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SRI SATHYA SAI VRATHA KALPAM – Part II (Procedure of Worship of Sri Sathya Sai)

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Om Sri Sai Ram

SRI SATHYA SAI VRATHA KALPAM – Part II(Procedure of Worship of Sri Sathya Sai)

ByPedda Bottu

Translated from Telugu bySAI BANGARU CENTRE


Sri Sathya Sai Vrata Kalpam is a very admirable effort and this would be a treat

for the devotees. In times to come, it would be a Bible for the devotees for

Thursdays, especially for those who know English only.

- Sri Sathya Sai Baba


Om Sri Sai, Ganesaaya NamahOm Sri Sai, Brahmadevaaya NamahOm Sri Sai,

Vishnudevaaya NamahOm Sri Sai, Maheswaraaya NamahOm Sri Sai, Dattatreyaaya



1. Significance

Vratham is a Sanskrit word meaning a holy ritual of worship (Pooja) of the Lord.

Kalpam, also a Sanskrit word, means a prescribed procedure, a step-by-step

order, which the devotee follows while performing the Vratham.

Why do devotees go through this Vratham and what exactly is its significance?

Simply stated, worship (Pooja) is: rendering obeisance to that Supreme Being,

the Eternal Ultimate Reality that pervades everywhere and transcends

everything. To reach and to merge with that Supreme Being is the spiritual goal

of every aspiring soul.

For achieving that goal, great sages of yore devised several spiritual

disciplines and austerities. For the benefit of those who are not in a position

to undergo those rigors, several holy rituals are also available. One of them is


All over India, Sri Sathya Narayana Vratham is performed. The presiding deity,

Sri Sathya Narayana, is celebrated for his readiness to grant every boon and

fulfill every desire seeking which a devotee performs the Vratham.

Sri Sathya Sai Vrata Kalpam is patterned on the same lines. As is well known,

Sri Sathya Sai, as a baby, was named Sathya Narayana; and like that deity he is

well known for fulfilling every desire of his devotees. He Himself proclaimed

that he would ever protect and grant every wish of his devotees at all times.

2. Guidelines to Devotees

The spot selected for the Pooja should be properly cleaned for the event. In the

four corners and in the centre, lotus designs should be made with powdered rice.

If a Mandapam (readymade base, wooden framework) is available, it may be put up.

At the four corners of the base four banana plants should be positioned. A

wooden plank (peetham) of appropriate size should be washed clean with water,

wiped dry and then placed in the Pooja spot in the midst of the four banana

plants. A new piece of cloth should be folded and arranged on the wooden

peetham. Over the cloth, five 'paavs'* of cleaned rice grains should be evenly

spread. In the centre thereof, in the rice grains, Pranavam, i.e. OM, should be

written with the finger. At the back of the Pooja Mandapam a picture of Sri Sai

Bhagawan, duly decorated with a bindi

and flower garlands, should be placed. A round-bellied vessel (or a large-sized

tumbler) made of metal should be cleaned properly. Turmeric paste should be

applied to its outer surface and vermilion (Kumkum bindi) spots should be

applied. It should be half-filled with clean, potable water in which five

pieces each of dates (khajoor), grapes (draaksha or kismis), almonds (badaam),

cashews (kaaju) and crystallised sugar (misri) are to be dropped. A pinch each

of turmeric, vermilion, sandalwood paste and a few akshathas should also be

dropped into the vessel. Then, small twigs of five kinds of plants should be

arranged in the vessel. Each twig should contain five leaves, which are known

as pancha pallavas; these can be of mango, banyan, Peepal, cotton or bhel

varieties. They should be so arranged that they are visible outside the mouth

of the vessel. A new blouse piece folded into the form of hollow cone should be

placed among the twigs. The point of the cone should be inside the

vessel. The hollow base should be upwards. A garland of flowers should be placed

around the conically folded blouse piece. A dehusked coconut, after its fibre is

removed leaving a small tuft, should be covered with turmeric paste. A dot of

vermilion should be applied to look like a bindi. Around the tuft of fibre

should be placed a flower garland and another garland should be placed around

the neck of the vessel. The coconut so decorated should be placed within the

open hollow base of the conically folded blouse piece. After all these

decorations are done, the vessel would look like the body of the deity, the

coconut the head, the blouse piece the body's upper garment and the bindi,

turmeric and garlands constituting the overall make-up. This is called the

Kalasam. This fully made up Kalasam should now be placed on the peetham in

front of the picture of Sri Sai. Over the letters OM written on the rice

spread, a large-sized paan leaf should be placed, over which a small metal


or idol of Sri Sai should be positioned. In front of that, another paan leaf

should be placed, on which a small representation of Ganapathi, made of

moistened turmeric powder, should be installed. While performing the Vratham,

this Ganapathi should be worshipped first and foremost. Only thereafter should

the metal idol, the Kalasam and the picture of Sri Sai should be worshipped.


