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Christianity and liberation

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I received this query and am forwarding it for discussion.


(In a class "Krishna dasa") spoke something about Christian saints and left

an impression that an exceptional ly strict follower of Lord Jesus Christ

could get liberation and return to the spiritual world (providing that he or

she follows four regulative principles.)

Everybody was quite happy with that conclusion ? except myself.

As far as I understand, chanting of HKMM is the only means for transcending

three gunas and developing pure love of God (in Kali-yuga) as taught by Sri

Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Somebody objected that there were nine processes of Bhakti-yoga and that the

perfection could be obtained in different ways apart from chanting HKMM.

To make a long story short, I was labelled ?a fanatic? (jokingly or not.) My

question is: Is it really possible to get pure love of God by any means

other than Bhakti-yoga (and chanting of HKMM) process?

What would be destination of exceptionally strict Christian saints (example:

St. Francis of Assisi)? Next birth as a Vaisnava? Higher planets? Brahman?

Or even Vaikuntha planets?

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two points maharaja:


1)if we do not want krishna, or if we are not informed by pure devotees of

His existence (not some idea of God............. but the real and complete

Krishna!!!) it is not possible to reach him in goloka vrindavana.. Spiritual

world is a fulfilling of desires... if we search for jesus or buddah we

cannot be cheated and find krishna!!



2)maybe some saints were preaching religions less advanced than them... like

buddha or shankaracharya (shiva)



sorry for my english.... happy new year and obeisances to everyone

especially srila maharaja



MSN Extra Storage! Hotmail all'ennesima potenza. Provalo!


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