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CHINESE NEW YEAR (LUNAR YEAR) - Swami's messages

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NOTE: Today [5-2-2003] is Chinese New Year Day. We take pleasure in posting this

message of brother Deepak Bharwani on an appropriate date on the appropriate

occasion and wish everybody Good Luck and happiness.

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"Deepak Arjandas Bharwani"



"Today (5 February 1998), You celebrate the New Year of Lunar Year (calendar).

The year is described as Samvatsara in Sanskrit. This term is also one of the

names of God. Hence, the advent of the New Year should be hailed as the advent

of the Divine. Without recognising this divine significance of the New Year,

there is no purpose in celebrating it with lavish decorations and sumptuous

feasts. It is not the feast that is important. It is the ideal that is to be

pursued which is important." Sai Baba, SS, 2/98, p. 32

Origin of the Word "China"

"Today (13 February 1997) the Chinese are observing their National New Year Day

here (Prashanthi Nilayam). What is the origin of the word China? It is derived

from the two words 'Chung' and 'Kuo'. 'Chung' means the human heart. 'Kuo'

refers to the country. The word 'China' therefore means that 'My heart is my

country'. This concept is applicable to all countries and all religions. For

instance, Bharata, it is derived from the two words 'Bhaa' meaning 'effulgence'

and 'Rata' meaning 'to rejoice'. The heart is the source of effulgence.

Bharatiya is one who rejoices in the effulgence emanating from the heart. Every

man is attracted to the heart. God is not confined to any particular place. His

real abode is heart." Sai Baba, SS, 3/97, p. 60

The Chinese Tradition

"The Chinese have esteemed the heart as their native land. The heart is subject

to troubles and difficulties. From ancient times- and to some extent even

today- the Chinese have observed one ritual every morning before beginning

their day's chores. They declare, 'Difficulties are our friends. Let us invite

them.' The Chinese have looked upon difficulties as their true friends. They

have recognized that without trouble no good can be realised. They used

to-start the day's work with this thought before them. The Chinese also

realised that true happiness comes from the satisfaction of a task well done.

In Bharat (India) also there is a dictum 'UddhrethAatmanaa-aatmaanam' (Raise

the Self by the Self.') What is it that can raise the self? It is our own good

conduct. Our good conduct is not for elevating the country, but for elevating

ourselves. A whetstone is used for sharpening a knife, not for making the

whetstone smoother. Likewise, in this world, your good conduct improves you

and, as a result, the world." Sai Baba, SS, 3/97, p. 60

The Cult of Hard Work

"There is a proverb in China: 'The most delicious food is that which is got by

hard labour.' What is got by arduous effort is relished with joy. One who

enjoys his food without having laboured for it is an idler. In China everyone

works hard to earn his living. This cult of hard work should activate every

human being. Unfortunately this is forgotten today." Sai Baba, SS, 3/97, p. 60

China and India

"In different countries, peoples of the world observe their respective

festivals. Today (13 February 1997) is considered as the beginning of their New

Year by the Chinese. There is no difference between Bharat and China with regard

to the calendar. The Chinese have dates, which represent the apparent northward

and southward movement of the sun (Uttarayana and Daakshinaayana). In Bharat,

we have lunar and solar months. In China also, there is such a two-fold

division. In Bharat, in some parts of the country, the beginning of Uttarayana

marks the commencement of the New Year. They base their calendar on the lunar

cycle (Chandra-maasa). In China, they have a lunar and a solar year. In the

Bharatiya view, there is an intimate connection between the moon and the mind

and between the sun and the eye." Sai Baba, SS, 3/97, pp. 65 &; 66

"From very ancient times, there have been close relations between China and

Bharat. A short while ago, a speaker mentioned how in the Chinese pantheon,

there were deities corresponding to the deities worshipped in Bharat like

Lakshmi, Bhoodevi, Kubera and others.