Coconuts (8), bananas (8), all varieties of flowers, green leaves (like bhel,

Tulsi, banyan, Peepal, mango), turmeric powder, vermilion powder, sandalwood

powder, akshathas (rice grains coloured with moistened turmeric), jannivu

(sacred thread, made by twisting a cotton sliver with fingers moistened with

wet vibuthi), vasthram (piece of new cloth; or cotton pressed by fingers with

the help of moistened turmeric powder to look like small, thin, flat pieces of

cloth), camphor, joss-sticks or incense, a lamp with provision for five wicks,

spare wicks, paan leaves, betel nuts, panchaamruthams (viz., milk, curd, ghee,

honey and sugar or jaggery). A small bronze bell is also required to be rung at

the commencement of Pooja.

These articles are all essential for performing Pooja.

If as many as eight coconuts as listed above are not available two will do; one

coconut may be used at the beginning and the other at the end. In between,

instead of a coconut, a fruit may be offered. At the end of the Pooja, Prasadam

should be offered. Decorations may be made according to the capacity and taste

of the individual devotee; they may be either simple or elaborate. What is of

primary importance in performing this Vratham is the depth of faith, dedication

and devotion.


Granulated wheat (sooji or daliya) (five paavs); sugar; raisins (kismis);

almonds (badam); cashew (kaaju); ghee (clarified butter). (Sooji is known as

cream of wheat; Daliya is broken whole wheat.)


Poornima or Ekadashi, as convenient.


In the afternoon at the time of Pradosham; in the morning at the Brahma Muhoortham.


The Vratham may be performed in a temple, or any sacred place, or on the bank of

a river, or in front of a Tulsi plant, or within the devotee's residence.

Note: Every person is entitled to perform this Vrata. Husband and wife together,

widowers, widows, old persons, unmarried boys and girls may all perform it and

receive the Lord's blessings and obtain salvation.


(Commencement of the Pooja)


The devotee should have before him a small vessel with water and a spoon in it

as also a plate. This plate is to be used for pouring spoonfuls of water from

time to time as the Pooja proceeds.

He should commence Pooja with his open palms joined together in Namaskar.

Sri Gurubhyo Namah, Harih. Om. Gurave Sarva Lokaanaam Bhishaje Bhava Roginaam.

Nidhaye Sarva Vidyaanaam. Dakshinaa Moorthaye Namah.

Aagamaarthanthu Devaanaam, Gamanaarthanthu Raakshasaam, Kuru Ghantaa Ravam

Thathra, Devatha Aahvaana Laanchanam. Ghantaa Dwanim Kruthvaa.

Bell should be rung here.

Bhootho-Cchaatanam Kruthvaa. Aachamya.

Here water should be sipped thrice, one spoonful at a time. A spoonful of water

is poured into the right palm, which should be taken to the lips and the water

is sipped after intoning one of the following three names of Sri Maha Vishnu.

Kesavaaya swaahaa. (Sip) Naarayanaaya swaahaa. (Sip) Maadhavaaya swaahaa. (Sip)

Then, folding both palms in Namaskar-posture, the devotee should utter the

following names of Sri Maha Vishnu: -

Govindaaya Namah

Vishnave Namah

Madhusoodanaaya Namah

Thrivikramaaya Namah

Vaamanaaya Namah

Sreedharaaya Namah

Hrusheekesaaya Namah

Padmanaabhaaya Namah

Daamodaraaya Namah

Sankarshanaaya Namah

Vaasudevaaya Namah

Pradyumnaaya Namah

Aniruddhaaya Namah

Purushothamaaya Namah

Adhokshajaaya Namah

Naarasimhaaya Namah

Achyuthaaya Namah

Janaardanaya Namah

Upendraaya Namah

Haraye Namah.

Sri Krishnaaya Namah

Uthishthanthu Bhootha Pishaachaah, Ethe Bhoomi Bhaarakaah, Etheshaam Avirodhena,

Brahma Karma Samaarabhe.


Om Bhooh, Om Bhuvah, Om Suvah,Om Mahah, Om Janah, Om Thapah,Om Sathyam, Om Thath

Savithur Varenyam.Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi. Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayaath.Om Aapo

Jyothi Rasomrutham, Brahma Bhoorbhuvassuvarom.


Mama Upaatha Duritha Kshaya Dvaaraa, Sri Paramesvara Preethyartham, Subhe,

Sobhane, Muhoorthe, Sri Mahaa Vishnuraajnayaa, Pravartha Maanasya, Adya

Brahmanah, Dvitheeya Paraarthe, Svetha Varaaha Kalpe, Vaivaswatha Manvanthare,

Kaliyuge, Prathama Paade, (Jamboo Dveepe Bharatha Varshe, Bharatha Khande,

Asmin, Varthamaana, Vyavahaarika, Chaandra Maanena ... Samvatsare ... Aayane,

.... Maase ...Pakshe ... Thithou ... Vaasare ... Subha Nakshathre, Subha Karane,

Evam Guna Viseshana, Visishthaayaam, Subha Thithow, ... Gothrah,)

Those outside India may omit the words within brackets.

