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Sai Darshan News letter - Swamis discourse on PEACE

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"M. Palaniswamy" saidarsn


Sai Darshan News letter - Swamis discourse extract

Thu, 4 Apr 2002 11:34:18 +0530

Organization: Sai Darshan Infotech

Om Sri Sai Ram


[Extracts compiled from Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's Discourses]

Shanti denotes the capacity to bear success and failure, joy and misery with

perfect equanimity. It is there deep down as the very core of our being. Only

thoughts of God and intense love for Him bring peace. As worldly thoughts

diminish, thoughts of God increase. Normally, the mind desires these worldly

things all the time. As the desires are cut out, the peace becomes stronger.

The external peace is a reflection of your internal peace; it is an echo. Peace

alone is eternal Truth. It has great power. It confers eternal bliss. It is

man's principal treasure. You may be of brilliant intellect, or a wealthy

person or a physically strong person, but all this is useless, if you do not

have peace. By absence of attachment, desire and egoism, you can achieve peace.

To gain peace is the only aim of life. Not name, fame and wealth. By leading a

life of contentment, one achieves peace.

Endurance with joyful resignation of the ups and downs of life is the royal road to

Peace. Everyone craves 'Sukha' and 'Shanthi'; but there is no one to instruct

Youth how to win them. The Ramayana and the Mahabharatha are reservoirs of

knowledge for the seekers of Peace. They are replete with examples and

precepts, which are inspiring and timely. By taking the teachings to heart,

Purity can be attained. The pure heart directed towards God and reflecting His

image is indeed Heaven, Vaikunta or Kailasa.

You must discover your identity; then only can you have peace. You are like a

man who has forgotten his name; his address and his mission in life. Realize it

and try to delve deep into yourself; so that you may know who you are. Then you

get security and peace. Sharpen your intellect for this purpose; and cleanse

your consciousness for this purpose through Satsang, Japa, Dhyana, Naamasmarana


Perfect peace means the type of peace derived as a result of the absence of

desire, anger, greed and hatred. Pace must be expressed in feeling, word,

posture and action; also in mind and the performance of duty - all in uniform

measure. Then peace becomes perfect, the highest and most stable type. Genuine

peace is won by control of senses. Pure love can emanate only from a heart

immersed in peace. The realization "Everything is God" then becomes natural to


Peace is another name for steadiness of the mind. Peace is a sacred virtue; it

is the embodiment of the Self. It is an ornament to man; the heart of the

selfless one is its abode. Accumulation of riches and power cannot endow peace.

Peace can come only from the fountain of peace within. How do you get Shanti

(inner peace)? By knowing that you are the Atma, which has no birth or death,

no joy or grief, no ups and no down. Faith in the fact that, man is an

instrument in His hands for the execution of His plan, is the key to genuine

peace. Only when God is the goal and guide can there be real peace. World peace

can be achieved only by people investigating their inner world, removing the

junk therein and setting evil urges at rest.

The foundation for real peace is, according to the Vedas, the quality of

Maithree. Maithree means amicability, friendship, compassion, and kindness. It

can also be taken to mean, "My Three" that is to say, my word, deed and thought

shall be in accordance with words, thought and deed; that is to say; we shall

speak, think and act together, without friction or faction, in an atmosphere of

love and understanding. That is what is wanted in the world today: My three.

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