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Eswaraamba Day - 6th May, 2003

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Eswaraamba Day - 6th May, 2003

Mon, 5 May 2003 19:02:40 +0530

Deepak Bharwani<saienterprises (AT) bol (DOT) net.in>


Salutations to Mother Eswaraamba

Eswaraamba Day - 6th May, 2003

Eswaraamba Day

Purpose Of Easwaramma Day Celebrations

"Easwaramma had never put Me to trouble any time. Whenever she asked Me for

something, she would come back and inquire if she had given any trouble. To all

devotees -who came, she used to entreat not to cause any inconvenience to Swami.

She used to be very much worried whenever any minister came to have My Darshan.

The situation in those days was such that even a policeman with a red cap was

enough to frighten the villagers. Easwaramma used to be much afraid of the

ministers thinking they might cause some problem to Me. This was only the

result of her sacred love for Me. That is the greatness of mother's love. That

is why she could lead a life of fulfillment and peace. In order to propagate

this sacred ideal, this day is being celebrated as Easwaramma Day. This is to

emphasize that each one of you should make your mother happy. When mother is

happy, Swami is happy." Sai Baba. SS, 6/99, p. 150

Importance Of The Mother

"The term 'Stree' should not be treated lightly. The Bhagavad Gita lists seven

attributes to the feminine principle: fame, wealth, speech, wisdom,

intelligence, fortitude and determination. The Mother Principle, which embodies

these seven potencies, is highly sacred. Wherever you turn, you will see

manifestation of the feminine principle. When any person goes abroad, the first

question that is put is: 'What is your mother-tongue?' No one asks, 'What is

father-tongue?' This shows how much importance is attached to the role of

mother. The mother fosters the child in the womb and goes through all travails

to protect the child. There is no greater love in the world than maternal love.

Hence, the ancients accorded the highest honour to the mother and declared,

'Esteem the mother as Divine ('Mathru Devo Bhava') and esteem the father as

Divine ('Pitru Devo Bhava'). For every person, the first preceptor is the

mother. It is from the mother that a child learns its first word of speech, the

first step in movement and many other primary lessons in behaviour. Hence, the

mother stands out as the reflected image of nature (Prakriti). Sai Baba, SS,

6/96. pp. 157 & 158

"From ancient times, it has been the practice in Bharat (India) to revere the

mother as God. From the outset, Vedas have declared: Revere the mother as God,

father as God and preceptor as God. For the human body, the mother, father and

preceptor are to be deemed as Divine. But, for the pursuit of life, the Divine

is the only God." Sai Baba, SS. 6/98, p. 141

"Not only in day-to-day life, but also in the field of spirituality mothers and

women are given the highest regard. For example, when we mention the names of

Divine couples, such as Sita Rama, Radha Krishna, Lakshmi Narayana, etc., names

of goddesses come first. What is the inner significance of this? Mother

represents nature, which is the manifest aspect of Divinity." Sai Baba, SS,

6/99, p. 141

"It is the mother who teaches you the sacred principles like love, compassion,

forbearance, tolerance and sacrifice. Mother shows the father, father takes you

to the preceptor and preceptor directs you to God. That is why among mother,

father, preceptor and God, mother comes first." Sai Baba. SS, 6/99, pp. 142 &


"Man has to recognise the significance of love and truth, which are fundamental

to human existence. The mother represents these two basic qualities." Sai Baba,

SS, 6/97, p. 141

"Motherhood Is The Most Precious Gift"

