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LOVE AND CHARACTER - THE WAY TO GOD - 75th Birthday - Divine Discourse

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Om Sri Sai Ram


75th Birthday - Divine Discourse - 23rd November 2000

Embodiments of Love!

That man who fully realises that the Atmic principle in him is the same as that

in all others is the one who understands Divinity, irrespective of his state in

society (a student, a house-holder or a renunciant). In such a person, Divinity

is firmly established. He becomes the very Divinity itself. It is not humanly

possible to comprehend the whole of Divinity. There are many who analyse and

investigate into the nature of Divinity. Those who perceive it are truly the

fortunate ones.

A millionaire can only eat food and not live on gold. This is a democratic

principle for the entire humanity. God is in everybody. Divinity pervades

everything, good or bad, the righteous or the unrighteous, the pious or the

impious, all equally. To investigate this mystery in the ancient times, many

holy sages had spent their entire energies. The Vedas says, for instance the

Vedic Mantra, Vedaham Etam Purusham Mahantam Adithya Varnam Thamasah

Parasthaat. Naanya Panthah Vidyate Ayanaya (I perceive this form of the Cosmic

Being beyond darkness. There is no other path to immortality). In modern times,

scholars investigate into the nature of Divinity according to their own

perceptions and propound manifold theories. Creation proceeds in three

different ways: Firstly creation, then sustenance and finally destruction or

dissolution. All creation is subject to these processes. None can deny the truth

of this, not even established scientists can deny this. This is constantly

perceived in our existence. That which is born is sustained and is eventually

destroyed. This is evident to direct perception.

When you enquire into these three aspects of existence, the presence of Divinity

becomes revealed. In daily life also, this Divinity is experienced. For example,

you have seen the dancing lions from Malaysia. However, these are not real lions

but from them you can surmise that there exist real creatures called lions. In a

similar manner, almost every object of daily life points towards Divinity. The

sweetness in the sugarcane or the hot taste of chilies, the sour taste in

tamarind and the bitter taste of Neem, all these are indicators for

understanding Divinity. The starts of the sky, the brightness of the sun, the

coolness of the moon and the waves on the sea are also pointers to the Divine

principle. Though all these do not directly show you God per se, they

constitute positive evidence to the existence of the divine principle. In

society, there are

different functionaries, like a minister for education, a collector for revenue

and the police for law and order, etc., and above all of them is the Prime

Minister. In the same way, in creation, there is Brahma for creation, Vishnu

for protection and Siva for dissolution. But, for all these functions, the

supreme head is Divinity itself. The Muslims call this principle, ALLAH. Every

religious denomination has its own name for its perception of Divinity. But

Bharatiyas or Westerners, all of us have a common term in English, GOD

G stands for Generation i.e. creation, O for Organisation i.e. sustenance and D for Dissolution.

Thus in this word God, all these three aspects, namely, creation, sustenance and

dissolution are implied. Taking such evidence, people have been propagating the

principle of divinity amongst themselves. Stated or unstated, Truth is truth

(Sathya). God exists. Where is He? He is omnipresent. He is in all forms. The

Divinity present in humanity is self evident to everybody.

Embodiments of Love!

Any task undertaken with self-confidence ensures success. Therefore,

self-confidence is absolutely essential for every person. If you expect others

to respect and love you, you should respect and love them equally. Without

respecting or loving others, you cannot expect any reciprocal feeling from

others. In the same way, if you love God, God loves you. Life consists of

reaction, resound and reflection. You exactly get back what you do to others.

What can I tell you for the day? Whenever I see you, My heart overflows with

love. When I visibly see so many of you exhibiting your love for Me, there is

no limit to My joy. I have not sent out invitations to any of you. The love in

Me has drawn you here. Your love to God and God's love to you is the true

message. What one say as a message? I give and you receive and you give and I

receive. This exchange is the true bondage between man and God. You should all

be comfortable and happy. Increase your spiritual dimensions. Live with the

firm conviction that there is a single divinity resident in all. Why does a

Government set up law enforcing agencies like Police and the Defense services?

It is solely for the sake of protecting the country. The Police punish the

guilty. If there is no law-breaker, there is no need for Police at all. In the

same manner, God has sent into the world some entities who will punish the

wicked and reward the righteous. We are prone to protest against such effects.

This is very wrong. Distance your self from evil, accumulate all goodness

around you. Ensure that there is no trace of evil within you. Then you need

fear no punishment. The very persons intended for punishing come and protect.

