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Om Sri Sai Ram


A brief


Sai Message of Love:

Sai, the ‘Omkar’ of Divine Love says ‘My Life is My Message’; ‘My Message is

Love’. And the Message relates to the precept of awareness of Truth of Love as

God; the practice of consciousness of Truth of Love as Indwelling Divinity in

all beings; and the experience of cultivating the Love Principle and

manifesting Love in one’s thoughts, words and actions.

Baba says:

Love expresses itself as service—Love grows through service, Love is born in the

womb of service. Such Love is the solvent for the hardest of hearts and can

confer peace, joy and wisdom. Love is the best spiritual discipline that can

help man into universal love, unshaken equanimity and ever-active virtue. Love

as thought is Truth: Love as action is Right Conduct; Love as understanding is

Peace; and Love as feeling is Non-violence. 

Sai Miracle of Love

Sai is the Miracle of Love incarnated on earth to reform and transform the

living kind, and recycle the Yugas back to Sathya Yuga. That is from human

destitution and spiritual degradation to human excellence and remaking of man

into divinity man; from erosion of human values to vigorous practice of Dharma,

reaffirmation of Sathya and retransfusion of Prema.

The ‘Sai’ Principle implying three-fold transformation is an extension of Love

Principle, i.e., Love which has to be experienced at the spiritual, social and

individual levels, through the process of change as under:

‘S’ for Spiritual change, the basis for which is Love, which has to be imbibed by all;

 ‘A’ for Association change or change of attitude to society i.e., to foster

loving relationship and to cultivate sympathy and understanding with fellow


 ‘I’ for Individual change i.e., eschewing bad habits and qualities so that

inherent goodness of man becomes transparent and human personality can blossom.


Since spiritual change cannot take place without changes at the individual and

societal levels, Sai Love is showered through miracles to instill faith among

those concerned. Such miracles of love take the shape of manifested objects

including rings, necklaces, sacred images, crucifixes etc., divine visions and

multiple appearances of the Avatar at different places and across the oceans at

one and the same time; cures and taking up fatal diseases and ailments of

others; revival of the dead; instant response to distress calls and above all

correcting, reforming and transforming the wicked and the misguided persons.

Baba, who does not personally attach too much significance to miracles, says

that they are part of his essential miraculousness, and incidental to His

Mission of establishment of Dharmic way of life, His supreme task is to bring

about spiritual regeneration and to unite the entire mankind as one family

through the bond of brotherhood and to bring nation by nation under one

Umbrella of Love and Harmony.

Sai Strategy of Love

Sai Strategy is the vehicle to lead man to the Love of the Lord. It is based on

Sai teachings and precepts-Practices. Treasured with Vedic faculties such as

knowledge, skills, balance and vision, it will be ideal in the service of man

of God for God in man. It calls for human action to spread peace and

spirituality, right conduct and right thinking both for one’s own

self-enlightenment as well as betterment of mankind as a whole. It promotes

heightened awareness of inner Divinity and the power of intuition to

discriminate between right &; wrong and what is permanent &; substantive or

transitory &; inconsequential in life’s journey.

The major components for practical application of Sai Strategy to make man work

out his own miracles and experience the real bliss in life and living are the


(a) Re-engineering Human Values for Higher Life

In the context of human predicament when man has forgotten his essential

humanness and degraded himself with low goals of self-centered life as well as

unscrupulous patterns of behaviour, there is added urgency to re-engineer human

values for higher life. The uniqueness of Sai Strategy of Love therefore lies in

enabling the man to re-humanise himself through the self-cultural application of

values in live situations as under:

Truth as the ultimate reality or fundamental fact of creation or native human nature;

Right Conduct as an essential social ethic to be observed by man as a member of society;

Peace as the inner spirit of Fatherhood of God and outer manifestation of Brotherhood of Man;

Love as life-breath of man, a tool for peaceful co-existence and a ladder for human emancipation;

Non-violence as an exercise to hurt never, nor cause to hurt ever in thought, word or actions.

Baba compares the above five human values to the five life principles of man

viz, Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udana and Samana. He says that a true human being is

one who practices the five human values.

Thus, re-engineering of human values makes gold out of man because of his great

faith in God, humanity and spirituality.

(b) Re-harmonizing 3HV for Higher Living

It is well known that the present degeneration of man is on account of deformed

thoughts of head, hypocritical forces of heart and misdeeds of hands. This is

attributed to the fact that man thinks one thing, says another and does

something else. It is in this connection that Baba questions as to how a man

can be called a human being when there is no harmony in thought, word and deed.


