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devotees not attached to bodily relationship

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I'm forwarding the following queries for discussion.


It is said that we should not be attached to bodily relationships since we

are parts and parcels of Krishna and our only duty is to serve Krishna being

his eternal servants but we see in the Bhagavatam that even exalted devotees

like Prahlada Maharaja asked Nrsimhadeva that his only desire was that his

father Hiranyakasipu be liberated.


Similarly while on his way to Vaikuntha asked Nanda and Sunanda about his

mother who then showed him that his mother was on another airplane. (Also

why wasn't his mother taken on the same airplane, why another airplane?)

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Dear Bhakti Vikasa Swami Prabhu,

Dandavat's, You have

posed a very thought provoking question upon which I have also been

pondering for a while. In practice I have observed that great Mahatmas

have been simultaneously both attached and detached. Take the example of

our Lord Sri Chaitanya Maha Prabhu, He has shown some degree of

attachment for His Mother even after Sannyasa. In another example Lord

KRSNA personally was involved in a very serious fight with Banasura to

free Aniruddha which ultimately let to the clashes of two most

devastating weapons, the Sivajvara and Narayanajvara. It appears healthy

attachment to one's kins is natural.


Regarding your second

question I have read in SB: 4 23 26 that Prthu Maharaja,s wife Queen

Arci similarly followed her husband to Vaikunta in a second plane. Why

they were not in the same plane that is something I myself would also

like to know. Perhaps someone else has an answer.


On a personal note I

do not know if you still remember me or not, I met you in Detroit in the

early nineties. I gave you ride back to the Temple after one of your

speaking programs. I will be in Mayapur during Gour Poornima and hope to

see you again. I belive that Mukunda Dutta Dasa is already in Mayapur and

he might have an answer about different planes. All glories to Sri Guru

and Gouranga. Your Servant, Ashokamrita Dasa.

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