Swami has said that man is the very embodiment of Atma. He has also told you

that Atma is imperishable. From such an eternal entity, only permanent

consequences arise. God ordains all Creation, sustenance and dissolution. He

manifests from all the elements. With this firm conviction in you, wherever you

go, to whatever country you travel, you will attain success. Spiritual percept

insists, "Have faith in yourself." That is, first of all, know yourself.

Everybody asks the question, "Who are you?" There is none to ask, "Who I am?"

When the question, "Who you are?" is asked, a reply that you are so and so or

you are from such and such a place or you are doing such and such job is not

the proper answer. "I am the Atma" is the only right answer. Body and the mind


impermanent. To imagine that you are these is a serious mistake. Abandon the

feeling that you are the body and the mind and recognise the Atma, which alone

gives the power for both body and mind to function. Everyone is a manifestation

of Atma. This manifestation has expanded all over. This all-pervading Atmic

principle is the Cosmic principle. You should attempt to recognise this Cosmic

Power. You may feel that this is very difficult, but it is extremely simple.

Your body attachment is what makes it appear difficult. Sarva Bhuta Namaskaram

Kesavam Prathigachchathi (salutations to all elements ultimately reach God

(Kesava). In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna says "Mamaivamsho Jeevaloke

Jeevabhutah Sanathanah" (in the entire world, all beings are eternal sparks of

the Divine).

In a hall of mirrors, a bird enters. Looking at the many reflections, it

imagines that there are a multitude of birds and imagining that they are its

competitors; it keeps dashing itself against the mirrors until the mirrors are

broken into little bits. Now, there are as many birds as there are bits of

mirrors. When the mirrors are all shattered to tiny bits, no image is visible

and the bird flies away. This is a state of ignorance. On the contrary, when a

man of wisdom enters the room, he recognises that these are all images of

himself and feels happy. In the same manner, the one who sees himself in all

other persons and looks on them as his own images is a true human being. The

manifest principle that is visible in the external principle that is visible in

the external world is the same inside the individual. Name and form and

abilities can be cognised as

separate but they are mere reflections. The truth is that you and I are one.

Divinity is right inside you and is not separate and specially located in

Temple or Mosque or any other place of worship. What is inside you is what you

see inside a mosque or temple. All Sadhana is undertaken only to recognise this

truth. Every man is born and he dies. In between he lives. The individual grows

and declines but humanness neither expands nor contracts. The body may expand

but humanness neither expands nor contracts. A child is born becomes a man and

a grandfather. Descriptions are different, but the individual is the same. In

the same manner, names and forms change but the individual is the same. Ekam

Sath Viprah Bahudha Vadanti (there is but one truth but scholars say it as


Realising this truth, you should respect and love all and spread joy to all.

Then you become God yourself. Once you recognise the fact that the Divinity in

all is the same, there will be no sense of duality. You may think that it is

very difficult but it is extremely simple. Inability to recognise is faulty

vision and not fault of creation. Without correcting your faulty vision, you

blame the creation. There are no flaws in creation. Everything is unity; the

duality is in your perception.

With self-confidence, any task can be performed successfully. Swami will explain

this to you. Abraham Lincoln was born in an extremely poor family in America.

His father was a carpenter. His mother used to mend dresses and find the

necessary wherewithal to educate Lincoln. He was subjected to much teasing by

well-to-do children in the school for his dress and manners. Once, the boy

Lincoln went and wept before his smother and said, "Mother, I am put to a lot

of shame in front of my fellow students. Please get me a good dress." Taking

close, his mother said, "Son, you must see our condition first. We are not very

well to do. Feeding all of us itself is a problem. In this condition, how can

you expect fancy clothes? Act according to your condition. Sooner or later, you

will reach the levels of your deservedness. Don't be

deterred by other people's taunts. Live with self-confidence. Self-confidence is

the source of all success." Thus, she encouraged him. From that moment, Lincoln

became a person of great self-confidence and proceeded with studies and

activities with honest effort. He was never upset over anything.

Self-confidence was his armour. Devoid of material wealth and conveniences, he

was endowed with plenty of self-confidence. His mother passed away after

sometime. In spite of her death, her words of wisdom were firmly entrenched in

him. His father married again. It is quite common amongst Westerners. She was

also quite affectionate towards Abraham and encouraged him to persevere in the

path showed by his mother. Lincoln graduated afterwards. Life was difficult for

him throughout. He was not suited for continuing his father's occupation. He was

looking for a job. However, soon he thought that self-reliance was better than

serving in some firm or the other and started a business of his own. He

conducted his business in the most upright manner possible. His associates

cheated him. There are people who cannot bear to see the prosperity of others.

