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SLOKAS ON LORD SHIVA and Swami's discourse on Shiva

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  Om Sri Sai Ram


Kailaasarana Shiva ChandramouliPhaneendra Maathaa Mukutee ZalaaleeKaarunya

Sindhu Bhava Dukha HaareeThujaveena Shambho Maja Kona Taaree

Meaning: Oh, Lord Shiva, who is seated on Mount Kailas, whose forhead is

decorated with the moon and the king of serpents as a crown, who is the Ocean

of Mercy and the remover of delusion, You alone can protect me. I surrender to



Aum Trayambakam YajaamaheySugandhim Pusti VardhanamUrvaarukamiva

BandhanaathMrutyor Muksheeya Maamritaat

Meaning: We worship the three eyed One (Lord Shiva) who is fragrant and who

nourishes all beings; may He liberate me from death, for the sake of

immortality, even as cucumber is severed from its bondage of the vine.

Mrutyunjayaaya RudraayaNeelakantaaya ShambhaveAmriteshaaya SarvaayaMahadevaaya Te Namaha

Meaning: I pray to Lord Mahadeva who has conquered death, who is the destroyer

of the universe, who has a blue neck and who gives happiness to all.

Vande Deva Umaa Pathim SuragurumVande Jagat KaaranamVande Pannaga Bhooshanam

Mruga DharamVande Pashoonam PathimVande Soorya Shashanka Vahni NayanamVande

Mukunda PriyamVande Bhakta Jana Ashrayam Cha VaradamVande Shiva Shankaram

Meaning: I bow down to the Lord of Uma (Parvathi), the divine Guru, the cause of

the universe. I bow down to the Lord who is adorned with snake and wears tiger

skin, the Lord of all creatures. I bow down to the Lord whose three eyes are

the sun, moon and fire and to whom Lord Vishu is near. I bow down to the Lord

who is the refuge of all devotees and the giver of boons, Shiva Shanakara.

Gauri Vallabha KaamaareyKaala Koota VishaasanaMaam Uddhhare PadambhojeTripura Agnyata Kaantaka

Meaning: Please save me, oh Lord Kaamaarey (another name for Lord Shiva). You

are mother Gauri's consort; You are the One who drank the kaala koota poison

(which resulted from the churning of the ocean); You are the destroyer of the

three cities. Oh Lord I have taken refuge at Your Feet.


1.      Brahma Muraari Suraarchita LingamNirmala Bhashita Shobhita LingamJanmaja

Dukha Vinaashaka LingamTat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam

Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga, which is adored by Brahma, Vishnu

and other Gods, which is praised by pure and holy speeches and which destroys

the cycle of births and deaths.

2.      Devamuni Pravaraarchita LingamKaamadaham Karunaakara LingamRaavana Darpa

Vinaashaka LingamTat Pranamaami Sada Shiva Lingam

Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga, which is the destroyer of desires,

which the Devas and the sages worship, which is infinitely compassionate and

which subdued the pride of Raavana.

3.      Sarva Sugandha Sulepitha LingamBuddhi Vivardhana Kaarana LingamSiddha

Suraasura Vanditha LingamTat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam

Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga, which is lavishly smeared with

variegated perfumes and scents, which elevates the power of thought and

enkindles the light of discrimination, and before which the Siddhas and Suras

and Asuras prostrate.

4.      Kanaka Mahaamani Bhushitha LingamPhanipathi Veshtitha Shobhitha

LingamDaksha Suyajna Vinaashaka Lingam Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam

Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga, the destroyer of Dakshas sacrifice,

which is decorated with various ornaments, studded with different gems and

rubies and which glows with the garland of the serpent Lord coiled around it.

5.      Kumkuma Chandana Lepitha LingamPankaja Haara Sushobhitha LingamSanchitha

Paapa Vinaashaka LingamTat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam

Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga, which is smeared with saffron and

sandal paste, which is decorated with lotus garlands and which wipes out all

accumulated sins.

6.      Devaganaarchitha Sevitha LingamBhaavair Bhakti Bhirevacha LingamDinakara

Koti Prabhakara Lingam Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam

Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga which is worshipped by the multitude

of Gods with genuine thoughts full of faith and devotion and whose splendor is

like that of a million suns.

7.      Ashta Dalopari Veshtitha LingamSarva Samudbhava Kaarana LingamAshta

Daridra Vinaashaka LingamTat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam

Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga, destroyer of all poverty and misery

in its eight aspects, which is the cause of all creation and which stands on the

eight petalled Lotus.

8.      Suraguru Suravara Pujitha LingamSuravana Pushpa Sadaarchitha

LingamParaatparam Paramatmaka Lingam Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam

Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga which is the Transcendent Being and

the Supreme Self, worshipped by all Suras and their preceptor (Brhaspathi),

with innumerable flowers from the celestial gardens.


1.      Nagendra Haaraaya ThrilochanaayaBhasmaanga Raagaaya

MaheshvaraayaNityaaya Suddhaaya DigambaraayaTasmai Nakaaraaya Namah Shivaaya.

Meaning: I offer my humble salutations to Lord Mahesvara - who has a garland of

serpents around the neck; who has three eyes; whose body is covered with ash

(vibhuti); who is eternal; who is pure; who has the entire sky as His dress and

who is embodies as the first letter Na.

2.      Mandaakini Salila Chandana ChaarthitaayaNandeesvara Pramatha Naatha

MahesvaraayaMandaara Pushpa Vahu Pushpa SupoojitaayaTasmai Makaaraaya Namah


Meaning: I bow to Lord Mahesvara, who is embodied as Makaara (letter Ma), whose

body is anointed with holy waters from the river Ganges and sandal paste, who

is the sovereign king of the Pramatha Ganas and who is adorned with innumerable

divine flowers such as Mandaara.

