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sai balu <


As long as man has ego nobody will love him. Even his own wife and children will

shun   him. When anger erupts in man he ceases to be happy. Excessive desires

make him lose   control over his mind. The day man distances himself from greed

he will enjoy happiness. Who can do what God does? Who  can possess what God

has? God alone is the eternal witness. His will alone can  accomplish anything.

It is only the ignoramuses that are blind to the inner significance of the

Lord's deeds and  misinterpret them. This causes confusion and deviates the

mind of the true seeker from the sacred truth.

If you talk while taking food, the digestive system will be spoiled.  Once the

digestive system is spoiled, several diseases will confront you.  Pray to God

silently keeping your eyes closed and then partake of your food.  Most of the

children to not know this rule.  Take your food in silence in a calm

atmosphere.  Do not howl, talk and chit chat.  Do not laugh or cry while taking

food.  Do not entertain any worry before or while taking food.  These are some

of the precautions  one has to take to lead a happy daily life.

The Bhaagavatha says that Krishna was stealthily eating the butter that was

stored in the houses of the gopees. What is the significance of this behaviour?

Did he go about stealing butter because he had no butter at home? It is not

butter that he coveted; it is the cream of virtue kept in the (heart) pot that

he wants. That cream is the genuine Aathma, secured after vigorous churning,

And, was it 'stealing' that he did ? He is 'Hari', He who robs, who

appropriates. He sees all, Himself unseen. As soon as He enters, you awake,

your inner consciousness is alerted. You offer Him the fragrance of your

virtue, the courage of your heart, the wisdom of your experience. That is the

kind of thief He is! Cultivate love towards Him. Likes and dislikes are more

the products of habit and training. The senses drag you away from Him; but, do

not yield; they will lie low soon. Sincere yearning born of steady

discrimination--this alone can help you. I bless you that you may grow in these

from day to day.

The tongue is the cause of prosperity or poverty. The tongue, again, is or

responsible for promoting friendship and kinship, for attachment and bondage,

and for liberation. It is essential to keep the tongue under control. The

manner in which the tongue is employed determines one's fame or ignominy. The

tongue determines your friendships and relationships.

When the heart is filled with compassion, the hands are dedicated to 'the

service, of others, the body is engaged in constant help to others, the life of

such a person is sacred, purposeful and noble. The entire Cosmos is based on the

bedrock of Truth. Wealth and Welfare and all comforts and pleasures are

dependent on Truth. Wherever you turn, Truth shines effulgently.

The power of speech gifted to mankind is very important and majestic. It gives

him all the wealth. So, we should talk sweetly and softly in an acceptable

manner. Only such sweet talk will give us all the affluence and prosperity.

Words can win many friends and relations and even kingdoms. We may have a few

relations, but with our sweet talk, we can develop good relationship with the

entire world. Both good and bad are present in the words we utter. For the one

with sweet words, the universe itself becomes the mansion. He will feel the

caste of humanity prevailing everywhere. So words form the basis to make you

feel the humanity as one caste and the universe as the mansion. To attain

Divinity, one has to take to spiritual path. Good words coupled with humility

will take you to higher levels. The whole world is one, though you may find

multiplicity. In this world of plurality, there is the underlying principle of

unity. Vedas say: "Om Ithyekaaksharam Brahma", all the sounds are contained in

the primal sound 'OM'. Divinity is not separate from 'OM'. Out of this unity,

the world has emerged. But, you do not understand this Truth and take to

different paths, with aspirations and ambitions. In fact, there is no

difference between the world and Divinity. Society forms the limb of the entire

humanity, humanity forms a limb of Nature and Nature is a limb of Divine.

Therefore, humanity, society and Nature are all the limbs of the Divine.

"Sarvatah Paani Paadam, Tath Sarvathokshi Shirornukham Sarvatah Sruthimalloke

Sarvama Iruthya Thistathi." All the forms belong to the one and the same

Divinity. Veda has also declared that there is Divinity within and outside

(Anthar Bahischa Tath Sarvam Vyaapya Narayana Sthithaha). The grain is Divine,

the husk is Nature. This is the relationship between the Divine and the world,

The Gita says, "Marnaivaamsho Jeevaloke Jeevabhoothah Sanathanaha", which means

all are the sparks of the Divine. There are very few individuals who see unity

in diversity. But, there are plenty who see diversity in unity. Only the lives

of those who see unity in diversity are sanctified. In order to understand this

underlying principle of unity, you need a Guru (Preceptor). A teacher should

have sacred feelings and undertake sacred actions. He should never entertain

bad habits. What is the reason? It is quite natural for the students to follow

their teacher. A teacher is one who shapes the future of students.  A teacher

should speak words born out of sacred feelings. Virtues, Good intellect, Truth,

Devotion, Discipline, Duty - these are the attributes expected of a teacher.

Only then, the students will be able to emulate them. 

The sacred feelings that emerge out of your heart should be exported, and you

should import all the good that is outside. You do not need any Passport or

Visa to do this! You should know the Truth that everything is within you. You

do not need to crave for anybody, not even for God, because you are all the

sparks of the Divine. You have got Divine qualities and Divine powers.  So,

everything is within you. You are the Embodiment of Peace, Love and Ananda. You

are the Embodiment of God. Have full faith in this Truth. When you lead your

life with full faith in God, you will never be put to difficulties. "Life is a

Challenge, Meet it; Life is Love, Enjoy it; Life is Energy, skill it and do not

kill it. When you skill this energy, there will be perfect balance in whatever

you do. Once you have this balance, you wilt have Insight. Due to the absence

of insight, you develop Outlook. Whatever you see outside, is from within. So

develop inner view. 


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