Srimaan/Srimathi.... (Here name of the devotee is to be given), Naamadheyah,

Dharma Pathnee Samethasya, (Only if the devotee and his wife are together doing

the Pooja), Mama Saha Kutumbaanaam, Kshema, Sthairya, Vijaya, Abhaya,

Aayuraarogya Aishvarya Abhivruddhyartham, Dharma Artha Kaama Moksha Chathurvidha

Purushaartha Phalaa Vaapthyartham, Chinthitha Manoratha Siddhyartham, Sarva

Devathaatheetha Swaroopa, Sarva Manthra Swaroopa, Sarva Yanthra Swaroopa,

Sathya Sai Devathaam Uddissya, Sri Sathya Sai Devathaa Preethyartham, Dhyaana,

Aavaahanaadi Shodashopachaara Poojaam Karishye.


Thadanga Kalasaaraadhanam Karishye.

In a pancha paathra (a small cylindrical vessel made of copper, used during

traditional rituals by Hindu worshippers) filled with water, a spoon is placed.

The vessel should be decorated on the outside with sandalwood paste and turmeric

paste and dotted with vermilion. A flower and a few grains of akshathas are to

be dropped in the vessel. It is now ready for use and is termed Kalasam.

The devotee should now cover the mouth of the Kalasam with his open palm while

reciting the following:

Kalasasya Mukhe Vishnuh, Kanthe Rudra Samaasrithah,Moole Thathra Sthitho Brahma,

Madhye MaathruganaaSmruthaah, Kukshowthu Saagaraa Sarve

SapthadveepaaVasundharaa. Rigvedo-adha Yajurvedah Saamavedoh

Adharvanah.Angaishcha Sahithaah Sarve Kalasanthu Samaasrithaah.Gangecha,

Yamunechaiva, Godaavari, Sarasvathee,Narmade, Sindhu, Kaaveree, Jalesmin

Sannidhim kuru.Kalasodakena Devam Aathmaanam Poojaa Dravyaani Samprokshya.

Here water from the Kalasam should be sprinkled lightly, using a flower, on the

Pooja materials, on the deity and also on the devotee's own head.

Atha Sathya Saayee Vratha Saangathaa Siddhyartham, Nirvighnena Pari

Samaapthyartham Sri Mahaa Ganapathi Poojaam Karishye.


Atha Ganaathipathaye Namah. Dhyayami, Aavaahayaami,

(A spoonful of water should be poured into the plate kept before the devotee and

repeat it at the end of each “Samarpayami”)

Nava Rathna Simhaasanam Samarpayaami.Paadayoh Paadyam Samarpayaami.Hasthayoh

Arghyam Samarpayaami.Mukhe Aachamaneeyam Samarpayaami.Sri Mahaa Ganaadhipathaye

Namah. SnaanamSamarpayaami.Sri Mahaa Ganaadhipathaye Namah.

Snaana-AnantharamSuddha Aachamaneeyam Samarpayaami.Sri Mahaa Ganapathaye Namah.

Snaana-Anantharam Vasthra Yugmam Samarpayaami.

A pair of new clothes or cotton pressed by moistened fingers into thin, flat pieces., are placed

Sri Mahaa Ganapathaye Namah. Yajnopaveetham Samarpayaami.(Sacred thread made of cotton sliver).

Sri Mahaa Ganapathaye Namah. Srigandham Samarpayaami.(Sandalwood paste).

Sri Mahaa Ganapathaye Namah. Alankaranaartham AkshathaanSamarpayaami. (Akshathas)

Sri Mahaa Ganapathaye Namah. Doorvaadi Naanaa Vidha Parimala Pushpaani Samarpayaami. (Flowers)

After chanting each following line ending with 'Namah' the devotee should place

a flower at the feet of Mahaa Ganapathi.

Om Sumukhaaya NamahOm Ekadanthaaya NamahOm Kapilaaya NamahOm Gaja Karnakaaya

NamahOm Lambodaraaya NamahOm Vikataaya NamahOm Vighna Raajaaya NamahOm

Ganaadhipaaya NamahOm Dhoomakethave NamahOm Gana-Adhyakshaaya NamahOm Phaala

Chandraaya NamahOm Gaja-Aananaaya NamahOm Vakra Thundaaya NamahOm Shoorpa

Karnaaya NamahOm Herambaaya NamahOm Skanda Poorvajaaya NamahOm Sri Mahaa

Ganapathaye Namah.Naanaa Vidha Parimala Pushpa Akshathaan Samarpayaami.

