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Transcript of Tape - Doctor's Day - Divine Discourse of 05/07/2003

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Sai Ram

Lovingly forwarded and shared by JaySaiRam.  (German version also available

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Yours in sai's seva

Deepak Bharwani


ENGLISH VERSION (Transcript from Tape) Baba's Discourse of Bhagavân Srî Sathya

Sai Baba On 5th July 2003 at Brindavan (Swami says in English)

If you look at Me, I will look at you. (Swami sings) In the sacred land of

Bharat patience or tolerance  is considered to be the highest wealth. Among all

the worlds truthfulness is deemed to be the best penance. The sweetest feeling

in this sacred land is the feeling of motherhood.

But, alas, today the Indians have forgotten the dictum That one's honour is

greater than one's own life. Have been imitating the false philosophies of the

West, Subjected themselves to the philosophy of licentiousness. Like an

elephant that does not know its own strength. Today our country is steeped in

stupor and inertia.

Embodiments of Love! Every being is born in bondage to action. He lives in

action, he thrives in action and ultimately he merges in action. It is one's

own action which is responsible for one's happiness or sorrow. Generally man

behaves as if he is quite healthy, full of happiness and decorates himself. But

there are 326 kinds of diseases which haunt every man. The wind, boil (heat -

pitta?) and the phlegm (?) enter man's body and generate many diseases. Because

of water or the wind, 80 kinds of diseases are born. Because of the boil (heat -

pitta?) 87 diseases emerge. Because of the phlegm 224 kinds of diseases will be

in the body of man. In total, because of these three causes of wind, boil and

phlegm, 326 diseases are always there in man's body.

How can we really become healthy? Only when man depends on the atmic principle

and is able to get rid of the adverse effects of the wind, boil and phlegm, he

will be healthy. Since one month Swami was not seen by you. What was the

reason? The reason was the illness of the body. It is not that Swami had

accepted anybody's disease. They were not born in this body.

Today Swami wants you to listen to the truth. All the time man is thinking of

his health. The body is made up of five elements. One day or the other it has

to collapse. But the indweller is eternal. If you want to look into the truth,

actually man has no death, no birth and no bondage of any kind. In truth this

indweller in the body himself is God. Man suffers from many kinds of diseases

because he forgets his divine consciousness and is steeped in body

consciousness. It is very necessary for us to recognise the truth that once you

get rid of body consciousness all diseases will vanish. You know it. You know in

this body the hip was broken into three pieces. The ball(?) also was broken into

two. It is not possible to describe the excruciating pain that one gets. It is

not possible to move, it is not possible to get up. All the time it haunts you

like a shock. But Swami did not care for that, giving up body consciousness

completely, Swami subjected Himself to this kind of suffering in order to

demonstrate the teaching to all of you that you have to rise above body

consciousness and enjoy divine consciousness. I am not this body. When you are

steeped in body consciousness you will have to suffer much.

If man aspires to enjoy happiness and peace, he has to get rid of body

consciousness. What is this body? It is made up of five elements. It is a den

of ? , a basket full of diseases, a (tuber?) which moves from birth to death, a

bush which cannot cross over the ocean of life. O mind, don't trust this to be

eternal. Take shelter at the lotus feet of God. When you develop divine

consciousness, body consciousness will not make you suffer. The first step in

the spiritual path is to control body consciousness. Because you develop body

consciousness you are subjected to many kinds of sorrows. As the body

consciousness develops, divine consciousness will decrease. For everybody

bondage of action is inescapable. Man is born out of action.

In Bhagavadgita it is said, you have only the right to act and not for the

reward thereof. The world of man is bound by the bondage of action. How can man

escape from this bondage of action? Even when you involve yourself in bodily

activity it is possible for you to develop divine consciousness and get rid of

body consciousness.

Dharmaraja was the very embodiment of righteousness. Because of the bondage of

action he was even censured by his own brothers. The five Pândavas had to go to

the forest and lead a life of exile. Whoever he may be, the bondage of action is

inevitable. There is great strength in man to conquer the bondage of action.

When man is so strong and has this power, why is he weak? When you develop

divine consciousness, automatically body consciousness will come down. Even the

great Satya Harischandra, because of the bondage of action he became a security

guard in a ? . Anybody who comes with a body has to suffer. This body may

collapse in a moment and die in a moment. Gradually we have to reduce body

consciousness and body attachment.

Swami was taken to the hospital. Swami was smiling all the way. Many doctors

came to meet Swami there. But a lot of them were troubled. Swami consoled them,

"This body is not mine. I am offering this body to you. You do what you want

with this body. I don't have any kind of pain." After three hours of surgery

Swami came out of the operation theatre. But Swami was all the time smiling. A

person, who welcomes all kinds of suffering with a smile, is a true spiritual

aspirant and a spiritual gainer. Don't care for the body. The body comes. That

is natural. You have to conquer the natural law with the law of the âtma.

