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Envious caste brahmanas

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On the appearance day of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura,

in Los Angeles, on February 7, 1969, Srila Prabhupada explained:



"In this way there was, Caitanya Mahaprabhu's time, this Krsna

consciousness movement was going nicely, very. And after Him, there was

six Gosvms. They also managed. Then, as it is the rule of this material world

that you start something very good but in due course of time the things

deteriorate, so this Vaisnava, Krsna consciousness movement, also

deteriorated in due course of time. Say, after the disappearance of the

Gosvamins, about 250 years after, the things became most ridiculous. The

so-called devotees... Their representatives still are continuing. They are

called prakrta-sahajiya. Prakrta-sahajiya means taking things very easily.

They thought that Radha-Krsna is just like a boy and girls lusty affairs.

And in this way they took it that sex life as religion. Even Vivekananda,

he also criticized, Vaisnavism is sex religion. So the things deteriorated

in such a way that... And similarly, as Advaita Prabhu was afflicted,

similarly, Bhaktivinoda Thakura... He was at that time a householder,

government officer and magistrate. He felt very much: 'Oh, Lord Caitanya's

movement is so...' People... As soon as one will see that he belongs to

the Caitanya sampradaya, hell deride, Oh, these are all rascals, simply

taking sex pleasures. Thats all. There were thirteen pseudo Vaisnavas,

thirteen sects: Aula, Baula, Karttabhaja, Neda, Daravesa, Sani, Sahajiya,

Sakhibheki. Sani community... You have heard that in London there is a

Sani community. Sani Hindu center you have heard from Mukunda? The Sani

is there still. So there are thirteen pseudo pretenders belonging to the

Caitanya-sampradaya. They are called first Aula, Baula, Karttabhaja,

Neda, Daravesa, Sani, Sakhibheki, Gauranga-nagari, Cudadhari, Ativadi,

and Smarta, Jata-gosai. Like that, thirteen.


"So if I describe these thirteen, it will take thirteen hours. So

I don't describe all them. But one or two must be described. The most

important is the Jata-gosai. Jati-gosai. They created a caste of

gosvamins, just like they created a caste of brahmanas, a caste of

gosvamins. So this gosvami will come by hereditary birth, just like

brahmana. So Bhaktivinoda Thakura was very sorry to see the condition of

the society. . . .


"Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu is not liked by the hereditary

brahmanas. They dislike. Whenever there is Caitanya movement, they pose

another counter. This Rama-Krishna is a counteraction of Caitanya. Because

Caitanya, the Vaisnava-sampradaya, accept Caitanya Mahaprabhu as incarnation

of God, so they presented this Gadadhara Chatterjee as incarnation of Krsna,

and by worshiping Kali. You see? So this competition is since a very long time

between the Vaisnava and the other sect. Anyway, when these Gosvamis... My

point is that originally the Gosvamis came from ordinary person. There is

no caste. But they manufactured a caste of Gosvami, you see, this brahmana

class. This brahmana class, the hereditary brahmana class, played so many

havocs in the history of India. The Pakistan is also due to this hereditary

brahmanism. You see? They hated so much the Muhammadans and the sudras.

First of all they hated the sudras, and then, when the sudras, they became

Muhammadans, they hated the Muhammadans. . . .


"So my Guru Maharaja's contribution is that he defeated these

caste gosvamins. He defeated this brahmanism."

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