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Swami explains - The Blitz Interview (September - 1976) with Late Karanjia - Part V (Concluding part)

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Swami explains - The Blitz Interview (September - 1976) with Late

Karanjia - Part V (Concluding part)

Sun, 9 Jun 2002 10:07:18 +0530

Om Sri Sai Ram

God Exists in Everybody

Baba: His questions contradict the very basis of Indian philosophy as well as

that of most religions. All our scriptures assert that God is present in

everyone. According to Vivekananda, "God is present in all." The only thing

that is manifest and common to the whole world and, in fact, governs and

directs the entire universe is divinity. Nothing else really exists except


Mine is no escapism but the fundamental and eternal truth. I say so not because

I am unsure of My own divinity. It is My confidence in its absolute and total

authenticity that makes Me affirm this fact. It is the scientists who are so

unsure of themselves that they indulge in escapist theories.

For example, they say that the moon is lifeless. Simultaneously, they maintain

that all matter consists of moving atoms. Now isn't the moon also a

conglomerate of the same moving atoms? Then how can it be lifeless? There is no

matter, which does not consist of atoms, electrons, neutrons, and protons, which

are also constantly moving. This energy, too, is God.

So also there is no human being in whom there is no divinity. To say there is no

God in man is like saying that there is no atom in the moon or any large lump of

matter. The omnipresence of God has been described in our ancient texts as: "ano

baniyammahatoo maniyam" (God is a small particle in the smallest of particles

and a large mass in the largest of masses). In this context, how can one say

that God is not in man?

No Preference for Wealth and Power

Q: Another pertinent issue raised by your critics is that you show a preference

for wealthy and powerful people as opposed to the poor and week in the matter

of divine gifts, miracle cures and individual Darshan. Is this true? If so,


Baba: This is wrong. I never see or make any distinction between the rich and

the poor. I only look at them from the viewpoint of their devotion, their

desires, the sacrifice they are willing to make and their troubles. You were

here this morning and saw hundreds of people, a few rich, the majority poor.

Did you find Me making any distinction? All those I brought with Me to this

room were poor and weak, sick or troubled.

In My view, those who appear to the world as wealthy or powerful persons really

bring to Me their troubled hearts and sick minds. I cure them by asking them to

surrender material wealth and power to spiritual peace and grace.

Q: From what Baba has hitherto said, it appears that your mission is to enable

mankind to rediscover and incarnate its lost godliness. Am I right?

Baba: You are right. When man turns inward to realize his true self, then God

will become manifest to him. Self-realization is God-realization. In simple

words, it is the realization that you are not just a body and mind with

physical organs, but there is within you a self - the Atma that is God -

distinct from these perishable things. This self is omnipotent, omnipresent and

omniscient. The comprehension of this truth puts you on the correct path to


Terror of Nuclear War

Q: So your objective can be summed up as a brotherhood of humanity to be

achieved through the doctrine of love?

Baba: Yes, what else can save the world from thermonuclear fires? Everything

points to the terror of conflagration coming; and My mission is to preempt the

fires by reestablishing dharma and the spiritual law of one God, one religion,

one language embracing one humanity.

I preach only one religion of love for all, which alone can integrate the human

race into a brotherhood of man under the fatherhood of God. I know only one

language of the heart beyond the mind or the intellect which relates man to man

and mankind to God, thereby creating mutual understanding, cooperation and

community life in peace and harmony. On this basis I want to build one humanity

without any religious, caste or other barriers in a universal empire of love

which would enable My devotees to feel the whole world as their family.

Q: Well said, Baba -- but wouldn't this dharma with its Hindu orientation

conflict with the established religions?

Baba: No, it will not do anything of the kind because My objective is the

establishment of sanathana dharma, which believes in one God as propitiated by

the founders of all religions. So none has to give up his religion or deity,

but through them worship the one God in all. I have come not to disturb or

destroy but to confirm and vindicate everyone in his own faith.

Dharmic Way to Peace

Q: But how will that prevent a nuclear holocaust?

Baba: By removing all causes, sources, barriers and provocations of class,

caste, creed, color and race, and replacing the existing hate and violence with

love and non-violence. I expect to provide humanity with an evangel of peaceful

cooperation to replace the present escalation to death by co-destruction.

R.K. Karanjia: Thank you, Swamiji. I am all the more grateful to you because I

really did not expect you to answer the whole long list of my questions.


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