On this 'Doctor's day', doctors should understand, they have to demonstrate this

ideal. Today's doctors they get educated with hard labour and cure many people

of many diseases. There are many doctors in the world today. Even each house

has two doctors. But there are four patients in every house. There are more

patients than doctors. What is the reason? It is not because of the doctors, it

is because of one's own desires and aspirations. In three days Swami could walk.

What is the reason? Swami has given up body consciousness. Swami does not have

any trace of body consciousness. With divine consciousness Swami gives delight

and joy to everyone.

Son, be happy all the time, don't be subjected to body consciousness. Your joy

is my food. Your bliss is my health. What is health? When all the limbs and

organs in the body are working all right, it is ? . All the limbs and organs of

Swami are functioning properly. When the body is physical, naturally there are

some troubles. These come and go. They are like passing clouds. It is natural

for any human body. The whole world is bound by bondage of action. The very man

is bound by action. We have to conquer this bondage. Live is a challenge, meet

it. Live is love, enjoy it. Life is a game, play it. With this kind of attitude

we should push forward. Swami is all the time playing with His body. Swami has

no pain of any kind. Many people with suffer with excruciating pain when it


They say it is very difficult for a person when the hip-bone is broken. Not only

the hip-bone. Anything may brake, but Swami has no problem of any kind. You will

face the suffering only when you develop attachment to the body. Swami has no

attachment to body at all. Swami takes delight in your love. What is the reason

for Swami getting well so soon? It is the prayers of the devotees which made

Swami's body healthy so soon. In all corners of the world there is prayer and

prayer and prayer. With prayer you can conquer and achieve anything. The impact

of prayer is responsible for Swami's body to get healthy so soon.

Embodiments of Love! Gradually detach yourself from body consciousness. Develop

abhimana, divine consciousness. That is eternal and ever new. Atma is our life.

All other things are passing clouds. You should not be deluded by body

consciousness. Today is 'Doctor's Day‘. This is the day on which doctors should

give joy to the patients. Some doctors have sacrificed their selfishness. They

keep the welfare of patients in their view. They discharge their duties well.

Our Dr. Sundaresh went through great trouble. Every moment he looked after

Swamis body carefully. Swami would tell Dr. Sundaresh, 'I am all right, don't

worry about me.' But he will never listen to Swami. Every now and then he would

come and ask Swami, "Swami, do you have pain anywhere in the body?"

It is not only Swami's body. This doctor has taken care of many of our students.

He works day and night without caring for the rest of his own body and looks

after the students so well. If such kinds of doctors like Dr. Sundaresh are

there, there won't be any kind of diseases in the world. But there are many

doctors who are always after selfish interest and go up to money. That is why

the diseases are increasing in the world today. Here is a small thing. Nine

year ago…(Swami ask for the English word of 'hair-dryer', NM repeats two, three

times) …Swami was trying to dry his hair with a hair dryer. Swami does not know

the modern methods(?) One American doctor sent this hair dryer to Swami. Swami

was holding it in his hand. But the power had gone. Swami was thinking why it

is not working. But suddenly the power came, a big blast of air struck the

retina of Swami's left eye and it got burnt.

Swami said, "With one eye I can see everything. One eye is enough to see all the

world. Why do you need so many eyes?" God has thousand eyes, thousand heads,

thousand hands and thousand feet. "One eye is enough", Swami thought. When

Swami was admitted to the hospital, Dr. Hematamurthy, the eye-specialist came

and saw Swami in the hospital. He said, "Swami, I will set right the eye." The

retina in the left eye was like a charcoal, pitch dark. It was burnt. He

removed it. From then on Swami is able to see with both eyes.

If such doctors exist in the world, anything can be achieved in the world. The

eye-specialist Hematamurthy, Sundareshan, the bones doctor - such people are

very rare in the world. We have to develop that kind of doctors today. You have

to encourage them and the enthuse them. They don't get much support from the

government. Today diabetes is rampant in the world. Any patient has diabetes.

To set right the eye of such a person we need a lot of instruments. Because the

government does not support them with such equipment and instruments… we have to

support the doctors, to enthuse them and encourage them. Swami has got this

function done - 'Doctor's day' - in order to encourage, enthuse and support the


A doctor may be great, but instrument should also be good. Because of lack of

equipment many people are troubled. Swami wants to support, encourage and

enthuse the doctors by providing such equipment. The whole world is based on

health and education. We need education. Without education there is no use. We

have to gain some worldly knowledge. We should have good health also. When you

have good health education will be of some use.

Embodiments of Love! In the world today many people are suffering. All of you

should encourage and support such good people. You have to give inspiration and

encouragement to such doctors. Then the nation will prosper. There are many

people who aspire for only money. They struggle only for wealth. Money comes

and goes. Morality comes and grows. That's what we have to develop: morality.