"Motherhood is the most precious gift of God. Mothers are the makers of a

nation's future or misfortune. They should teach two lessons, fear of sin and

fondness for virtues. Both of these are based on faith in God, being the inner

motivator of all. If you want to know how advanced a nation is, study the

mothers. Are they free from fear and anxiety? Are they full of love towards

all? Are they trained in fortitude and virtue? If you like to imbibe the glory

of a culture, watch the mothers rocking the cradles, feeding, fostering,

teaching and fondling the babies. Mothers must assume this responsibility and

not throw it on Aayaas (governess or maid). A child that is brought by the

Aayaa loses essential fertilizer for growth and love. The child is denied the

best health-giving vitamin, love." Sai Baba, SSS, Vol. VII, p. 22

Importance Of The Relationship Between Mother And Her Child

"In this world there are many types of relationships, but none equals the

relationship that exists between the mother and the child. It is because of

this intimate relationship with the mother that one's own country is called

motherland. Similarly, one's own language is called mother tongue, not father

tongue. Among the parents, first place is given to the mother, next comes

father." Sai Baba, SS, 6/99, p. 141

"Mother protects her children in many ways. Even after death, she comes back and

helps you in various ways." Sai Baba. SS. 6/99, p. 150

"There may be a wicked son, but not a wicked mother. It is because of the noble

feelings of the mothers that son becomes virtuous, intelligent and attains

exalted positions and earns name and fame." Sai Baba. SS, 6/99, p. 142

"Mother will always pray for the welfare of the son wherever he may be. At

times, she may be angry or have a difference of opinion, but such differences

are only passing clouds." Sai Baba, SS, 6/99, p. 144

Womb Of The Mother

"The earth is one. But if you sow Neem (a bitter plant) seeds, you will get

bitter fruits. If you plant sweet mango seeds, you will get sweet mangoes. The

earth makes no difference between them. Only the differences in the seeds

account for the differences among the fruits. Likewise, the womb of a mother is

like the womb of Mother Earth. The thought, which prevails at the time of

conception results in the kind of child that is born. If parents desire to have

virtuous, exemplary and noble children, they have to observe righteous practices

and lead virtuous lives." Sai Baba, SS. 6/93, p. 141

Understanding Of Mother's Love Will Lead You To The Understanding Of Divine Love

"In order to experience Divinity, understand this example. The very nature of

mother is love. Mother has a form, but love has no form. You can experience

love through your mother, as she is the very form of love. Our Vice-Chancellor

described Swami's love as that of a thousand mothers. But, one who cannot

understand the love of one mother, how can he understand the love of a thousand

mothers? So, first and foremost try to understand and experience the love of

your physical mother. Go on adding to the physical mother's love a million

times. The principle of divinity lies in this love, which is your life

principle. Experience this love and understand the significance of mother

worship in Navaratri." Sai Baba, SS, 7/99, p. 186

"Children can understand the meanings of the word fox or dog only when they see

their pictures. Similarly, it is only after seeing the parents that one can

understand the existence of God. When you love and respect your parents, only

then you can understand in the love of the Divine Parents. This is what I tell

you often - if you understand the 'I' principle, you will understand the 'I' in

everybody. Vyashti (individual) has emerged from Samashti (society), Samashti

from Srishti (creation), Srishti from Parameshti (Creator). Only when you

understand the principle of creation, can you then understand the Creator." Sai

Baba, SS, 6/99, p. 142

"Nourish your aged parents; revere them. If you honour your mother, the Mother

of the Universe will guard you against harm. If you honour your father, the

Father of all beings will guard you. This is as true as the fact that if you

honour your parents, your children will honour you." Sai Baba, SSS, Vol. IV, p.


Be Grateful To Your Mother

"The Vedas declare, "Mathru Devo Bhava, Pitru Devo Bhava, Acharya Devo Bhava."

(Worship the mother as God, the father as God, the preceptor as God and the

guest as God.) It is the mother who fosters you and nourishes you. It is she

who knows your choices and preferences, and fulfils your needs. So, you should

be grateful to your mother always. Though you cannot see Rama, Krishna, Shiva

and Vishnu, you are worshipping them because you believe in scriptures and what

the elders say. But, how is that you are forgetting your parents who are

responsible for your progress in life? First and foremost, you should show

gratitude to your parents, love them and respect them. Your blood, your food,

your head, your money are all the gifts of your parents. You do not receive

these gifts directly from God. All that is related to God is only indirect

experience. It is only the parents whom you can see directly and experience

their love. So, consider your parents as God. God will be pleased and will

manifest before you only when you love and respect your parents.It is the

mother who teaches you the sacred principles like love, compassion,

forbearance, tolerance and sacrifice." Sai Baba, SS, 6/99, p. 142

"It is in her role as mother that there is highest expression of a woman's

strength. Every child that is born owes its existence to the mother. Hence,

everyone should be extremely grateful to one's mother." Sai Baba, SS, 6/96, p.


"Students! First pay back the debt of love to them (parents). Do not behave in

such a way that they repent the day when they put you to school. All other

debts come later, even the debt to the motherland and mother-tongue.Keep

them (parents) free from worry. Show them gratitude they deserve. Return them

the love they pour freely into your hearts." Sai Baba, SSS, Vol. IV, p. 265

"Parents should strive their utmost to bring up their children on right lines.

Children also should revere their parents, who account for their physical

existence. But they should realise what they owe to God, who is the basis of

all life. Recognising this double obligation — to the mothers and to the

Divine - they should redeem their lives by purposeful living." Sai Baba, SS,

6/97, p. 144

"To be a true a human being, one has to respect one's parents and kith and kin

in childhood. Revere the teacher in boyhood. Please elders in his manhood.

