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yah sastra-vidhim utsrjya

vartate kama-karatah

na sa siddhim avapnoti

na sukham na param gatim




yah--anyone who; sastra-vidhim--the regulations of the scriptures;

utsrjya--giving up; vartate--remains; kama-karatah--acting whimsically

in lust; na--never; sah--he; siddhim--perfection; avapnoti--achieves;

na--never; sukham--happiness; na--never; param--the supreme;

gatim--perfectional stage.




He who discards scriptural injunctions and acts according to his own

whims attains neither perfection, nor happiness, nor the supreme





As described before, the sastra-vidhi, or the direction of the sastra,

is given to the different castes and orders of human society. Everyone

is expected to follow these rules and regulations. If one does not

follow them and acts whimsically according to his lust, greed and

desire, then he never will be perfect in his life. In other words, a

man may theoretically know all these things, but if he does not apply

them in his own life, then he is to be known as the lowest of mankind.

In the human form of life, a living entity is expected to be sane and

to follow the regulations given for elevating his life to the highest

platform, but if he does not follow them, then he degrades himself.

But even if he follows the rules and regulations and moral principles

and ultimately does not come to the stage of understanding the Supreme

Lord, then all his knowledge becomes spoiled. And even if he accepts

the existence of God, if he does not engage himself in the service of

the Lord his attempts are spoiled. Therefore one should gradually

raise himself to the platform of Krsna consciousness and devotional

service; it is then and there that he can attain the highest

perfectional stage, not otherwise.


The word kama-karatah is very significant. A person who knowingly

violates the rules acts in lust. He knows that this is forbidden, but

still he acts. This is called acting whimsically. He knows that this

should be done, but still he does not do it; therefore he is called

whimsical. Such persons are destined to be condemned by the Supreme

Lord. Such persons cannot have the perfection which is meant for the

human life. The human life is especially meant for purifying one's

existence, and one who does not follow the rules and regulations

cannot purify himself, nor can he attain the real stage of happiness.


Copyright 1983 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with


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