Similarly a common saying currently in China regarding government regulations is

applicable to the situation in Bharat. Comparing government regulations to a

net, the Chinese used to say that very small fish escape through the holes in

the net, while the very big break through it. Only the middle-sized fish get

caught in it. In Bharat also, it is fact that the lowest among the people are

unaffected by government regulations. The very rich and powerful drive a coach

and force through them. It is only the middle class that suffers the most from

these regulations." Sai Baba, SS, 3/97, p. 61

Gift For Sai Baba on Chinese New Year

"You have presented many things as 'gifts' to Bhagawan (Sai Sathya Baba). This

Tiger Map' is one of them. That is not the gift I want. Hand over to me your

'tigerly qualities'. That is the gift I would like. The tiger is cruel animal.

Rid yourself of all cruel feelings and offer them to Me. Lead the life of a

useful, harmless, sacred cow. It gives nourishing milk in return for cheap

grass." Sai Baba, SS, 2/98, p. 33

Sai Benediction on Chinese New Year

"Embodiments of Love! You have come here from long distances, undergoing many

discomforts. Return with joy with the people in your places in an unselfish

spirit. A life of selfless love will lead you to liberation." Sai Baba, SS,

2/98, p. 33

Advice to Devotees Gathered on the Chinese New Year

"Devotees have gathered here (Prashanthi Nilayam) from Malaysia, Singapore, Hong

Kong, Indonesia, Taiwan and Japan. You may have come with many problems and

worries. Leave all of them here (Prashanthi Nilayam) and return to your places

with your hearts filled with bliss. Leave all your bad thoughts and feelings

and fill yourselves with peace and joy of Prashanthi Nilayam. Coming here with

restless minds, you should not go back in the same state. Prashanthi (Supreme

Peace) is very valuable for man. Today peace is not to be found anywhere in the

world. Peace is to be found only here. Carry it with you. This is hallowed by

the vibrations of numerous good devotees. Many noble souls have spent their

lives here. Fill your hearts with their noble thoughts. Do not bother about

what others say. Develop self-confidence and self-realization through

self-sacrifice. Ignore incidental troubles, which are like passing clouds.

Think about God alone. There is nothing more vital than that. Try to acquire

Divine Love. Love is God. Live in Love. The best way to love God is to love

all, serve all. Foster love. Adhere to truth. Follow righteousness. Achieve

peace. This is the special benediction of Swami on this day on all. Wherever

you may go, speak softly and sweetly. Thereby you will earn the esteem of

society. This is the most valuable reward you have to secure this New Year."

Sai Baba. SS, 2/98, p. 33

Sai Baba's Message on the Chinese New Year

"Embodiment of love! There is no need to celebrate the New Year. Every second is

the beginning of a New Year. People celebrate year after year New Year days, but

there is no change in their lives. The body grows from year to year but life

span is ebbing away at the same time. People should be concerned about this.

Time is most precious. God is the Over-Lord of Time. Time wasted is life

wasted. Never waste time, because lost time is beyond recall. Today you are

celebrating the (Chinese) New Year instead of thinking about God, who presides

over the passage of years. God is the basis of all that exists. Rely on God

rather on things which are dependent on God." Sai Baba, SS, 3/97, p. 68

"When people from every part of the world have gathered here (at Prashanthi

Nilayam), to rejoice in a great celebration, they are being described as

'foreigners' and residents of Prashanthi Nilayam as natives. Who are the

natives and who are foreigners? When this question is examined, it will be seen

that wherever truth and righteousness are respected and practiced, people there

are to be deemed Bharatiyas. By merely taking birth in Bharat, people do not

become Bharatiyas. Bharatiya culture proclaims the two virtues: Satyam vada

(speak the truth); Dharmam chara (follow the righteousness). Whosoever

practices these two principles is a Bharatiya.The whole world is one vast

mansion. It contains many rooms. Each country constitutes one room in this

mansion. Hence, whole world should be considered as one home." Sai Baba, SS,

3/97, p. 65


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