Worship sages in old ages." Sai Baba, SS. 6/94, p. 150

Duty Toward Mother

"A mother may go wrong in other respects, but she will always strive for the

well being of her children. Hence every son has to love the mother as the

primary duty. Then he should love the father and revere the preceptor. The

mother confers the body. The father protects it. The preceptor imparts

knowledge and wisdom. For every human being, all these three are essential for

getting on in the world." Sai Baba, SS, 6/97, p. 141

"You must be prepared to make even the supreme sacrifice for showing your

gratitude to the mothers. Even the Avatars, Rama, Krishna and others, owed

their advent to their mothers. Everyone should pray for sacred mothers who will

bring forth good children. There may be bad sons in the world, but bad mothers

are rare. Most mothers lament over the bad behaviour of their children. No son

who has caused distress to his mother can come to anything good. The Telugu

saying is, 'There can be no prosperity in a home where the mother sheds tears.

Today we need sons who will please their mothers." Sai Baba, SS, 6/96, p. 159

"Respect your mother; obey her commands. Never disrespect your mother or

disappoint her. Do not hurt her feelings. Try to satisfy her in all respects.

Only then the seed of devotion will sprout in you. Everyone should follow the

dictum, "Mathru Devo Bhava" (Worship your mother as God.) in letter and

spirit." Sai Baba, SS, 6/99, p. 150

"One should not disregard one's parents yielding to the vagaries of the mind."

Sai Baba, SS, 6/99, p. 144


"Nourish your aged parents, revere them." Sai Baba, SSS, Vol. IV, p. 98

Sacrifice Everything For God

"Everybody should love and respect his parents. But, if any relation becomes an

obstacle in your path to God, there is no harm in leaving him (or her).From

worldly point of the view, you should respect your father, mother, preceptor

and husband. But when it comes to God, everything else is secondary. God alone

is important. Bharata left his mother Kaikeyi for the sake of Lord Rama.

Prahlada gave up his father Hiranyakashipu for the sake of Lord Narayana.

Emperor Bali forsook his preceptor, Shukracharya for the sake of God." Sai

Baba, SS, 6/99, p. 150.

Mother Is The First Teacher

"The mother is the symbol of the Universal Mother, and father of the Divine

Lord. There is a popular prayer describing the Lord as everything: 'Oh Lord of

Lords! You are my mother and father, my kinsman and friend, my wealth and

knowledge, my everything.' (A Sanskrit verse). The mother is the first teacher

of speech. The first words taught to the child are 'Amma', 'Appa'. Then

teaching of the alphabet starts. The first lessons are:

'Om Nama Shivaya' or 'Om Namo Naaraayanaaya. The teaching of the language begins

with the teaching of the names of the Divine - Shiva and Narayana. In ancient

times, the mother occupied the place of the first preceptor for the child.

Unfortunately, in the world ' today, what are the parents teaching to the

child? They are teaching them 'A, B, C, D' nor is that all. They go on teaching

the child some meaningless stuff like 'Baa Baa black sheep'. The mothers imagine

that they are teaching something wonderful to the children. This is wrong.

Teaching of the alphabet should begin with learning the names of the Lord." Sai

Baba, SS, 6/96, pp. 158 & 159

"The mothers, for their part, should teach the children always to speak the

truth. When a mother asks the son, 'Where have you been?' he should not

prevaricate. He must tell the truth and confess his mistakes if he has done

anything wrong. Very few children tell the truth to their parents today. Of

what use is education for such children? Today's boys and girls are the future

redeemers of the nation. Hence, the parents should bring them on right lines so

that they may be ideal citizens." Sai Baba, SS, 6/96, p. 160

Goodness Vs. Greatness

"There are mothers who are worried when their children take to spiritual path.

