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OBL Kapur (was: The Dark Age...)

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On Mon, 30 Dec 2002, Madhava wrote:

> Main sources for the information presented above are . . .

and O.B.L. Kapoor's "Saints of Vraja" and "Saints of Bengal".


It is necessary to note a few significant things here.


Although he was previously Srila Prabhupada's godbrother, O.B.L.

Kapoor later accepted a babaji guru after the disappearance of Srila

Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura; in this, his behavior resembles that of

the few disciples of Srila Prabhupada who did likewise. However, in my

opinion (and having met him, I speak from personal experience), O.B.L.

Kapoor was more of a gentleman than these ISKCON apostates. Nonetheless,

it is obvious that Kapoor wasn't very careful about the associations he

embraced--and therefore, about the unusual things he considered valuable

for spiritual advancement; this will be immediately salient from a perusal

of the abovementioned books, which contain some fairly rich descriptions

of sakhibheki (i.e., transvestite) sahajiyas, as well as other "devotees"

who have no clear parampara at all.


Several have also observed traces of Dr. Kapoor's previous mayavada

affiliations in some of his statements...



(Room conversation in Vrndavana, 10/14/77):


Prabhupada: Dr. Kapoor came?


Tamala Krsna: Dr. Kapoor was there this morning. I did not..., was not

there during the part where he spoke, but apparently he spoke some

Mayavada philosophy, this Dr. O.B.L. Kapoor.


Gurukrpa: He said that everything is made of molecules, and molecules are

invisible; therefore actually everything is invisible. Therefore

everything is like a dream, everything is unreal.


Tamala Krsna: This is the result of all of his years of study in order to

write his book. Hes become a Mayavadi. Or at least his... Madhava dasa

[please note--This is not the Madhavadasa on Achintya--MDd], our Madhava

dasa, he got up and completely defeated him.


Gurukrpa: If everything is invisible, then he should also become



Tamala Krsna: Acyutananda Maharaja said, Then someone should have got up

and said, Then why are you speaking if it is all a dream? Why are you even

talking? Then your talking is also a dream, so why not sit down?


Bhavananda: He said, If everything is invisible, then how about me taking

this invisible chair and smashing it over your invisible head?


Tamala Krsna: Doctor Kapoor is really something.


Prabhupada: He has become Mayavadi.


Tamala Krsna: Yes, Srila Prabhupada. (laughter) Does that sound possible?

It sounds possible, doesnt it? Yes.


Gurukrpa: He said before he met His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta

that he was a Mayavadi. Now he's still a Mayavadi.



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