(Flowers and akshathas)Dhoopam Aaghraapayami.(A lighted joss-stick or

incense)Deepam Darsayaami. (A lighted Jyothi)Dhoopa Deepa-Anantharam

Aachamaneeyam Samarpayaami.

(A spoonful of water from the Kalasam is poured into the plate before the devotee.)

Naivedyam: Here a piece of jaggery (gur) will be offered.

Om Bhoor bhuvassuvah. Thath Savithur Varenyam. Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi. Dhiyo Yo

Nah Prachodayaath. Devasavithah Prasuva.

Water from the Kalasam should be sprinkled, using a flower, on the naivedyam.

Sathyam Thvarthena Parishanchaami. Amruthamasthu. Amruthopastharanamasi. Sri

Mahaa Ganapathaye Namah. Gudopahaara Naivedyam Samarpayaami.

The devotee should gently wave his open palm from the naivedyam towards the

deity, symbolizing that he is offering it for the deity's pleasure.

Om Praanaaya Swaahaa,Om Abaanaaya Swaahaa,Om Vyaanaaya Swaahaa.Om Udaanaaya

Swaahaa,Om Samaanaaya Swaahaa.Om Brahmane Swaahaa.

Place a spoonful of water in the plate after chanting each following line Madhye

Madhye Paaneeyam Samarpayaami.

Amruthaapidhaanamasi.Uthara Aaposhanam Samarpayaami.Mahaa Ganapathaye

Namah.Hasthow Prakshaalayaami.Paadow Prakshaalayaami.Suddha Aachamaneeyam

Samarpayaami.Mahaa Ganapathaye Namah. Sadakshina Thaamboolam Samarpayaami.

(Place Betel leaves and betel nuts, together with a coin)

Mahaa Ganapathaye Namah. Suvarna Manthra Pushpam Samarpayaami.

(Place Flowers in the plate)

Sri Mahaa Ganapathaye Namah. Aathma Pradakshina Namaskaaraan Samarpayaami.

The devotee should stand up. He should go round himself with palms joined in

Namaskar. Three rounds are to be taken. Then he should sit down and proceed

with the Pooja.

Yasya Smrithyaacha Naamokthyaa Thapah Poojaa Kriyaadishu,Nyoonam Sampoornathaam

Yaathi Sadyo Vande Ganaadhipa.Manthra Heenam Kriyaa Heenam Bhakthi Heenam

Ganaadhipa,Yath Poojitham Mayaa Deva Paripoornam Thadasthu The.

The devotee should offer Namaskar (pranam) to the deity.

Anayaa Dhyaana Aavaahanaadi Shodasopachaara Poojaayaam-cha,Bhagavan

Sarvaathmakah,Mahaa Ganapathih Supreetho Suprasanno Varado Bhavathu.Mama Ishtha

Kaamyaartha Siddhirasthu.

Again the devotee should offer Namaskar to the deity.

Maha Ganapathi Prasadam Sirasaa Dhaarayaami.

The devotee should respectfully take a flower from the Pooja of Lord Ganapathi

and place it on his own head as Prasadam.


Atha Sarva Devathaatheetha Swaroopa,Sarva Shakti Swaroopa,Sarva Manthra

Swaroopa,Sri Sathya Sai Devathaa Poojaam Karishye.

Mama Akhanda Vijnaana Vibhava Aananda Siddhyartham,Sarva Devathatheetha Swaroopa

Sri Sathya Sai Devathaa Preethyartham,Shodashopachaara Poojaam -cha

Karishye.Sarva Devathaatheetha Swaroopa Sri Sathya Sai Aavaahanam

Karishye.Aagaccha Bhagavan Deva Sthaane-chathra Sthiro Bhava,Yaavath Poojaam

Karishyeham Thaavathvam Sannidhow Vasa.

Om Sri Sarva Devathaatheetha Swaroopa,Sarva Shakti Swaroopa,Sarva Manthra

Swaroopa,Sri Sathya Sai Devathaabhyo Namah. Aavaahayaami.Pushpa Akshathaan


The devotee should now take some flowers and akshathas into his hand.

And be it realised that, Sarva Devathaatheetha Swaroopa Sri Sathya Sai Bhagawan,

now, is physically present here in the Mandapam. With such unswerving belief,

with full devotion and undiluted faith the devotee should perform Dhyanam,

which follows:


Dhyayeth Sathyam, Gunaatheetham, GunathrayaSamanvitham, Lokanaatham,

Trilokesam,Kousthubhaabharanam Harim, Neela Varnam,Peetha Vasthram, Srivatsa

Pada Bhooshitham, Govindam,Gokulaanandam, Brahmaadyairapi Poojitham,Saanga

Saparivaara Sametha Sarva DevathaatheethaSwaroopa Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane

Namah,Dhyaanam Samarpayaami.

The devotee should now place the flowers and akshathas in his hand on Sri Sai

Bhagavan with due respect.