They hardly realise that it is the fruit of many past lives, which accounts for

children taking to spiritual path. Mothers should rejoice over such a

development rather than worry about it. Many parents desire that after the

education of their children is over, they should get married, get a good job

and achieve a high position in life. Out of their love they want their children

to achieve greatness. Swami's love is not like that. Swami wants them to achieve

goodness. What is the difference between greatness and goodness? A good man sees

divinity even in a human being. A great man sees the human even in God. Ravana

was a great man who had performed great penance. He was very powerful. But

seeing Rama in human form, he considered him as a mere human being. On the

other hand, Rama was different, He saw the Divine in human beings. That is the

mark of goodness. It is better to earn reputation for goodness than to be known

as a great man." Sai Baba. SS, 6/98, pp. 145 & 146

Mother's Blessings

It was part of the ancient tradition that when the son wished to set out for the

battlefield to secure victory or go to forest to perform penance, he would first

go to his mother and seek her blessings. Dhruva, a six-year-old child, took his

mother's blessings, set out to the forest to perform penance and realised the

vision of the Divine. Arjuna prostrated before his mother to get her blessings

prior to his leaving for the battlefield. The mother told him, 'May victory be

yours.' Duryodhana also went to his mother and sought her blessings for victory

in the war. The mother told him,' Where there is Dharma, there will be the

victory.' This was Duryodhana's mother's blessing for her son. Duryodhana then

went to his preceptor and sought his blessings. The preceptor said:

'Where there is Krishna, there is Dharma. Where there is Dharma, there will be

the victory.' Their victory can be secured only where Dharma and the Divine are

present, according to the mother and preceptor. In those days, whatever the

mother declared proved prophetic. Whenever a mother conferred her blessings on

her son, the Divine was present there to declare, 'May it happen so.' Besides

mother's blessings. Divine grace is also necessary. Hence, every son should

make every effort to please his mother. Without keeping his mother pleased, the

son cannot achieve anything in the world. The son should have those qualities,

which enable him to please his mother. At the same time, the son should also

strive to win Lord's grace. Without earning God's grace, the mother's blessings

alone will be of no avail." Sai Baba, SS, 6/98, pp. 141-142

"When Lava and Kusha were engaged in a battle with Rama, Lava aimed an arrow at

Rama with the prayer that if his mother Janaki was a 'Sadhivi' (a supremely

noble woman) the arrow should render Rama unconscious. Rama became unconscious

when the arrow hit him. See what happened. The mere thought of his mother lent

so much power to his arrow. This shows that when you cherish the mother and

seek God's grace, the blessings of the mother becomes more powerful." Sai Baba.

SS, 6/97, p. 144

"Many great men have embarked on noble deeds after securing the blessings of

their mothers. For instance, before going to fight against the demon,

Tarakasura, Sanat Kumar got the blessings of his mother, Gowri. Similarly,

Parashurama received his mother's blessings before he went to fight his foes.

Likewise, Vinatha blessed her son by saying: 'May Shri Rama protect you

always.' It is because of the blessings of noble mothers, the wives of great

sages, that many men were able to perform heroic deeds. Shankaracharya taught

that sons who did not get the blessings of the mothers suffered from various

vicissitudes in life. Those who had the blessings of their mothers often

secured freedom from rebirth. Many high-souled men have extolled the greatness

and power of mothers. It is the foremost duty of children to secure the

blessings of their mothers for worldly well-being." Sai Baba, SS, 6/97. p. 141

Today's Mother's Expectations From Their Children

"Not compassion, good character, integrity and such virtues. They want their

children to get educated, secure a big job, marry a wealthy girl and lead a

comfortable life." Sai Baba. SS. 6/93, p. 146

What Should Be The Expectations Of A Mother?

"Earn a good name; become an ideal son; use your wealth in righteous ways;

develop compassion; lead a just moral life. This is what mothers should impress

on their children. Such high-minded mothers have become rare these days." Sai

Baba, SS, 6/93, p. 146

Parents Should Set A Good Example

"When the parents and teachers themselves have not realised the importance of

spirituality, how can we blame the students? First, the parents must teach

their wards to pray to God everyday. But the modem parents themselves do not

pray to God. As soon as they return from office, they go to clubs and spend

their time in drinking and playing cards. Naturally, children follow their


In some houses, parents quarrel in front of their children, which is an

unhealthy practice. If there is any difference of opinion between parents, they

should resolve it in the absence of their children. Children cannot concentrate

on their studies, if they are disturbed by the family problems. So, parents

should never discuss them in front of their children. They should instead teach

them all good .things and show them good ways of life. There are a few parents

who set bad example to their children by speaking untruth. For example, if some

unwanted person makes a phone call, they instruct their children to tell him

that they are not available. Thus, they teach their children how to tell lies."

Sai Baba, SS, 6/99, p. 162

"Parents Are Responsible For The Misbehaviour Of Their Children."

"For all the bad ways followed by youth today, for all their wayward behaviour

and bad conduct, the parents are to be blamed. If mothers are good, there will

be no room for bad behaviour by the children. Although parents may appear

innocuous like fig fruits, they are responsible for the misbehaviour of their

children, like the worms inside the fruits." Sai Baba, SS, 6/93, p. 142

Parents Should Advise Their Children

"Parents ought to advise the children: Be convinced that there's God, guiding

and guarding us. Remember Him with gratitude. Pray to Him to render you pure.