It is divine love that confers Vedic wisdom of Trikaran Suddhi, the purity and

harmony of 3HV i.e., the values of Head (thought), Heart (speech) and Hands

(action). The awareness of Love as God and God as Love within and around the

man makes him reshape every thought, word and deed in common interest. The Sai

ethics of ‘Be Good, See Good and Do Good’ in practice accords him

self-cleansing and equanimity-minded poise.

With such harmony and with Baba’s dictum of ABC (Always Be Careful) obeyed, man

would be eligible to enjoy the bliss of higher living. Since frequently doing

right things would make it easier to do right, this habit grows into

conscience, says Baba.

He clarifies:

By good thinking and good actions, by watching his thoughts, by introspection

and upright behaviour, the man builds up his noble character and forms his high


By conforming to the 3HV formula in day-to-day life, it would be possible for

man to establish standards of higher thinking and living for himself and help

others to do the same simultaneously i.e., working oneself to succeed and also

helping others towards success in the same process, in the words of Baba.

Under these circumstances, Truth would prevail and Righteousness would exist.

Hands would perform right deeds and by virtue of Right Conduct and good

actions, mind would be purified, and heart would be full of love and

compassion. Unity of thoughts and deeds would thus be possible. Purity of mind

would lead people to think themselves constructively and of serving others

selflessly. This transformation would generate positive feelings amongst

humankind, and the greed and disharmony would gradually disappear, yielding

place to the Sai Principle of “Help Ever, Hurt Never”, in action.

© Re-awakening of Senses for Higher spiritual Progress

This refers to the awakening of the dormant divinity (Atma or Conscience) of

man, whose soul has been surrounded by the dust of greed, ego, anger and

sensuous feelings. It paves the way for the higher realization that man is in

fact the crown of creation, the highest among the living beings and as such he

bears great responsibility to all other beings. He has to love them, serve them

and save them for they are his kith and kin, and to be reckoned as equal since

they too have the spark of divinity within them.

It is this awakening that sustains the eternal truth that man is himself the

supreme healer of mankind. For this, he has to hear the voice of his conscience

and act according to its dictates. Baba says: Your conscience will tell you

whether you adore the majesty of God, whether your hands are moving to help the

helpless. So also does it promote the realisation of the impermanence of the

mundane, phenomenal world, passing clouds of youth and wealth, and the

inevitable mortality of family members and friends.

It is divine love that reveals that man has the whole universe within him and

that he had all the requisite powers derived from the Divine spirit. He has to

discover the hidden treasure of mind, the greatest marvel of the world, and

make constructive use of its million cells, which lie, dormant and unutilised.

While referring to various scientific endeavors including satellites going

around the earth, the spacecraft landing on the moon, harnessing the solar

energy, atom bomb, hydrogen bomb, super computers etc., Baba says: “There is

one machine that is more powerful than all these. That is the human body. Man

is the maker of all these machines. The marvelous powers of the human body are

not recognised by any one. You should examine your own potentials. All the

powers are within you: electrical power,

magnetic power, the power of light, fire and radiation. Every human being is a

computer, a mini generator, a lamp, a radio station”.

Thus, re-awakening of senses unfolds the full potential of man, especially his

true humanness to think and act with selfless love, compassion and service to

his fellowmen. This is best expressed in Sai words: “Love All, Serve All”.

Closely allied with this philosophy is the declaration of the Sai Avatar: “Love

your religion, so that you may practice it with greater faith; and when each

one practices his religion with faith, there can be no hatred in the world, for

all religions are built on Universal Love”.

In short, the religion that feeds and fosters all religions, and emphasizes

their common greatness is the Sai Religion (if it can be so called), which

makes a Hindu, a better Hindu; a Muslim, a better Muslim; and a Christian, a

better Christian.

Baba has a special word on the Chanting of the Name of Lord, as the ideal form

of devotion for human redemption or salvation in the present age. He calls upon

people to repeat any one of the 1,000 names of the Lord, current in any part of

the world, among any community of devotees, as an instrument to pulverize the

mountains of sin and to attain peace and contentment.

Such human elevation engenders the re-discovery of the eternal truth of

universal oneness. It is in this context that Baba says: "There is only one

race, the race of humanity; there is only one caste, the caste of spirituality;

there is only one language, the language of the heart; there is only one

universal religion, the religion of love, of humanity and of Godliness."

(d) Re-humanizing Arts &; Sciences for Higher wisdom

True to the decline in moral, ethical and spiritual values is the present

degeneration in society and the human crisis of character at large which is

purely man-made. Creating a world of his own, man has turned the mind, which is

the instrument of his liberation into a chain that keeps him in bondage. He has

used methods of education, codes of law, systems of politics, modes of commerce

and the results of science to imprison himself in prejudices, creeds and

nationalities, says Baba. To reverse this trend, the Sathya Sai Education

System has been pioneering at work starting with the teaching of spiritual

education to the child through EHV (Education in Human Values), and upwards

through 3HV described earlier, for adults.

