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Spring and The Daffodil Principle

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"Sarah Edwards" <

Date:  Thu, 7 Feb 2002 06:06:16 -0000

I’m taken by the daffodils, this wonderful spectacle of daffodils.  It’s a bit

dreary on the Welsh borders in early February and everyone is waiting for the

daffodils.  In our town the daffodils are a spectacle also lining the river as

they do every year.  A bit more in the ordinary rather than out of the ordinary

as this story shares, but I’ll never be able to see the one without the other

coming to mind now.

I hope you don’t mind my repeating a section of a poem I usually put out for the

Birthday but this segment is more suited to now and a bit later at Easter if

daffodils are our focus.  Accompanying this, additional to the Name of the

Week, is a poem modeled on the meaning of the Suprabhatam to be found in the

beginning of the Kasturi book, ‘Garland of 108 Precious Gems’, which I'm

including here as Swami is just back in Puttaparthy and our thoughts will be

wandering there.


It was Good Friday, just before Easter in England.

It was unusually sunny all through

The yellow daffodils, yellow broom and yellow forsythia in full bloom

With magnolia and pear blossom.

SUPRABHATAM - Song of Spiritual Dawn

Awake Lord Awake

Awake O Son of Easwaramma

Dawn is breaking in the East

The day’s tasks await Your touch to make them pure


Awake Lord Awake

Awake in me so I may be

Aware of every moment dedicated to You

I’m nothing without You


My mind turns now to where You are come so I may see

My mind turns to Your form in Puttaparthi

Where You are building a model of how the Divine would have us be

Lord of Compassion awake in me

Awake Lord – Your splendour radiates over the entire world

If I’m thinking about this I can feel it

If I make myself chant this most beautiful of songs

I remember I must always jog into being this wakefulness

Awake Lord in me Awake

I can place myself with You in my mind

I can picture the valley full of peace

On the banks of the Chithravathi river

Awake Lord in my mind Awake

I can sense there are many anxious for Your Darshan, Your Presence

The radiance of the sunshine of this thought is spreading in me

Wake me into knowing I’m worthy too

Awake Lord in my longings Awake

I can hear singing in my mind so loud

The chanting and the happiness entrance my soul

For I hear the singing of Your Name in my heart

Awake Lord in my heart Awake

I can smell the fragrance of the flowers around Your feet

The colours, the beauty surround me inside

Can You feel the depth of my yearning – Awake

Awake Lord of my aspirations Awake

I can see now the learned are come to find solace

For their hungry minds

They recite the mantras with such diligence

Won’t You respond with Your omniscience – Awake

Awake Lord of my thoughts Awake

I hear stories and more stories all the time

And I can see everyone waiting for still more stories from You

Awake – we can’t have enough of Your Presence

Awake Lord of my being Awake

Will my heart ever look like a lotus to You

If I sing the holy hymns and hold flower garlands in my hands

Have I a chance of appealing to You

I’m told whoever recites this awakening hymn

Will attain the highest abode

This place it is said is always resplendent

As it is the home of supreme wisdom and intelligence

Divine teacher won’t You grant us all this is auspicious

As You recognise it

Bestower of wisdom, Lord of Puttaparthi too

My Lord, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Fill us with everything that is You

Translation in the book ....

O, son of Eawaramba! O, resplendent majestic One!  Dawn is breaking in the

East.  The daily tasks of Divinity, which you have undertaken, have to be

accomplished; therefore, Awake O Sathya Sai, Lord!

Awake, Awake, O Lord of Parthi (Puttaparthy) where He was manifested Himself and

from where His splendor radiates over the entire world, and of all mankind

(jagathee), Awake, O Lord of Compassion! So that the World may attain Fortune


In the vast mansion so full of peace (Prashanthi Nilayam) on the bank of the

Chitravathi river, those anxious to serve Thee are waiting for Thy Darshan. 

The radiance of the Sun is spreading, illumining the worlds. 

'Sri Sathya Sai Bhagawan Thava Suprabhatam' - O Sathya Sai Bhagawan, we pray for

a glorious Daybreak, blessed by Thy Wakefulness

Persons who are engaged in singing aloud Thy Name and who are happy when they do

so, because then they taste the nectar of devotion, have come.  May Thy benign

Darshan shower Thy Grace on them.  We pray for a glorious Daybreak, blessed by

Thy Wakefulness.

Bringing holy flowers with captivating colours and fragrance, for worshipping

Thy Feet in the form prescribed by the scriptures. Thy Devotees are coming in,

with great yearning and enthusiasm.  We pray for a glorious Daybreak blessed by

Thy Wakefulness

Learned persons from other countries, moved by the yearning to have Thy Darshan,

have come; they are having great delight in reciting constantly the mantras of

the Vedas to glorify You.  We pray for a glorious Daybreak, blessed by Thy


Hearing Thy marvelous Story and Thy Fame that has reached the farthest horizons,

earnest seekers of Reality have come to this place and are waiting.  We pray for

Glorious Daybreak, blessed by Thy Wakefulness

Women devotees in purity equal to Sita and Sathi (Parvati) and with hearts

opening out like lotuses, are singing Thy Glory though holy hymns, holding

excellent flower garlands in their hands.  We pray for a glorious Daybreak,

blessed by Thy Wakefulness.

Suprabhaathamidam punyam

Ye' pathanthi dine dine

The' visanthi param dhaama

Jnana vijnaana sobhithaah

Mangalam Gurudevaaya

Mangalam Jnaanadaayine

Mangalam Parthivaasaaya

Mangalam Sathya Saayine

Whoever daily recites this Wakening Hymn will attain the Highest Abode,

resplendent with the supreme Intelligence as well as the supreme Wisdom. May

the Divine Guru be auspicious to us; may the Bestower of Wisdom be auspicious

to us; may the Lord who manifested in Parthi be auspicious to us; may Bhagawan

Sri Sathya Sai Baba be auspicious to us.

Sai Ram, Sarah

Attachment: (image/jpeg) Swami looks to you.jpg [not stored]

Attachment: (image/jpeg) Birthday photo.jpg [not stored]

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