Love all, serve all." Sai Baba, SSS, Vol. VI, p. 4

"Parents must encourage children when they evince any interest in spiritual

advance and study. They must also set them good examples." Sai Baba, SSS. Vol.

IV, p. 98

Maternal Inspiration

"Rama attained godhood because he was the son ofKaushalya. Lava and Kusha became

heroic children because of their great mother, Sita Devi. It is the noble

thoughts of the mother which make the children great." Sai Baba. SS, 6/97. p.


Madalasa's Example

"In ancient times. Queen Madalasa was teaching the children from their infancy

the greatness of detachment (' Vairagya'). She used to sing a lullaby while

putting the children to sleep: 'Placing you in the cradle of Omkaara on the bed

of the great saying 'Tatvam Asi' (That thou art), swinging to the music of

Awareness, dear child, may the gods lull you to sleep.'

This was the way the mothers in ancient Bharat (India) taught their children.

The ancient teachings exhorted the people to 'Speak truth, adhere to

righteousness' (Satyam Vada, Dharmam Chara). No mother taught the child to

speak untruth. No mother would think asking the child to follow


Because the mothers in ancient times filled the child with devotion and

detachment, Bharat stood out as a land of sacrifice, wisdom, Yoga and

contentment. Because today mothers do not bring up the child in this spirit,

this sacred land is ceasing to be one of sacrifice and is becoming a

pleasure-loving nation." Sai Baba, SS, 6/96, p. 159

Example Of Vidyasagar

"In the past, mothers used to play a big part in moulding their children. For

instance, there is the example of lshwara Chandra Vidyasagar. He was a native

of Calcutta. He justified his name by being a great scholar ('Vidyasagar' means

ocean of knowledge). He belonged to a very poor family. His mother brought up

her son at the expense other own food. Pursuing his studies under most adverse

circumstances, he completed his education and found a job on a salary of Rs.50

per month. In due course, he rose to an eminent position by dint of hard work.

One day he approached his mother and said, 'Mother! I have reached an eminent

position; thanks for your blessings and guidance. I am now able to fulfill any

of your wishes.' The mother said, 'Not, yet my son. I have three desires but I

shall tell them in due course.' Reaching a still higher position after

sometime, Ishwara Chandra renewed his appeal to his mother. The mother said,

'Our village is poor and the village has no school. Please set up a school here

so that the children will not have to go outside for their education. That

school will be the first ornament for me.' The son carried out her wish. Later,

the mother revealed her second wish. She wanted Ishwara Chandra to set up a

small hospital in the village to serve the villagers;

She said that this would be the second ornament she wanted from him. He set up a

hospital as desired by his mother. In the following years, Vidyasagar rose to a

greater eminence, but remained humble and free from conceit as ever. He asked

his mother what her third desire was. She said that he should build a small

rest house for traveler passing through the village to stay. Vidyasagar built a

small community hall in the village. Today's educated persons get puffed up over

their petty educational attainments. It was his mother's teachings which made

Vidyasagar practice humility." Sai Baba, SS, 6/96, p. 160

Mother Easwaramma

"Today we are celebrating Easwaramma Day. Who is Easwaramma? She is the mother

of Easwara (God). This was not the name given to her by her parents." Sai Baba,

SS, 6/2000, p. 166

"Easwaramma, the mother of this physical body (Sathya Sai Baba), was first

christened as Namagiriamma at the time of birth. But after her marriage,

Kondama Raju, the grandfather of this physical body, being a Jnani (wise man)

and blessed with a vision of future, started calling her Easwaramma (mother of

Easwara=God)." Sai Baba, SS, 6/96, p. 144

"Kondama Raju, being the one with wisdom always craved for Me. One day, he

called Pedda Venkama Raju by his side and told him to change his wife name to

'Easwaramma' He told this because he felt the divine vibrations originating

from within. His intention was to convey that she was the mother of Easwara,

God Himself. But, Pedda Venkama Raju was not aware 01 me inner meaning of this

name. He implicitly obeyed the command of his father and changed the name of

his wife to Easwaramma." Sai Baba, SS, 6/96, pp. 144 & 145

"Easwaramma was born in such a poor family that she did not even have proper

food to eat. All that she had to eat was Ragi Sankati (gruel prepared from a

coarse grain). Even I too eat Ragi Sankati only. Many people in Karnataka eat

Ragi Sankati. I like it very much. I do not relish rice, Kurma (curry), etc.

