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Conversation of the Divine - Final part

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Conversation of the Divine sent by Sai Sister Ushaji.


Bharadhwaaj Ramaswamy

                                      Afternoon (Women and Men)

1. Question on diet: Swami, can you tell us about using white sugar in food items?

Swami: It is better to use bellam (jaggery) compared to white sugar. It is even

better not to use any sugar.

Diet control and exercise are very important.

Green leafy vegetables are good. Roots (like potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc) are

bad, so avoid them as much as possible. Too much liquid items (especially

rasam) are not good. When rice is mixed with too much rasam, the carbohydrates

are rapidly absorbed and raise blood sugar levels.

Dried foods are better. Steamed foods are better than boiled foods.

2. Swami, how do we cross maya?

Swami: Very simple, there is no maya. Anything that dies or is perishable has no

maya. The only existence is Sat.

Keep mind clear with good thoughts.

Sat Chit Ananda

Sat – purity, permanent - POSITIVE

Chit – Jeevatma - NEGATIVE

Ananda Co-existing of positive and negative

Sugar (Sat) + Water (Chit) = Syrup (Ananda)

Sat – that (beyond senses – positive)

Chit – this

Together, only ONE

Negative: Without energy

Positive: With energy (not allergy)

Ladies better at practicing this – they are practical. Gents are better at giving platform speeches.

Worldy thoughts – negative

Anandam – Positive (no form) – Immortality

Similarly Bliss, Sadness, Peace, etc, have no form

Removal of immoral thoughts (like anger, ego, jealousy – negative thoughts) leads to Immortality.

Do Namasamarana all the time

Haste makes Waste and this leads to Worry

3. How to let go of attachments?

Swami: How are you binding to them? Same way, you let them go. Imagine a cloth –

First there is cotton. Then the cotton is made into thread and finally cloth is

made of bundle of threads. Remove each thread and at the end there is no cloth.

You are not one person but three: the one you think you are; the one others

think you are; the one you really are.

Less luggage, more comfort, therefore more pleasure.

With desire = Attachment; Without desire = Detachment

Marriage is a mirage. It is a form of bondage: First you have two legs, you get

married and now there are 4 legs; then you have a child and now there are 6

legs and so on. Bondage is attachment.

4. Swami, there is too much work in America. We don’t have time to do a lot of other things.

Swami: You have too much work because you want too much money. Don’t compare

countries. You work for money and there has to be balance. Money comes and goes

but morality comes and grows.

5. Swami, how does one balance service at home and service to society.

Swami: Good question. It is very important to have the right balance. First you

have knowledge, then there is skill and finally balance. Skill is the most

important in the achievement of balance. The knowledge acquired need to be

"skilled" not "killed". By talking, the knowledge gets "killed" and the energy

dissipated. Take away ‘s’ from skill and you get ‘kill’ and this leads to

imbalance. Everything is ‘skill’ including love.

6. How do we deal with wrong thoughts?

Swami: By discrimination. Everything is good in this world. If you think it is

wrong, then kill that thought.

7. Should we be chanting Gayathri Mantra or Sai Gayathri?

Swami: Names differ but all are same.

8. Does Gayathri Manthra cure illnesses?

Swami: Yes, if it is said the right way. Both men and women have equal rights.

Swami demonstrated the Gayathri mantra: Bhur (body) Bhuvah (mind) Swaha (atmic

force). Savithri , Saraswati, Gayahtri

9. Does a human come back as a lower species after death?

Swami: Human birth and rebirth: Rebirth is always as a human though the level

may be different. Human birth is the last physical birth.

10. If everything is predestined, what role are we playing as humans?

Swami: This is a question of free will.

Free will – only Divinity gives. There is no ‘free will’ for humans.

Past is gone. Future is unknown. Limited free will for present – only moment on hand.

11. Is it wrong to have any desires even if it is good such as longing for

Swami?Swami: It is good to have ‘good desires’ but bad to have ‘wrong desires’.

There are many desires – that for Divinity is most important.

Human life is the most superior creation.

12. Swami, our fear is we may not achieve everything (reach our goals) in this life time.

Swami: Just worry about the present. This is not ordinary present. This is ‘Omnipresent’.

Every action has a reaction. A good action has good result. Results are

different types – some are immediate, some are quick (months to years) and some

are long (lifetimes).

13. Why does it take different periods on one’s life time to come to Swami?

Swami: It is ‘prapti’. Physical closeness does not guarantee anything.

14. Why do we do bad when we know that it is bad?

Swami: Discrimination – Take time before you act. Don’t haste.

Don’t think too much. It is not good.

15. How do we overcome fear of death?

Swami: Weakling. Too much desire leads to fear of death. Once there is birth,

there is already death. So don’t worry about death. The atma is eternal.

Where there is illusion (brama), there is no brahma.

16. Swami, what happens after death?

Swami: Only body dies. Atma never dies. It is omnipresent.

17. Swami, it is easier to practice your teachings in Puttarparthi than in London.

Swami: Imagine a clay pot filled with water and it is suspended in air. With

time, some of the water in the pot evaporates and the amount of water is

decreased. However, if you immerse the same pot of water in water itself, the

water level in the pot will remain the same.