Naana Varna Samaayuktham, Pathra Pushpa Susobhitham Aasanam, Deva Devesa

Preethyartham, Prathigruhyathaam. Sarva Devathaatheetha Swaroopa Sri Sathya Sai

Devathaabhyo Namah. Nava Rathna Khachitha Simhaasanam Samarpayaami.

(A spoonful of water to be poured into the plate before the devotee).

Sathya Sai Namasthesthu Narakaarnavathaaraka, Paadyam Gruhaana Devesa Mama

Jnaanam Vivardhaya. Sarva Devathaatheetha Swaroopa Sri Sathya Sai Devathaabhyo

Namah. Paadyam Samarpayaami.

(Pour a spoonful of water).

Avyakthaa Vyaktha Swaroopaaya, Hrusheeka Pathaye Namah. Mayaa Niveditho

Bhakthyah Arghyoyam Prathi Gruhyathaam. Sarva Devathaatheetha Swaroopa Sri

Sathya Sai Devathaabhyo Namah. Arghyam Samarpayaami.

(Pour a spoonful of water).

Mandaakini Samam Vaari, Thaapa Paapa Haram Subham, Thadidam Kalpitham Deva

Samyag-aachamyathaam Tvayaa. Sarva Devathaatheetha Swaroopa Sri Sathya Sai

Devathaabhyo Namah. Aachamaneeyam Samarpayaami.

(Pour a spoonful of water).

Snaanam Panchaamruthairdeva, Gruhaana Purushothama, Anaatha Naatha, Sarvajna,

Geervaana Pranutha Priya. Sarva Devathaatheetha Swaroopa Sri Sathya Sai

Devathaa bhyo Namah. Panchaamrutha Snaanam Samarpayaami. Suddhodaka Snaanam


Here, each of the panchaamruthams will be sprinkled, by using a flower, on the

idol and picture of Sri Sai. Then, using a little water and a piece of cloth,

the sprinkled material will be wiped clean. This Abhishekam (sprinkling) may

also be done with simultaneous recitation of Purusha Sooktham. (For text see

Annex I)

Veda Sooktha Samaayukthe, Yajna Saama Samanvithe, Sarva Varna Prade Deva,

Vasaansi Prathi Gruhyathaam. Sarva Devathaatheetha Swaroopa Sri Sathya Sai

Devathaabhyo Namah. Vasthra Yugmam Samarpayaami.

(To offer a pair of new clothes or flat pieces of cotton pressed with fingers

using moistened turmeric powder).

Brahma Vishnu Maheshaish-cha Nirmitham, Brahma Soothrakam, Yajnopaveetham,

Daanena, Preeyathaam, Hrudgathesvara. Sarva Devathaatheetha Swaroopa Sri Sathya

Sai Devathaabhyo Namah. Yajnopaveetham Samarpayaami.

(Sacred thread made out of a sliver of cotton pressed into thread-like shape

with the help of moistened vibuthi.)

Sri Gandham Chandanam Divyam, Gandhaadhyam, Sumanoharam, Vilepanam,

Surashreshtha, Chandanam Prathi Gruhyathaam. Sarva Devathaatheetha Swaroopa Sri

Sathya Sai Devathaabhyo Namah. Gandham Samarpayaami. Srigandhaan Dhaarayami.

(Sandalwood powder)

Haridraa Choorna Samyuktham, Kumkumam Kaama Daayakam, Naanaa Parimalam Divyam,

Gruhaana Guna Bhooshitha. Sarva Devathaatheetha Swaroopa Sri Sathya Sai

Devathaabhyo Namah. Haridraachoorna Samyuktha Kumkumam Samarpayaami.

(Turmeric powder and vermilion powder)

Akshathaah Thandulaah Shubhraah Kumkumena Viraajithaah, Mayaa Nivedithaa

Bhakthyaa Gruhaana Parama Prabho. Sarva Devathaatheetha Swaroopa Sri Sathya Sai

Devathaabhyo Namah. Alankaranaartham Akshathaan Samarpayaami.


Mallikaadi Sugandheeni, Maalathyaadeeni Vai Prabho, Mayaa Hruthaani Poojaartham

Pushpaani Prathigruhyathaam. Sarva Devathaatheetha Swaroopa Sri Sathya Sai

Devathaabhyo Namah. Naana Vidha Parimala Pushpaani Samarpayaami.



This is the Pooja of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in His physical form; Pooja is

offered to every part of His body. At the end of every line, a flower will be

offered to the Lord.

