Time is everything!

When this day ends, when the years have passed, when finally the lights of our

lives flicker, may we know of plenitude, may we not repent. We should not have

to say:

I wanted to know the Lord, but I didn’t get to do so,

I wanted to follow the Lord, but I didn’t do so,

I wanted to love the Lord, but I didn’t do so,

I should have, I could have, I must have, but I didn’t.

May we not go to bed tonight, or any night having to say, I wanted to, but I didn’t.

No, better that we know That which resides in our hearts

That we follow That which sings a divine song in our soul

That we love That which is love itself.

Let us know Him now, let us follow Him now, let us love Him now and

consequently, let us live a good life, faithfully following a noble path and

enjoying the bliss of divine love.

My dear ladies and gentlemen.

The waves of mundane excitement and controversy crash and explode against the

rocks of the immutable truth. They assume their inharmonious and tumultuous

dare for an instant. Their lives are short, fugitive, and without form or

substance. They are frenetic, fleeting, and evaporate rapidly forever. The

timeless veracity and solidity of the rocks, with their magnificent structures,

sculptured by the artistic hand of divinity, remain impassive, and although they

are surrounded by the salty foam of the convulsed world, the rocks will remain


Hoisting the sails, let us embark on our crossing, driven by the winds of our

unconditional love and good deeds, to cross the dark sea of ignorance and

mundane delusion.

Knowing that when we arrive, the atomized spray of the salty foam of this

mundane convulsion will crash against the immutable rock of truth.

Let us allow our boat to be guided by the stars of courage and self-confidence,

in the galaxy of faith, in the universe of God’s creation.

Knowing that when we arrive, the atomized spray of salty foam of this mundane

convulsion will crash against the immutable rock of unconditional love.

In virtue of His grace, let us command these human lives, divinely conferred,

which are the ships which take us on this human crossing, may we be noble

correct and amorous.

Knowing that when we arrive, the atomized salty spray foam of this mundane

convulsion will crash against the rock of auto-realization and God


We pray to Thee, O’ Lord guide our ships towards You, O’ Lord!

I would like to conclude, by reading a brief excerpt from a letter, which Sathya

Sai Baba sent some time ago to his western devotees:

“My beloveds! Accept my love and blessings.

“The world today is imprisoned in a supreme moral and spiritual crisis.

People everywhere feel frustrated and helpless, and anxiously ask themselves

what will become of humanity. Meanwhile…science has broken the barriers

of time and space, has done little to promote better understanding between man

and man, and between nation and nation. There has never been such distrust,

hatred and violence, as that of which we are witnesses today, in almost every


“Men have forgotten their essential divine nature and have failed to

observe those basic human qualities which raise them above the level of


“In the incessant search of material acquisitions and of sensual

pleasures, they have forgotten that the real source of happiness and bliss is

the discovery of the soul, which lies in each one of them. “There exists,

however, encouraging signs that, in many countries, there are people who are

consciously following a spiritual path, as an answer to the crisis faced by

humanity. There is a spiritual hunger growing everywhere.

“Without the conquest of one’s own passions and desires, and without

the understanding of that Divinity which is immanent in every living thing, Man

cannot achieve inner peace and bliss or harmony with the outside world. The

message of “The Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man”

proclaimed by Jesus Christ more than 2000 years ago, should be taken as a

living faith for the achievement of real peace and the unity of humanity. The

unity of the whole of creation, affirmed by the prophets and sages must be

expressed in a transcendental love, which embraces everyone, independent of

creed, community and language.

“This is the message from Sathya Sai Baba to all of you. May you develop

this divine love and stand out as forerunners of a new era, free of egoism,

greed, hatred and violence. May each one of you be a light for yourselves and

hence, a light for others.

“With love, Baba”

Ladies and gentlemen, you have been an attentive and agreeable audience. We are

very happy and grateful to have shared these moments with you. May God bless


Jai Sai Ram


NB: Members of SatGuru may find the original Spanish and English translation in

HTML format in the FILES area of SaiDISC entitled <Public Discourse by Michael

Goldstein, M.D.>


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