This is a fact of life from ancient times. Lincoln carried on with the strength

of his mother's advice regardless of all difficulties. He had a severe setback

in his business. He sold out all his belongings and cleared all his debts.

There is no disease like being a debtor,There is no charity greater than feeding

the hungry,There is no greater gods than parents,There is no greater Dharma than

compassion,There is no greater gain than the company of the good,There is no

enemy greater than anger,There is no wealth greater than good fame, ill-fame is

very death itself,There is no ornament better than the chanting of God's names.

(Telugu Poem)

Lincoln strictly lived in this fashion. Seeing his upright character, some of

his friends felt that he could very easily become a Member of Parliament. They

advised him to stand for election and promised their help. Lincoln stood for

election and won with a thumping majority. In a short while, he rose to become

the President of the United States. At the moment of his success, he

recollected his mother's words. He fully realised the importance of

self-confidence. The Whites treated the Blacks in a very harsh manner in those

days. The Blacks approached Lincoln and told him that should ameliorate their

condition and try to get equal rights with the Whites for them. Lincoln was of

the firm conviction that all humanity was equal and any differentiation was the

basis of colour or race was improper and he promised them that he would do his

best for them and

eventually he succeeded in the abolition of slavery in the United States. The

Blacks of America held Abraham Lincoln in very high esteem.

In the world, there is a constant strife between good and evil. There were many

who were jealous and subjected him to slander. You should attach no importance

to such falsity. Praise and abuse are common to mankind. In Bharat also,

several famous people have suffered similar difficulties have overcome these

with success. If we live in truth and love, we will not be subjected to any

harm. The body is bound to fall sometime or the other. Merely to save it one

should not take to bad ways. Body is perishable while truth is eternal. Hence,

strive for truth. There is nothing greater than truth.

Creation emerged from Truth and it merges into Truth,Is there a place where

Truth does not exist?This alone is absolute Truth.(Telugu Poem)

There are some, whose desires are not fulfilled, turn away and get into bad ways

opposed to the principles of Swami. The defect is theirs, not Bhagawan’s. There

are four kinds of people who cavil at God.

The first type is the atheist, one who professes that there is no God at all.

Second, those who speak against God out of jealousy towards others who are

better off than themselves.

The third type is those who are disillusioned when their desires are not fulfilled.

The fourth, those who lament at the high reputation and fame of others, which

they are unable to achieve themselves.

There are others who resort to improper and mean ways to attain their ends. They

ask, "Swami, I am starting a school or a society and I need so much money." I

tell them the truth, "Son, this is a different country and yours is a different

territory. The currency of this country is of no value in your country. If you

have receive this money, we will have to resort to illegal methods and cheat

the Government. I shall never accept such a practice. Don't associate Bhagawan

with it." Under such circumstances, they go back to their place and make all

kinds of false assertions against Bhagawan. Whatever others may proclaim,

Bhagawan’s Truth is sacred and unfaltering. Do not pay any attention to praise

or slander. For your conscience is your own. Divinity is based on faith. Faith

is not something, which is bestowed. Everyone's faith is his own. All


believe that there is Divinity.

There are a few who say that God does not exist. Those who refuse to believe,

there is no God. For those with faith, there is God. As far as Bhagawan is

concerned, it is all Yes, yes, yes.(Telugu Poem)

Each individual's conscience is his own witness. Do not waste your energies on

negative criticism. You should never abandon your faith, your self-confidence

and your Atma. Some people become jealous at the steady growth of prosperity of

others. Jealousy is a demon. In a tree flush with leaves, fruits and flowers, if

a pest enters the root, the entire tree dies quickly. The pest is not visible to

the eye and works insidiously. This is no fault of the tree. A jealous person

conceals his jealousy within his heart and transmits it to others secretly.

These are evil ways. However, in Bhagawan’s view, there are no evil persons.

All evil behaviour changes sooner or later. Bhagawan’s truth is one. All belong

to Bhagawan’s fold and Bhagawan

belongs to them. Bhagavan's only wealth is LOVE. "I embrace all with this equal

love. Even people who come to Me with hatred in their hearts are dear to Me"

says Bhagawan. Bhagawan does not discriminate between the wrongdoers and the

blemishes. Bhagawan stands in His own Truth. All should take note of this

equanimity of Bhagawan and appreciate His attitude of unity. From unity follows

purity and from purity, Divinity is attained. If you have to attain Divinity,

you have to cultivate purity and for purity all should be mixing with each

other in harmony. Only then the goal is attained.

Embodiments of Love!