Om Sri Sarvadevathaa Swaroopaaya Namah Paadow Poojayaami (feet)Om Sri Sarva

Shakti Swaroopaaya Namah Gulphow Poojayaami (ankles)Om Sri Parthi Pureeswaraaya

Namah Janghow Poojayaami (forelegs)Om Sri Prashanthi Nilayaaya Namah Jaanunee

Poojayaami (knees)Om Sri Sarvaadhaaraaya Namah Ooroo Poojayaami (thighs)Om Sri

Saadhu Roopaaya Namah Jaghanam Poojayaami (hip)Om Sri Sathchidaanandaaya Namah

Katim Poojayaami (waist)Om Sri Sathya Vrathaaya Namah Madhyamam Poojayaami

(middle of body)Om Sri Sarva Bhootha - Antharyaamine Namah Udaram Poojayaami

(abdomen)Om Sri Sarva Saakshine Namah Hrudayam Poojayaami (heart)Om Sri Shanthi

Swaroopaaya Namah Hasthow Poojayaami (hands)Om Sri Niraadambaraaya Namah Baahoon

Poojayaami (arms)Om Sri Jnaana Bodhakaaya Namah Skandhow Poojayaami

(shoulders)Om Sri

Siddha Sankalpaaya Namah Kantthow Poojayaami (throat)Om Sri Sundara-Angaaya

Namah Chubukam Poojayaami (chin)Om Sri Prapanna-Aarthi Haraaya Namah

Adharoshttham Poojayaami (lower lip)Om Sri Prasanna Vadanaaya Namah Mukham

Poojayaami (face)Om Sri Mano Vaag-Atheethaayai Namah Naasikam Poojayaami

(nose)Om Sri Bahu Roopa Viswa Moorthaye Namah Karnow Poojayaami (ears)Om Sri

Punya Veekshanaayai Namah Nethraani Poojayaami (eyes)Om Sri Sangara Hathaayai

Namah Phaalam Poojayaami (forehead)Om Sri Sarva Siddhi Pradaaya Namah Kesaani

Poojayaami (hair)Om Sri Prema Roopaaya Namah Siram Poojayaami (head)Om Sri

Sathya Sai Devathaabhyo Namah Sarvaanyangaani Poojayaami. (All parts of the



This is the worship of Sri Sathya Sai Bhagawan invoking his name 108 times. At

the end of every line, a flower will be offered to the Lord.