Ragi with groundnut chutney is My favorite food. Both Ragi and groundnut are

available in our village. When I come here from Puttaparthi, I bring Ragi flour

with Me. Even when I go to Kodaikanal, I tell the boys to bring Ragi flour for

Me. Easwaramma was illiterate. When I see the egoistic attitude, perverted

mentality and ostentatious behaviour of the present-day educated people, I feel

it was better that Easwaramma did not have any schooling."Sai Baba, SS, 6/2000,

p. 166

"When I was seven and half years old, I used to teach Pandhari Bhajans to small

children in our village. Easwaramma and Subbamma used to feel ecstatic watching

me sing Pandhari Bhajans and dance to their rhythm. Sometimes, her husband Pedda

Venkama Raju would give Easwaramma some money for household expenditure. Once

two annas (nickles) were remaining with her out of this money. One could buy

two bags of puffed rice for two annas in those days. So, Easwaramma bought two

bags of puffed rice with the two annas and distributed to the children. She

always used to give away whatever she had with her. She was the embodiment of

sacrifice. She used to talk lovingly to all those who came to her. When

devotees would feel sad that Swami was ignoring them, she would console them

saying. 'Whatever Swami does is for your own good.'

When I was being taken to Uravakonda for further education, all those children

whom I used to teach many good things in the evening felt very dejected. At the

time of leaving, ten of those children came to Me and offered one Bottu (three

paise) each as Guru Dakshina (an offering of gratitude to the teacher). When I

gave this money to Easwaramma, she was moved to tears. She held My hand and

exclaimed, 'What a spirit of sacrifice at such a tender age.' Till she breathed

her last, she kept those coins with her." Sai Baba, SS, 6/2000, pp. 166 & 167

"After the construction of Prashanthi Nilayam, one day I went to see Kondama

Raju. He asked Easwaramma to get a glass of water. He told her, 'God has come

to take me away. He made a promise that He would pour water into my mouth with

His hands, before I leave this body. He has come to fulfill His promise.'

Puzzled by Kondama Raju's request, Easwaramma said, 'You are not suffering from

any disease, you don't have fever or cold. What makes you think that your end

has approached? Then Kondama Raju said, 'Death occurs as per the Will of God.

Just as birth has no reason, death too has no reason. This is the Truth of

truths.' Easwaramma did not want to argue with him. According to his wish, she

brought a glass full of water and gave him. He sat down on the floor and made

Me sit on the cot. he kept his head on My knees and said, 'Swami! Please listen

to my prayer.' Easwaramma was watching all this. She wondered, how is that he

had so much love and regard for his young grandson. Kondama Raju said, 'As you

know, I was doing a small business to make both ends meet. Perhaps I may still

have to pay a paisa or Anna to certain people. Please bless me so that I am not

indebted to anyone in my death. I said, 'So shall it be.' And started pouring

water into his mouth. He breathed his last, as he was drinking water. His

desire was fulfilled. Before leaving his mortal coil, he told Easwaramma not to

get deluded by body attachment. He said, 'Bodily relationship is temporary,

whereas Atmic relationship is permanent. So, give up body attachment and

develop attachment to the Atma." Sai Baba. SS, 6/99. p. 146 & 147

Father-in-law Adored Her Daughter-in-law, Easwaramma

"Noble mothers give birth to noble sons. Mothers should also feel lucky to have

noble sons. Kondama Raju (Sai Baba's grand father) used to tell his

daughter-in-law, ' Easwaramma! You have no idea of your great good fortune. You

are not an ordinary woman. The Lord Himself is with you. What a lucky woman you

are!' Easwaramma was the daughter-in-law of Kondamma Raju. Has there been any

instance of a father-in-law adoring his daughter-in-law? He used to say,

'Easwaramma! Your name has been vindicated.' Easwara's mother is Easwaramma.

This was the way he praised Easwaramma. Kondama Raju was one of those rare

persons who could perceive the truth. Those who cannot recognise will never be

able to understand it. They are like a blind man who cannot see the sun even

during the day." Sai Baba, SS, 6/98, p. 148

Sai Baba Showed His Glimpses Of Divinity To Easwaramma

"From that day onwards, Easwaramma never stayed at home. She started staying in

Prashanthi Nilayam. Everyday, both in the morning and evening, she used to come

upstairs and talk to Swami. She also understood My Divinity very well. When I

appeared in the form of Lord Shiva to her, she would ask, 'What Swami? Why are

you adorning the snakes around your neck?' I would act innocent, 'Well, I don't

have any snakes on Me.' She would move away saying, 'There are some snakes

inside.' But later on, not finding any snake inside, she would ask for

forgiveness. Like this on many occasions, she had the experience of My

Divinity. Similar was the case with Kausalya and Yashoda. Though they knew that

their sons were Divine, they used to get carried away by their motherly

affection towards them. Mothers are highly noble and virtuous. Their nobility

cannot be described in words." Sai Baba, SS, 6/96, p. 147

"I Do Not Want To Put You To Inconvenience" - Easwaramma

"Once on a Shivaratri day, after I had completed My discourse, the Lingas were

ready to emerge from My mouth. I sat on the chair and was in severe pain.