Deep rooted is the human predicament that the present day academic and practical

education needs to be reformed and even revamped with the culture of soul,

purification of the heart and broadening of the vision. This can be done only

by combining worldly education (which brings out the latest knowledge

pertaining to the physical world) and spiritual education (which reveals the

inherent divinity in man) to make human life valuable and purposeful.

Elaborating on this, Baba points out how modern education devoid of spiritual

element, is responsible for the downfall of man and the chaos in the society:

Worldly education is for living, while spiritual education is for life. Worldly

education relates to the head and is ephemeral, whereas spiritual education is

concerned with the heart, the organ of sacred qualities like compassion, truth,

forbearance and love. Besides, worldly education is information or

knowledge-oriented, spiritual education is transformation or wisdom-directed.

The present day arts and sciences which are oriented mostly to the materialist

and modern Western knowledge have therefore to be transformed, humanised and

spiritualized for the revival of ancient heritage, wisdom and glory of mankind.


Towards this end, a total revolution has to be witnessed in the theory and

practice of arts and sciences by promoting social equity in economics,

spirituality in science, values in education, duty in health care, community

obligation to nature, ethics in politics, morality in administration, prompt

justice in judiciary, honesty in business and fairplay in diplomacy.

Sai Wonders of Love

In the service of the Divine Mission, the Sai Avatar as under has established Sai Wonders of love:

(a) Sai Spiritual Education

The Sathya Sai philosophy of education is derived from Sai ideals of life:

Sathya, Dharma, Shanthi, Prema and Ahimsa.

Nationally and internationally well known so long as the Bal Vikas Programme, it

has been replaced by that of Sai Spiritual Education – Sathya Sai EHV (Education

in Human Values) for children, and 3HV (Values of Head, Heart and Hands

representing the unity of thought, word and deed) for adults.

At the senior level is Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning given the

status of Deemed University by the Government of India. It has evolved a new

model of Integral Education, with special emphasis on the development of

correct attitudes and values, which shape the students to be leaders in

scientific, civic and professional institutions.

The uniqueness of the Sathya Sai Institutions is also that education is free

from K.G. to P.G. While the Graduate students are exempted from the payment of

all fees and charges, the University is estimated to be spending Rs 60,000 per

Arts student and Rs 90,000 per Science student.

(b) Super Specialty Hospital

The Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Medical Science, i.e. , the Super Specialty

Hospital at Prasanthigram has been providing the poorer sections of the

population the best of medical and surgical facilities in the country, entirely

free of cost.

It is a wonder of wonders in the medical world’s architecture constructed in

1992 within the shortest time of one year in recorded history. The Hospital is

equipped with the most modern and sophisticated apparatus and manned by highly

dedicated surgeons &; associated personnel under the direction of medical

celebrities. It has Cardiology, Urology and Ophthalmology Department (latest

state-of-the-art treatment and diagnosis) with plans for additions of

Departments of Neurology, Neurosurgery, ENT, Pulmonary Medicine and Oncology.

The highlights of the Hospital include the highest record of successful

open-heart operations, kidney transplantation etc.

© Drinking Water Project

For the first time a public charitable trust has undertaken a major

infrastructure project, i.e., Sri Sathya Sai drinking Water Project costing Rs

250 crores of voluntary contributions of people from various countries.

The project benefits 12.5 lakh persons in 731 backward villages in and around

Anantapur and Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh. It includes a 750-km-long water

pipeline, 260 overhead tanks, 124 ground level reservoirs and 400 boosters to

carry the water to far-flung villages, besides 280 borewells, 505 pumps and

infiltration wells in the Penna and Hagari rivers.

While the entire cost was entirely borne by Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, the

Andhra Pradesh Government provided land and power free of cost for the project.

The project was formally handed over to the State Government in October 1997.

Similar projects for Bellary in Karnataka, Mehboobnagar in Andhra, Chennai, etc., are in progress

(d) Other Initiatives

It has established a Music College in Puttaparthi and a Super Specialty Hospital in Bangalore City.

The above are some of the Sai Wonders of Love. The open secret of success of the

above lies in the abiding spirit of Love as the basis, Love as the means and

Love as the end in Prashanthi Nilayam. It has so far awakened the springs of

Love in the hearts of millions of Sai devotees in over 150 countries of the

world, in various degrees.

Such Wonders of Love merit multiplication around the world to promote globally

Integrated Human Development 



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