Today marks the 75th year of the Advent of this body. Age does not concern

Bhagawan. Welfare of humanity is the only concern. The welfare of the

distressed and the poor is Bhagawan’s only concern. Bhagawan’s primary concern

is the redressed of the difficulties of the helpless. Irrespective of nay

comments, adverse or otherwise, Bhagawan’s resolve is the same. You should also

make a resolution on the same lines.

Having grasped what ought to be grasped,Do not let go of the grip till you

succeed.Having desired what ought to be desired,Hold on till your desire is

fulfilled.Having asked what ought to be asked,Hold on till you obtain what you

had asked for.Having thought what ought to be thought,Hold on till you

succeed.Either Bhagavan should yield out of sheer exhaustionOr you should ask

whole-heartedly with intensity.This is the path a true devotee should

pursue.(Telugu Poem)

Keep your perseverance until your desire is fulfilled. This is the vow of a

Bhakta (devotee). This is what can be called as true Thapas. Thapas does not

mean going into a jungle or standing upside down and doing some meditation or

other. The true indices of a good individual are these:

Keep your word,Adhere to Truth,Show gratitude where due andStay firm in your self-confidence.

If you adhere to these tenets, you will overcome with ease any obstacle that may come your way.

Hold on to your self-confidence and self-respect and be ready for any

self-sacrifice. As Bhagawan has already reiterated, the Atma in everyone is the

same. Therefore, do not be swayed by such considerations as somebody being small

and somebody being great, etc. Self-confidence is the same in each individual

and does not change with age. Quantity may vary between individuals, but

quality is the same.

Embodiments of Love!

If the people of Bharat are to progress in the proper direction, there should be

unity of thought amongst all. Our great leaders after many heavy sacrifices have

obtained freedom for us. While we have attained independence, we have not

achieved unity. What is the use of freedom without unity? We are reduced to the

present sorry state of affairs. There is hatred everywhere. There are ten

factions inside one party. People in one house go four different ways. If this

kind of disunity persists, how can there be any genuine freedom? This is not

the path we have to take. We have to recognise the unity in all. Every

Bharathiya must be able to say proudly, "This is my county, this is my beloved

mother tongue and religion"

You must be able to uphold the respect and traditions of your family. People

have lost their eyes of faith and have become blind to values. Do not depend on

others' help. You should depend on the faith in your self. Faith in yourself,

faith in God, this is the secret of greatness. Having self-confidence is really

having faith in God. Because you are yourself the abode of Divinity. God does

not have separate form. 'I' the Atma itself is God. You must have this kind of

faith in unity. Unity amongst diverse people alone will protect the country.

The sanctity of the Bharathiya soil is not to be found anywhere else on the

globe. This is why there has been such a large number of Divine manifestations

(Avatars) here. Bharat is like a mother of all other nations. Rama said, Janani

Janma Bhumishcha Swargadapi (motherland like a mother is greater than even

paradise itself). You must recognise this truth. There are many who chant the

Rama Nama, but is there anyone who actually practices the virtues represented

by Rama? Everyone is hero in chanting but zero in practice. The Vedas have

given four Mahavakyas:

Tattwam Asi (That thou art),Prajnanam Brahma (constant integrated awareness is

Brahman),Aham Brahmasmi (I am Brahman) andAyam Atma Brahma (this Atma is


You might pun on these words, Ayam Atma Brahma, as I am Atma and Brahma. You are

constantly chanting these words, but are not putting them into practice. Mere

chanting without action is pure exhibitionism. While saying all are Brahman,

you hate somebody. This is a real hypocrisy. If you have aversion to any

individual, quietly keep away from him but don't display hatred. This is the

course to be adopted by you. Bhagawan loves everybody. He has no dislike

towards anybody. All are His devotees, friends and children. In Bhagavan's

eyes, they are all one. This universe is a big book. Antharatma is your Guru.

God is your friend. Time is also the very form of God. Therefore, do not waste

time. Time wasted is life wasted. To make your time pure is true Sadhana.

Embodiments of Love!

The love in you and the love in Bhagawan are one and the same. But your love is

contaminated by desires for material things. Bhagawan has no desire for any

material wealth. Bhagavan's love is the purest. The love immanent in all turns

negative because of the contamination of desires. There is no negative quality

in Bhagawan, it is entirely positive. The positive without the negative or the

negative without the positive are both of little value. So, combine the

negative "I" in you with the positive of Bhagawan and attain unity. With this

understanding, you will be able to experience indescribable bliss. What sort of

bliss? That is Brahamananda. When you experience this Brahamananda, you become

one with Brahman. In this state, there is no need for any Sadhana on your part.