Today a lot of doctors have become commercial. Commercial attitude in medicine

is a great sin. A doctor should help others. They have to aspire for the

welfare of the patient and not for the money of the patient. A true doctor

should aspire for the welfare of the patient. We have to nourish and develop

such doctors. When you bring up such doctors, patients will be happy.

Embodiments of Love! You have to keep up your good health. Man's attempts should

be vigilant. Food and our activity should be under our control. We have our

hospitals. It is not that Swami is praising his own hospitals. Go to the

General Hospital in Whitefield. There are many poor people who flock there.

They don't have food to eat. They don't have clothes. They don't have a house.

If such people get diseases who will look after them? Everything is free and

free in our Hospital. Many poor people get rid of their diseases in our


Take for example the Super Speciality Hospital. You can go and see there. Today

you name it Super Speciality Hospital. But all the time they (the others) are

thinking of earning money only. When you test the temperature of patients,

there are fees? But how can the patient be all right if you demand money? To

the extent possible we have to render free service. The patients also suffer

like us. We should not subject them to suffering; we have to look after them.

Embodiments of Love! A lot of people… there are many doctors who serve the

patients. The service to patients is very important. There is no service higher

than that. God alone is responsible for a person who is an orphan. When God

nourishes everyone… Man is the embodiment of God. On the basis of his divinity

he has to help others. Many hospitals are being started today. They are only

struggling on the commercial lines to develop their hospitals. Medicine is no

commerce. It is a heart to heart, give and take relation. Heart to heart, love

to love, give and take. That is very important. A true doctor is one who

recognises this truth and behaves properly. A doctor who has desires for money

is no doctor at all. He himself is a patient. We should develop a sense of

sacrifice and serve people. All the doctors here are men of sacrifice.

Even in General Hospital there is Dr. Savitrî. Day and night she is dedicated to

the hospital. Swami tells her, "You look after your health first and then serve.

If you spoil your own health how can you look after the patients?" Swami tells

them, "You be healthy and look after the patients." Everyone should look after

his health properly. If your health is not good you cannot do anything. That is

why our principal said, 'Doctor himself is equal to God." And in fact, a doctor

is the embodiment of God. That embodiment of God, the doctor, should help

everyone. God always helps others. Merit is to help others, sin is to hurt

others. Even those who are not doctors, to the extent possible you should help


The hospitals in Bangalore that Swami has started, the hospitals in Puttaparthi,

in Alike also there is a hospital, in Muddenahalli there is a hospital - Swami

is very happy to look at these doctors who are there. When Alike Hospital was

opened, many poor patients take delight in going to the hospital there. Swami

is delighted to see those happy faces. That delight gives strength to Swamis

body. You should render good service and gain God's grace. Without service life

is useless. The best way to love God is to serve God. Both you should learn.

Your human life will be fulfilled only then. All the time aspire for the

welfare of everyone. There is a General Hospital in Puttaparthi and in

Whitefield. Every moment many amazing cures are taking place in these two

hospitals. Their delight, the patients delight is Swami's… If you want Swami to

be happy and healthy, look after your patients well. Look after the patients

well! That is service to God. There is no service higher than that.

Just Doctor's day does not mean you come in good attire but you have to take

part in service. Savitrî and Shantalâ - they are doing great service in our

hospital. Many doctors from Bangalore City come to our hospitals and do

service. In Bangalore there is no doctor who does not serve. Everybody comes

and works honorably.

 (The two lady doctors from General Hospital are honoured by Swami, who gave

them something - we do not know what - great applause; Swami says 'chaala') END

of SWAMI'S DISCOURSE (started at 8.40 and ended at 9.15) The National Anthem is

sung Present at the function were the Governor of Karnataka, M. Chakravarthy,

sitting at Swamis left side and the Chief Minister of Karnataka, M. Krishna,

sitting at Swamis right side.

First speaker before Swami was M. Srinivas, Chairman of Sri Sathya Sai

Educational Trust. He said that the doctor's day is celebrated to honour the

doctors. He said in the very beginning of the General Hospital in Whitefield,

some 30 years ago, Swami had said that in future many doctors will do service

in this hospital. At that time there were only three of them and they could not

image how that would be possible. But today, one may believe it or not, there is

a waiting list of doctors wishing to do service in Swamis Hospitals.

CM Krishna is a power of strength to our institution. Two doctors are

representatives of all doctors: Dr. Sundareshan, leading orthopaedic surgeon

and Dr. Hematamurthy, the eye specialist. At the end of M. Srinivas' speech

both doctors were given 7 lakh Rupees and a shawl. After M. Srinivas Dr. A.N.

Safaya, Director of Super Speciality Hospital of Whitefield spoke about his

experiences since he started working in Swamis Hospital. He also gave a rapport

about operations done in the last years.    

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