3.      Shivaaya Gauri Vadana Aravinda Sooryaaya Dakshaadhvara NaashakaayaSree

Neelakantaaya Vrisha DhvajaayaTasmai Shikaaraaya Namah Shivaaya

Meaning: I offer my salutations to Lord Shiva, who is the resplendent sun for

mother Gauri's lotus face (sun causes the lotus flower to open up and bloom;

Lord Shiva makes mother Gauri's face bloom), who is the destroyer of Daksha's

sacrificial ritual, who is the blue necked Lord (due to the Haalahala poison

which He agreed to consume), whose banner bears the emblem of a bull and who is

embodied as the letter Shi.

4.      Vasishta Kumbhodbhava GautamaayaMuneendra Devaarchita

SekharaayaChandraarka Vaishvaanara LochanaayaTasmai Vakaaraaya Namah Shivaaya

Meaning: I prostrate before the God of Gods, who is worshipped and prayed to by

great sages such as Vashishta, Agastya and Gautama, whose eyes are sun, moon

and the fire and who is embodied as Vakaara (letter Va).

5.      Yajna Swaroopaaya JataadharaayaPinaaka Hasthaaya SanaatanaayaDivyaaya

Devaaya DigambaraayaTasmai Yakaraaya Namah Shivaaya.

Meaning: Prostrartions to the sacred Lord who is the Yaksa incarnate, whose

hairs are long and matted, who holds Pinaaka (trident) in His hand, who has the

entire sky as His attire and who is embodied as the letter Ya.

6.      Panchaaksharam Idam PunyamYah Pateh Shiva SannidhauShivaloka

MavaapnotheeShivena Saha Modate

Meaning: Whoever repeats this prayer composed with the five holy letters before

Lord Shiva, attains that supreme abode of His and enjoys the eternal Bliss.



The terms Siva or Shankara mean Auspicious. Sam means Chitaananda (Blissful

Awareness). Kara means the one who causes it. Shankara means the One who causes

blissful awareness. Shankara is the One who confers Chitaananda on those who

take refuge in Him or adore Him.

The secret of Creation is evident from the description of the form of Siva. The

crescent moon on Siva’s head symbolizes the consciousness in human beings, the

Ganga symbolizes the Life Force and the snakes on Siva’s body represent the

myriad of living beings. He resides on a silver mountain. His dearest friend is

Kubera, the Lord of Wealth. Despite being endowed with all these, why was He

obliged to carry the begging bowl? To demonstrate to the world that every kind

of wealth is a hindrance to spiritual advancement, Siva renounced everything.

It is through renunciation Siva became the eternal embodiment of supreme bliss.


Iswara is also symbolized in the Linga Form, Lings is derived from the Sanskrit

root, Li, means Leeyathe, 'merges'; it is the form in which all forms merge.

Siva is the goal who blesses beings with the most desirable gift of meaning in

the universe. That is the end, the death, which one should strive for, the end

which Siva can vouch-safe.

Siva means, graciousness; auspiciousness; Mangalam. He is all graciousness, ever

auspicious, Sarva Mangalam. That is the reason why the epithet, Sri, which

indicates these qualities, is not added to the name Siva, Sankara, lsvara etc.

It is added to the number of Avatars, for they have taken on perishable bodies

for a specific purpose. They have to be distinguished from other humans, by the

epithet, Siva is eternally gracious, auspicious, Mangala and so the epithet is

superfluous. Siva is adored as the teacher of teachers, Dakshinamurti. The form

of Siva is itself a great lesson in tolerance and forbearance.

The Lord has another name. It is only when the love principle underlying this

name is rightly understood, the real form of the Cosmos can be recognized. That

name is Saambasiva. Saa means divinity. Amba refers to the cosmos. Siva means

the Supreme person (Purusha).

Easwara has yet another name: Yogasikha. The sky is His blue form. The

directions (Dik) are His garments. Hence He is known as Digambara. He is also

known as Panchaanana - the Five-headed One. The five are: Earth, water, fire

and aakaasa (space). His five heads represent the five basic elements

(panchabhuthas). Siva is also described as Bhuthanaatha - the Lord of all

created beings. Bhutha refers to creation. Easwara is the Lord of every

creature in the universe. Hence, the entire cosmos is reflected as an image in

the Lord. Siva is known as Subhankara- the one who is ever good (Subham).

The three eyes of Siva represent the three worlds (lokas). Siva's trident is

symbolic of the Past, the Present, and the Future, the three aspects of Time.

The three gunas (Satwa, Rajas, Thamas) are images of the Trinity - Brahma,

Vishnu, and Siva. The three worlds, the triune aspect of Time, the three gunas

(qualities) are the manifestations of the Easwara Principle.

It is for the well being of the world that Siva swallowed the Halahala poison.

Again, it is for the sake of the worlds good that Siva contained the Ganga in

His matted locks. Siva bears the moon on His head to confer peace of mind on

mankind. When man moulds himself on the pattern of Easwara, he will get rid of

all his evil tendencies and offer to the world what is good in him. That is the

meaning of the worship of Siva. It is only when man gives up utterly his bad

thoughts, evil desires and wicked deeds, he will be able to transform himself

into divinity.

-Bhagawan Baba

Source: Divine Discourses|Mar 5 1973| |Feb 23 1990|

Kind courtesy: www.eaisai.com/baba/


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