All the Sadhanas that

you do are a mere indulgence to your mind. Consider all as one and love all.

That is the true Sadhana.

Ek Prabhu Ke Anek Naam (God has many names but He is One). While performing the

Sahasranama Archana, you repeat the various names, Keshava, Madhava, Narayana,

Govinda but is it to the same form that you make your offerings. For instance,

while making the Anga Puja, you place the flower on your eye and then offer the

flower to the deity in front with the formula Nethra Pushpam Samarpayami.

Symbolically, you are offering a flower in place of eye itself. You say eye,

but offer a flower. This looks like cheating God Himself. What is the point of

offering to God what God Himself has provided? O God, everything is yours, this

whole body is yours, all the limbs and organs are yours. I am yours and you are

Mine. When this kind of identity is established, there is no further need for

any external form of worship. For those who have not yet reached this exalted

position, these various physical forms of Sadhana such as Japa, Thapa and Dhyana

are suitable. All these require constant practice. Particularly avoidance of bad

habits and the cultivation of good habits is the way to Ahbyasa (practice).

If any body abuses you, take no note, for the abuser is abusing only the body

and not your Self. If somebody calls you a bad man, do you become a bad man by

mere calling? If in fact, you have something bad in you, try to destroy it.

There are a large number of people in this Kali Yuga who abuse God because

their wishes are not fulfilled. This is a universal habit common to all

countries. You should not succumb to such mean and unholy feelings. Thyagaraja,

for example says, that God will manifest to you only to the extent and manner in

which you approach God. Whichever way one conceives the Godhead, God appears to

him in the same form. If your emotions are good, you get corresponding results.


Embodiments of Love!

Bhagawan has no desire to have such elaborate Birthday celebrations - not in the

least. Bhagawan says, "I go through all these because it pleases My devotees. I

am not particularly enamored of anything. The happiness of the devotees is My

happiness. Dedicate your life to Divine love."

Love is the very form of Brahman, try to merge love in love; if you have firm

love, you will achieve the ultimate merger of love, which is true non-duality.

(Telugu Poem)

Hatred, jealousy and ostentation have become widespread these days. Get rid of

these and get into the principle of love. Whether your desires are fulfilled or

not, think that all that happens is good for your good. When you encounter

difficulties, always think that better days are ahead. Good and bad are always

mixed. Therefore, take both of them with the same attitude. Sukha Dukhau Same

Kruthwa Labha Labhau Jaya Jayau.. Bhagavad Gita: (treat happiness and sorrow,

loss and gain with complete equanimity). Pleasure is an interval between two

pains. Reduce your desire. Increase your Divine love and thereby increase your

pleasure. If desires increase, pain increases proportionately and pleasures too

decrease proportionately.

God is not to be obtained by gold or other forms of wealth. He is to be attained

only through character. Sathyabhama in her pride hoped to retain Krishna all for

herself by her wealth. But with a ruse, Narada made her realise her folly by

showing that a single leaf of Tulsi (Basil) offered by Rukmini with real

devotion exceeded all the wealth of Sathyabhama. Krishna says that He is

pleased with the offering of a leaf, a flower, a fruit or plain water. Do not

take this literally. The body is the leaf, the flower is the flower of your

heart, your mind is the fruit and the tears of joy constitute the water, which

is the acceptable offering to God.

Embodiments of Love!

Be in love. All your desires will be fulfilled. Do not hate anybody. With

love-filled heart, enjoy the bliss of love. This message is My gift to you for

the day. This is the only wealth with Bhagawan. All these magnificent edifices

are not Bhagawan’s but they all belong to the devotees. The only property

Bhagawan owns is unbounded love for all of you. Bhagawan will pour forth His

boundless love to all of you for the mere asking. Why? Bhagawan is ready to

sacrifice even His very body for the sake of His devotees. You live happily and

spend your life in a state of bliss. Only then does Bhagawan get His share of

bliss. Nothing else is required. Your good fortune is the gift of Bhagawan’s

love. Take good care of this precious gift and this is Bhagawan’s blessings to

you for the day. May all of you

have a steady devotion, sacred, long and happy life. May you have all this, may

you have all this, may you have all this! May all your difficulties be removed.

Without exhausting your mental energies on difficulties, may you enjoy whatever

happiness you may obtain unalloyed.

Bhagawan concluded His Discourse with the Bhajan, "Prema Mudita Manase Kaho.."

Source: Booklet published by Sri Sathya Sai Books &; Publications Trust.



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