Seeing Me suffering, Easwaramma got up from the gathering, came up to Me and

said, 'Swami! Why do you suffer like this? Come inside, come inside.' I said I

would not come inside. She cried and tried to persuade Me, but I did not budge

an inch. Unable to see My suffering, she went inside. As soon as she left,

Hiranyagarbha Linga emerged. All the devotees burst into thunderous applause.

Listening to this, she came back, but by then the Linga had already emerged and

I was showing it to the devotees. All the people got up to have a glimpse of the

Linga. As a result, Easwaramma could not see it. Next day she pleaded with Me to

show the Linga to her. I said I had given it to somebody. But she said, 'I have

not seen. I want to see.' I told her that she would see in the future anyway.

She said, 'I do not want to put to inconvenience,' and went away. She had never

put Me to trouble anytime. Whenever she asked Me for something, she would come

back and inquire if she had given any trouble. To all devotees who came, she

used to entreat not to cause any inconvenience to Swami." Sai Baba, SS, 6/99,

p. 150 '

Sathya Sai Baba Fulfilled Three Wishes Of His Mother

"Ishwara Chandra Vidyasagar spent all his earnings to fulfill the desires of his

mother. Easwaramma also had similar desires. Once she told Me, 'Swami! Our

Puttaparthi is a small village. As there is no school in this village, the

children are forced to walk long distances to attend schools in the neighboring

villages. I know that You are the ocean of compassion. Please construct a small

school in the village.' I asked, where she wanted the school to be built. She

said she had a piece of land behind her house. She wanted the school to be

constructed there. As desired by her, I got the school constructed. Though it

was a small school, the inaugural function was a grand affair, attended by many

devotees. The next day, Easwaramma expressed her happiness over the inaugural

function and said that she had one more desire. She wanted a hospital also to

be built in the village. She said, 'Swami! I don't want to put You to trouble.

If You are troubled, the whole world will be in trouble and if You are happy,

the whole world will be happy. So, if it gives You happiness, please construct

a small hospital.' As per her wish, I got the hospital constructed. Bejawada

Gopal Reddy, a highly reputed person in those days, was invited to inaugurate

the hospital. The inaugural function was a grand one, attended by thousands of

people from neighboring villages. Easwaramma did not imagine that this would be

such a grand affair. Next day, she came up to Me and said, 'Swami! It does not

matter even if I die now. I have no more worries, You have fulfilled my desires

and mitigated the sufferings of the villagers to a great extent.' I said, if you

have any more desires, ask Me now. She replied hesitantly that she had another

small desire: 'You know the river Chitravathi is in spate during the rainy

reason. But, in summer it dries to a trickle and people do not have drinking

water. So please see that some wells are dug in this village.' I told her that

I would not stop with small wells and that I would provide drinking water to

the entire Rayalaseema region. Easwaramma said,’ don't know what

Rayalaseema is. I am satisfied if our village is provided with drinking water."

Sai Baba. SS, 6/96, p. 149

Sai Visits His Mother's Samadhi

"Mothers are responsible for the well-being of their children. They also show

spiritual path to their children. So, never forget your mother. To set an ideal

in this regard, I visit the Samadhi of My parents on My birthday. To inculcate

this good feeling in the hearts of people, even Sai Baba has undertaken this

sacred activity. Every individual should adore, respect, worship and love

his/he: mother." Sai Baba, SS, 12/98, p. 324

Pedda Venkama Raju, Sai Baba's Father

"Pedda Venkama Raju was the father of this physical body (Sathya Sai Baba)" Sai

Baba, SS, 6/99, p. 144

"I would prepare sweet Puris (fried bread) and serve not only the grandfather,

but also the washerman, the barber and others. On Such occasions, Pedda Venkama

Raju (Swami's father) came to see us at lunchtime. Kondama Raju invited him for

lunch, as it was a festival day. Pedda Venkama Raju had his lunch with us and

felt food items were very delicious. He went home and chided Easwaramma and

Venkamma for not being able to make the items tasteful. He said, 'Look at

Sathya, what a fine cook he is! Why can't you prepare the food items the way

Sathya does?' From the next day onwards, he started sending them to Me asking

them to bring whatever food items I prepared. They would come and complain that

it was because of My cooking that they were being blamed at home." Sai Baba. SS,

6/99. p. 146

Mother Easwaramma's Loving Care

"Now it is 30 years since the mother of this body passed away. But she is still

continuing to move about in her physical form around Swami. Three boys sleep in

Swami's room. They have also witnessed her presence. I am telling this today

because the life of ideal mothers has permanent significance.

