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Glow worms and serpents

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On Wed, 25 Dec 2002, Madhava wrote:

> We can see that even today, sincere followers of the six Gosvamis of Vraja

are residing at Radha Kunda, Govardhana and the other holy places of



Still, for all their sincerity, they may at any moment be vaporized

into a mushroom cloud because they have failed, practically, to defuse the

passion and ignorance of all those around them; in other words, to say

nothing of the unprecedented religious, social, economic, political,

environmental, and even biological decadence we now see all around us--the

imminent threat of an instant nuclear winter is very, very real (especially

in South Asia). This state arises from people's profound ignorance and

consequent materialism; it does have to be addressed.


Srila Prabhupada didn't change everyone in the world either, but at

least he put a never-before-seen dent in the modern world's maya--better

than anyone else before and since. It would only be prudent for all of us

to recognize his practically superior position, and try to do as he did,

with his blessings.





>> The question may arise, "But how, then, will preaching be conducted

outside of Vraja?" Again, we need not go further than the six Gosvamis in our

search for the answer . . .

In the wake of the example set by Sri Jiva, the mahatmas residing in Vraja

enthusiastically instruct others in the chanting of the holy names and in

the science of rasa-tattva, encouraging them to in turn deliver the message

to whomsoever they meet. Thus preaching is going on here and there in various

places of the world and the movement of Sri Caitanya expands.>>>


That sounds pretty rhapsodic. Unfortunately, what it usually

translates to at ground level is that a few ambitious upstarts who left

ISKCON (usually because of their own demonstrably bad karma) now recognize

their opportunity to make a new psuedo-religious career, through marketing

some previously unknown babaji worldwide via the Internet--and mainly by

invading ISKCON congregations whenever they feel they can pull it off.

Nothing new, really; we've seen this act before.


Thus, Srila Prabhupada said that after an elephant clears a path

through the jungle, all the snakes take advantage of this by slithering

along behind him.



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