Om Sri Bhagavan Easwaraambaa Suthaayai NamahOm Sri Sai Rama Parabrahmane NamahOm

Sri Saadhu Jana Rakshakaaya NamahOm Sri Sathya Sai Devaaya NamahOm Sri

Sarvopadrava Nivaarakaaya NamahOm Sri Saarasa Nethraaya NamahOm Sri Sowmya

Vadanaaya NamahOm Sri Sai Sankara Roopaaya NamahOm Sri Sathya Dharma

Prakaasakaaya NamahOm Sri Parthee Pureeswaraaya NamahOm Sri Chithraavathee

Theera Nivaasaaya NamahOm Sri Akhanda Jyothi Swaroopaaya NamahOm Sri Sivasai

Raamaaya NamahOm Sri Prashanthi Mandira Vaasaaya NamahOm Sri Sarva Siddhi

Daayakaaya NamahOm Sri Aananda Saine NamahOm Sri Akhanda Shakti Yukthaayai

NamahOm Sri Veda Purushaayai NamahOm Sri Veda Sravana-Aasakthaayai NamahOm Sri

Vedoddhaarakaaya NamahOm Sri Veda Saastra Pandithaayai NamahOm Sri


Charithraayai NamahOm Sri Paapa Bhanjanaaya NamahOm Sri Bhaava-Atheethaayai

NamahOm Sri Nitalaakshaayai NamahOm Sri Naanaardha Bodhakaaya NamahOm Sri

Navaneetha Hrudayaaya NamahOm Sri Naanaa Roopa Dhaarine NamahOm Sri Maanusha

Veshaaya NamahOm Sri Sanaathanaaya NamahOm Sri Sadaa Prasanna Veekshanaaya

NamahOm Sri Karaveera Pushpa Priyaayai NamahOm Sri Jaganmohanaaya NamahOm Sri

Sarva Loka Vaseekara Nethraaya NamahOm Sri Bhaktha-Abheeshtha Pradaaya NamahOm

Sri Bhaktha Hrudaya Parisodhakaaya NamahOm Sri Saantha Swaroopaaya NamahOm Sri

Sarva Sakthiyuthaaya NamahOm Sri Sarva Matha Sammathaaya NamahOm Sri Smarana

Maathrena Prasanna Devaaya NamahOm Sri Sahaja Karunaaya NamahOm Sri Sarva Kalaa

Priyaaya NamahOm Sri Divya Hasthaaya NamahOm Sri Sarva Loka Vishaya Graahyaya

NamahOm Sri Srushthi Sthithi Laya Kaaranaaya NamahOm Sri Sadaachaara

Sampannaaya NamahOm Sri Baala Yogeeswaraaya NamahOm

Sri Sanaathana Dharma Samsthaapana-Aasakthaaya NamahOm Sri Sparsa Maathrena

Sarvaroga Nivaaranaaya NamahOm Sri Sakala Duritha-Aarthi Bhanjanaaya NamahOm

Sri Sakala Jagad-Abhiraamaaya NamahOm Sri Sarva Mangala Karaaya NamahOm Sri

Kaaraagaara Andhakaara-ghnaaya NamahOm Sri Naada Bindu Kalaatheethaaya NamahOm

Sri Naarada Muni Sannuthaayai NamahOm Sri Deena Baandhavaaya NamahOm Sri

Bhaktha Jana Hrudaya Vaasaaya NamahOm Sri Bhaktha Paraadheenaaya NamahOm Sri

Gajageetha-Alankrutha Maalaa Dharaaya NamahOm Sri Gajageethaa Krutha Namaskaara

Sweekaraaya NamahOm Sri Niranthara Devagana Samaasrithaaya NamahOm Sri Anna

Vasthra Daaya NamahOm Sri Prafulla Vadanaaya NamahOm Sri Sakala Samsaya

Nivaaranaaya NamahOm Sri Vyaaghra Simhaasana-Adhishthaaya NamahOm Sri Sarva

Loka Subhamkaraaya NamahOm Sri Sarva Jana Vaanchaa Phala Pradaaya NamahOm Sri

Sarva Jagad Vyaapthaaya NamahOm Sri Sarva Loka Poojithaaya NamahOm

Sri Sadaa Ambara Veekshanaaya NamahOm Sri Naanaa Vaada Vicchedakaaya NamahOm Sri

Devathaabheeshtha Varadaaya NamahOm Sri Pancha Bhootha-Aathmane NamahOm Sri

Vaada Bheda Nirodhakaaya NamahOm Sri Jaraa Marana Varjithaaya NamahOm Sri

Vedaantha Saara Graahyaaya NamahOm Sri Dooshana Thrisiro Hanthre NamahOm Sri

Mrutha Jeeva Uddhaarakaaya NamahOm Sri Mano Sankalpa Gocharaaya Namah

Om Sri Sanaathana Dharma Pramodaaya NamahOm Sri Dharma Priyaaya NamahOm Sri

Sathya Vaakya Priyaaya NamahOm Sri Aasritha Vathsalaya NamahOm Sri Bhootha

Bhavishyad Varthamaana Graahyaaya NamahOm Sri Maathru Vaakya Paripaalana

Priyaaya NamahOm Sri Om Sri Maayaa Maanusha Roopaaya NamahOm Sri Punya Theertha

Yaathraa Priyaaya NamahOm Sri Sri Linga Madhuodhbhavaaya NamahOm Sri

Jithendriyaaya NamahOm Sri Anantha Padma Naabhaaya NamahOm Sri Sarva Lakshana

Lakshithaaya NamahOm Sri Kutila Chitha Vidveshanaaya NamahOm Sri Kutila

Kunthala-Alankruthaaya NamahOm Sri Smritha Chandraanaaya NamahOm Sri Omkaraa

Swaroopaya NamahOm Sri Haasa Vilaasaaya NamahOm Sri Omkaara Naadha Priyaaya

NamahOm Sri Chinmayaaya NamahOm Sri Chidaanandaaya NamahOm Sri Nithya Sathya


NamahOm Sri Vismaya Dehaaya NamahOm Sri Thaamboola Raagaaruna Adharoshtthaaaya

NamahOm Sri Janaananda Priyaaya NamahOm Sri Raktha Varna Peethaambara Dharaaya

NamahOm Sri Swarna Bilva Dala Sruhthi Karthre NamahOm Sri Sadaa Aathma Linga

Pradaathaaya NamahOm Sri Jyirlinga Pradaathaaya NamahOm Sri Sai Rama

Parabrahmane NamahOm Sri Jagad Guruve Namah

Atha Ashtothra Poojaam Samarpayaami

If desired devotees may perform the Sahasra Naama Pooja Of Sai Bhagawan.

Afterwards, the following Pooja will be taken up.

Vanaspathi Samudbhootho Gandhaadhyo Gandhavathamah,Aaghreyam Sarvadevaanaam

Dhoopoyam Prathigruhyathaam.Sarva Devathaatheetha Swaroopa Sri Sathya Sai

Devathaabyo Namah.Dhoopam Aaghraapayaami

(Joss stick or incense to be lit and shown)

Saajyam Thrivarthi Samyuktham Vahninaa Dyoditham Mayaa, Deepam Gruhaana Devesa

Thrailokya Thimiraapaham

Sarvadevathaatheetha Swaroopa Sai Sathya Sai Devathaabyo Namah.Deepam

Samarpayami (A three wicked lamp is to be lit and shown)

Dhoopa Deepa-Anantharam Aaachamaneeyam Samarpayaami. 

(A spoonful water is to be poured into the plate before the devotee)

Avasara-Artham Kalpoktha Prasaada Naivedyam Samarpayaami.