In Prashanthi Nilayam, Swami takes breakfast after Bhajan and proceeds to His

place in Poornachandra Auditorium. Early in the morning one day, mother

Easwaramma was standing at the door in the usual form. I asked her: Why did you

come? She said:

Swami i I have come here with a prayer to you. You are omnipresent and

omniscient, but you have to control one thing. What is that? Swami asked. She

said: 'Devotees and students offer handkerchief to you. But, heeding my prayer,

please do not receive handkerchiefs from anybody. The times are not good. The

handkerchief may be tainted with poisonous stuff. In the usual course, you use

the handkerchief to wipe your nose and mouth only from those on whom you have

confidence and trust as good devotees. Do not accept from all and sundry.'

Mother's love lives on for all times, long after her passing away. Twice she

appeared in the night. The boys sleeping in my room noticed her presence. Those

boys had not seen her at anytime. They wondered who the old lady could be. The

key of the lift was in their hands and there was no staircase leading to the

apartment. How did she manage to come here? When the boys asked this question,

Swami woke up. I went near her and asked her why she had come again. She

replied, 'I cannot live without seeing you often. The moment I see you I feel

happy.' After saying so, she gave me some piece of advice, 'Swami, all persons

describe themselves as devotees. But no one can tell who are real devotees and

who are fake. Totally dedicated devotees will be ready to carry out anything

you ask them to do, but there are others who come for their own self-interest.

By coming to you they get their desires fulfilled and forget thereafter. In

this matter, you should be very careful.' Swami replied, I shall take due care.

There is no need for you to tell me. After hearing this, she laughed and left

the room. I am conveying to you this episode as a direct testimony to the

greatness of mother's love. She might have given up her physical body, but she

is always with Swami. She said, "I have performed many sacrifices for your sake

and have done many kinds of Poojas. I realised the proof thereof. For 40 years I

was with you. My life has its fulfillment." Sai Baba, SS, 6/98, pp. 142 & 143

Glimpses Of Easwaramma Day Celebrations At Brindanan - 2000

"On the morning of 6th May 2000, Sai Ramesh Hall was aesthetically decorated

with banners, buntings and festoons. Beautiful flower designs decorated the

dais, where a picture of Divine Mother Easwaramma was placed to enable the

devotees to pay their tributes to her. Bhagavan came to the Hall at 7.30 a.m.

and showered the bliss of His Darshan on the huge concourse of devotees

assembled there to celebrate this function. Bhajans on this morning were sung

exclusively by Bal Vikas children who paid their homage to the Divine Mother

Easwaramma through this excellent Programme of vocal music, which continued up

to 8.00 a.m. After the Bhajans, the next Programme started with Veda chanting

by Institute students. Before the Divine Discourse of Bhagawan Baba, Sri

Shriram Parshuram, a student of Prashanthi Nilayam campus, made a brief speech

narrating how Bhagawan showered love of a thousand mothers on him and cured his

mother of a serious illness. After this brief speech, Bhagawan Baba gave His

nectarine discourse. The morning Programme came to a close with Aarti to

Bhagawan and distribution of Prasadam.

There were two programmes in the afternoon. The Bal Vikas Gurus, both ladies and

gents, who enthralled the audience for about 15 minutes with melodious Bhajans

in the Divine Presence of Bhagavan, presented the first Programme. Another

wonderful Programme of the afternoon was the musical presentation made by three

students, Sri P. Sujith Kumar, Sri Tara Shankar and Sri N. Karthik wno sent me

audience into raptures by their Telugu, Hindi and Tamil songs. At the end of

this Programme, Bhagawan blessed the students by creating Vibuthi and blowing

it on them and those who gave them instrumental support as a gesture of His

Grace. With this, the grand function of Easwaramma Day came to a close at

Brindavan. Aarti was offered to Bhagawan at the conclusion of the Programme."

Editor, SS. 6/2000. p. 177

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