Bhakti is like the pot – surrounding "Divine power".

"Sat Sangam" = good company. It is important to be in the midst of good company

always. Do good actions. Leave bad company behind.

18. How do we know if we are doing enough?

Swami: Do you duty to the fullest "Dharmam". Just do your part.

Duty without desires = source (Divine)

Duty with desires = Force (Military)

19. Swami, how do we get our children more spiritually involved – involved in things we are doing?

Swami: You need to set a good example. Children are constantly watching what the

elders are doing. You do one bad thing and you tell the child not to the same

thing. You have to set an example yourself by practicing. For instance if a

father tells his son to stop smoking, than he himself smokes the son will ask

why are you smoking and do bad himself.

Do it! Be it!

Kids have a pure heart – they don’t have any dosham (bad qualities).

20. Swami, there is so much hatred and jealousy in this world. When will it end?

Swami: When all realize the divine in them and in others. Today, love is

conditioned. It should be unconditional love.

21. Are inter-religious marriages okay?

Swami: Yes. But cultures may be different.

22. How can we serve our patients best without getting upset or other things

come in the way of how we treat them?

Swami: It is your duty to serve every patient without any desires. Don’t

separate ‘my patient, your patient’. Have Divine attachment.

23. Swami, for whatever reason, we are already abroad and working here. Is it bad to stay there?

Swami: No, it is not bad to stay there. Continue to do good things.

24. Swami, can you comment on joint replacements and cloning.

Swami: Joint replacement is okay.

Transplants are bad, especially heart transplantation.

Heart is a bundle of desires – not natural.

Heart transplant is not good as the emotions are in the heart and transmitted

from donor to recipient. Doctors often brag about advance of heart transplant

and success. When ask how many days pt lived, they say two or three.

Are blood transfusions okay?

Swami: Some emotions even get transmitted with transfusion but on a much lesser

level and these are okay.

If a part or tissue needs to be replaced it is okay but duplication an entire

being is Gods job. Atma is Art

25. How does one develop pure bhakthi?

Swami: By having pure thoughts.

26. Swami, why are Avatars only in India and not elsewhere?

Swami: Imagine a train with an engine and several compartments. Bharat is chosen

by the avatars as it is the engine and all other countries are the compartments.

It is so, because Bharat has saints, yogis, jogis and bhaktas praying for the

advent of the avatars through japa, dhyana, yagna and pooja. The fire in the

engine is the ‘yagna’.

27. Why is ‘omkara’ done 21 times?

Swami: Odd number is auspicious and number 21 is very auspicious. It can also be 3, 6, 9, 12.

28. Swami, some siddapurushas and the temple brahmins feel and say that the

"Gayatri Japam or Mantra" should not be chanted by the ordinary women or

females but  only by certain "classified females".

Swami: Why Not? Gayatri is mother! Anybody can chant Gayatri Mantra.

Is the power equal Swami?

Swami: Yes

29. Swami, doing Punya Karmas in Bhoga bhoomi like the western world is bereft

of positive results for the welfare of the world or universe, like the Yagnaas,

charities and service, Poojas in the existing temples etc.,."

Swami: The land that is treaded by the piety and the pious acts by the piety

will definitely yield good results.

Does the land gets it's purity from the pious people and not vice versa?

Swami: Yes

30. Swami, what can we do in the Sai work?

Swami: "Love all, Serve all". Then he showed his abhaya hastam, and said " Your

hands are full and have nothing, this hand is empty and has EVERYTHING".

It has the highest spiritual meaning of advaitic philosophy.

31. Do we need to do meditation? Mind wanders during meditation.

Swami: Every single moment should be meditation. Everything is a meditation –

including work. People cannot sit for long periods and concentrate to do

meditation. Life is a meditation.

It is important to grow spiritually and not just do namasmarana. Love all. Love

whatever you do (not materialistic).

Practice pure love. These days, love is ‘dirty’ (dirt).

32. Swami, we have only two families in our center. Is this okay?

Swami: With centers, it is quality that is more important not quantity.

33. What is the meaning of the Bhagawad Gita? Is it the 5th Veda?

Swami: It is the practical application of all 4 Vedas. It starts with ‘dharma’

and ends with mama. So the Gita is mamadharma (right way of life)

34. How do we know we are doing our duty?

Swami: Duty is an English word. Dharma is important

35. What is the difference between duty and dharma?

Swami: A person being transferred from office to office packs up his belongings

and goes, he does his duty.

But when a person leaves his home for another, he packs everything until the

last item. This is dharma

36. How do we do nishkamakarma?

Swami: Selfless service is nishkamakarma. Service without return - that is what

you are doing. You have come all the way from U.S.A. to do service here.

37. Is Radionic treatment good?

Swami: Yes.

38. Mental cleansing Baba, how to do it?

Swami: You have to concentrate on your thoughts as soon as they arise. Thought

control leads to mind control, control of the senses.

39. Swami! Please bless my center.

Swami : I am blessing your center and all the centers.

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