Here a mixture of granulated wheet (suji or daliya), sugar Raisins, cashew-nuts,

almonds and clarified butter (ghee) is to be offered as naivedyam, later to be

distributed as Prasadam

Om Bhoor Bhuvasuvah. Om That Savithur Varenyam. Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi. Dhiyo

yo Nah Prachodayath. Om Devasavitha Prasuva.(Using a flower, water from the

Kalasam should be sprinkled on the naivedyam)

Sathyam Thvarthena Parischanchaami. Amruthamasthu. Amruthopastharanamasi. Sarva

Devathaatheetha Swaroopa Sri Sathya Sai Devathaabhyo Namah. Kalpoktha Prasaada

naivedyam Samarpayaami.

 (The devotee, here, should gently wave his palm from the nnaivedyam towards the

Lord symbolising the offer of naivedaym to Him)

Om Praanaaya Swaahaa. Om Apaanaaya Swaahaa. Oh Vyaanaaya Swaahaa. Om Udaanaaya

Swaahaa. Om Samaanaaya Swaahaa. Om Brahmane Swaahaa.

Om Sri Sarva Devathaatheetha Swaroopa Sri Sathya Sai Devathaabhyo Namah.

Madhye Madhye Paaneeyam Samarpayaami.

Place a spoonful of water in the plate after chanting each following line

Amruthaapidhaanamasi.Uthara Aaposhanam Samarpayaami.Hasthow

Prakshaalayaami.Paadow Prakshaalayaami.Suddha Aachamaneeyam Samarpayaami.

Poogee Phala Saayuktham, Naaga Vallee Dalairyuthaam, Karpoora Choorna

Samyuktham, Thaamboolam Prathigruhyathaam.

Sarva Devathaatheetha Swaroopa Sri Sathya Sai Devathaabhyo Namah, Sadakshina

Thaamboolam Samarpayaami.

 (Thaamboolam, consisting of betel leaves and arecanuts, to be offered along

with some money, to the person performing the Pooja)

Karpoora deepam Sumanoharam PrabhoDadaami The Deva Vara PraseedaPaapaandhakaaram

Twaritham NivaarayaPrajnaana Deepam Manasi Pradeepaaya

Sarva Devathatheetha Swaroopa Sri Sathya Sai Devathaabhyo Namah, Karpoora

Aananda Neerjanam Samarpayaami. Swarna Divya Manthra Pushpam Samarpayaami.

Here Manthra Pushpam may be recited (full text and procedure are given in the

annex) Anayadhaa Saranam Naasthi Thvameva Saranam Mama. Thasmaath Kaarunya

Bhaavena Raksha Sai-Easwara Prabho

Sarva Devathaatheetha Swaroopa Sri Sathya Sai Devathaabhyo Namah. Aathma

Pradakshina namaskaaraan Samarpayaami.

 (The devotee should stand up and with palms in the posture of “Namaskar”,

should go around himself three times. Then he should sit down and proceed with

the Pooja)

Chaamaram Veejayaami (The Lord is to be fanned gently)Geetham Aasraavayaami

(Sing devotional songs)Nriothyam Darsayaami (Perform a dance recital)

Samastha Devopachaara Raajopachaara Sakthyopachaara Bhakthyopachaara Poojaam Samarpayaami.

(The devotee and all others present should offer devout Namaskar to the Lord)


Aavaahanam Na Jaanaami, Na Jaanaami Thavaarchanam,Poojaavidhim Na Jaanaami,

Kshamyathaam Bhaktha Vathsala.

Manthra Heenam, Kriyaa Heenam Bhakthi Heenam, Sureshwara,Yath Poojitham, Mayaa,

Deva, Paripoornam, Thadasthu, The.

Puthraan Dehi, Dhanam Dehi, Sarvaan Kaamaamshcha, Dehi, Me,Dehi Shaanthim

Avicchinnaam, Sarvathra Thava Darshanam.

Kara Charana Krutham Vaak-kaayajam Karmajam Vaa,Shravana Nayanajam Vaa, Maanasam

Vaa Aparaadham,Vihitham Avihitham Vaa, Sarvam Ethath Kshamaswa,Jaya Jaya

Karunaabdhe, Hey Prabho Sai Deva.

Yasya Smrithyaacha, Naamokthyaa, Thapah, Poojaa, Kriyaadishu,Nyoonam

Sampoornathaam Yaathi, Saayeem Vande Thava-Achyutham.

Anayaa Dhyaana Avaahanaadi Shodashopachaara Poojaayaam-cha,Bhagawan

Sarvaathmakah, Sri Sathya Sai DevathaaSupreetho Suprasanno Varado Bhavathu.Sri

Sathya Sai Devathaa Prasadam Sirasaa Dhaarayaami.

A flower from the Pooja is to be taken out respectfully and the devotee should

place it on his own head as Sri Sai Prasadam.

Adha Katha Praarambhah


With Pranams at the Lotus Feet of Divine Lord Sai

Sai brother, M. Palaniswamy




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