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Messages from Shirdi - December 2002

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Baba Said....

"He who sees Me in all these creatures, is My beloved. So abandon the serve of

duality and distinction, and serve Me, as you did today".

"Remember Him (Sai Baba) always with love, for He was engrossed in doing good to

all, and always abided in His self".

"To remember Him only is to solve the riddle of life and death. This is the best

and easiest of Sadhanas as it involves no expenditure".

"All other Gods are illusory; Guru is the only God".

Human v/s Divine LoveHuman love and Divine love are two completely different

things. In human love it is a matter of Give and Take. Divine love is

sacrifice, and in this sacrifice, we are fulfilling Baba's Will, consciously or

unconsciously. In human love, we display the buyer's and the seller's love,

which is synonymous with self-interest. It is not that human beings cannot

express divine love. They can and sometimes do. But consistent divine love is,

at present, rare in us.When our love is vital, there is a conscious demand, or

at least an unconscious expectation from the love we offer to others. When our

love is pure or spiritual, there is no demand, no expectation. There is only

the sweetest feeling of spontaneous oneness with the human being or beings

concerned.Therefore it is absolutely necessary, to prevent oneself from giving

off impure vital love. Otherwise one will have to constantly wrestle with the

gigantic forces of ignorance. One has to use love, not to bind or possess the

world, but to free and widen one's own consciousness and the consciousness of

the world. We can consciously give pure love to others if we feel that we are

giving a portion of our life-breath when we talk to others or think of others.

And this life-breath we are offering just because we feel that we and the rest

of the world are totally and inseparably one.

SufferingIn this world, we are always consciously or unconsciously making

mistakes. When we consciously make mistakes, we are quite aware of it. But

unfortunately, we do not realize how many things we are doing wrong

unconsciously. These unconscious mistakes manifest themselves in the physical

world, and the results come to us as suffering. In the case of ordinary,

unaspiring human beings, after tremendous suffering, sincerity dawns and the

soul leads them to knowledge and wisdom. If people who repeatedly make mistakes

have sincere aspiration and want to know why they are suffering, then the soul's

Light comes to the fore and tells them. If we are spiritual people, consciously

we will try not to do anything wrong, but unconsciously we do many things

wrong. We can prevent unconscious mistakes only through our aspiration, prayer

and meditation. If we aspire, then Baba's grace and compassion protect us.It is

not necessary to go through suffering before we enter into the kingdom of

delight. Many people have realized Baba through love. The Father has love for

the child and the child has love for the Father. This love takes us to our

goal. Baba's philosophy emphasizes the positive way of approaching Truth. We

have limited light. Let us increase it. Let us progress from more Light to

abundant Light to infinite Light.

Guru - Disciple RelationshipIn reality this relationship commences when a

disciple contacts the Guru for his materialistic problems and later this

culminates into a spiritual relationship. The Guru element is a formless

element before which a disciple makes complete surrender and because of this,

initiation by the Guru is considered the first basic requirement of the

spiritual aspirant. Learning in absence of a Guru is impractical. Systematic

learning is possible only through a Guru. On receiving initiation, the

Guru-disciple relationship is established and this leads to success in life. In

life, Guru may exist in many forms as father, brother, master or servant. In

Gita, Lord Krishna says, "You can consider me as a father, brother or husband

which implies that I shall bestow my grace in accordance with your views and

feelings". Some people seek initiation from Guru for their selfish interests,

for getting cured from diseases or just for fun sake whereas there are some

people who sincerely desire to attain totality and the Guru fulfils their

wishes according to the feelings they have for their Guru. It is absolutely

true that the Guru-disciple relationship is very deep. When strong links get

established between the souls of disciple and Guru, their inner consciences get

merged together. In such a situation, credit of pious deeds of the Guru gets

transferred to the disciple and all the accumulated sins of the disciple gets

transferred to the Guru. Consequently on this account the Guru has to pay in

terms of difficulties and pains for the misdeeds and sins of the disciples. It

is because of this fact that a Guru initiates a limited number of disciples so

that the Guru's sufferings on account of the disciple's sins are minimized.

Baba and His GraceBaba is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. He has various

kinds of power, but His greatest adamantine power is His grace. The moment Baba

uses His grace for an individual, He offers His very Life-Breath to the seeker,

for Baba and His grace cannot be separated. Whenever we think of Baba, if we

feel that it is through His grace that we are approaching Him, then we can be

most successful in receiving Him.The divine grace is constantly descending upon

us. Those who are sincerely aspiring are conscious of this divine grace, but

those who are not aspiring are keeping their heart's door permanently closed.

If we feel Baba's grace, then we shall see that His infinite qualities, peace,

Light and bliss, are already in the process of entering us, ceaselessly flowing

in and through us and becoming part and parcel of our inner and outer life. We

have only to follow the flow of grace to carry us into the Source which is the


*****Question :  When will I merge with my beloved Baba??  Will it happen in

this birth? If not then how many more births will I have to take? How long will

I have to bear this separation? 

Answer : Deliverance from Kama, Krodh, Lobh, Moh, Dwesha is possible only with Baba’s grace.

Read Shri Sai Satcharitra. It answers most of the questions. Baba is in the

subtlest form - an energy form universally spread. Over many lives of evolution

one can himself achieve the state of body-less energy, that is merging in Him.

It may take a long period of evolution. Without the mercy of Sadguru it is not

possible to control vice and passion in any form. Continue to pray to Him. 

Question :  Will Sai Baba travel to talk to me?

Answer :He does not have to travel. Love Him so much, that He will come out of

your heart as a feeling and experience. God is always realized in one’s heart. 

Question :  Some times I get tears when I think of Baba. I don’t know the reason for that.

Answer : Baba sends love waves to His children all the time. This happens with

thousands of people. These are tears of strength not weakness. Keep loving

Baba. He will grow in you.

Question :  I am very much drawn to Sai Baba, and I consider myself His devotee,

but I have trouble keeping Him in mind throughout the day. I would like Him to

be constantly present in my mind and heart. Does this come by His grace only?

Answer : Your thought process is noble and correct. Don’t worry at all if you

can’t keep Him in mind constantly because you have to do other things also

where mind has to be applied. Baba is aware of your problem. Do as much as you

can. Gradually things will improve.


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