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Advaita Acarya’s prayers

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tumi nityananda murti nityananda nama

murtimanta tuni caitanyera sunadhama


“Your name is Nityananda and indeed You are

‘nityananda,’ eternal bliss. You are the form of Sri

Caitanya’s transcendental qualities.”


sarva jiva paritrana tumi mahaketu

mahapralayete tumi satya dharmasetu


“You deliver all living beings and protect religious

principles at the time of annihilation.”


tumi se bhujao caitanyera premabhakti

tumi se caitanya bakes dhara purna sakti


“You descended to give caitanya-prema-bhakti. Indeed,

You are the full potency of Lord Caitanya.”


brahma siva naradadi bhakta nama yara

tumi se parama upadesta savakara


“You teach supreme knowledge to devotees headed by

Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, and Narada.”


visnu bhakti sabei payena toma haite

tathapio abhimana na sparse tomate


“Everyone getss visnu-bhakti from You, yet You’re

untouched by pride.”


patita pavana tumi doya drsti sunya

tomare se jane yara ache bahupunya


“You deliver the fallen souls without seeing their

faults. Only the very pious can know You.


sarva yajnamaya ei vigraha tomara

abidya bandhana khao smarena yahara


“You are the only enjoyer of sacrifices. Simply

remembering You destroys the bondage of ignorance at



yadi tumi prakasa na kara apanare

tabe kara sakti ache janite tomare


“If you do not manifest Yourself then who will

understand You?”


akrodha paramananda tumi mahesvara

sahasra badana adi deba mahidhara


“You are the most blissful Supreme Lord, completely

free of anger. You are the thousand-headed Ananta who

holds the universes on His hoods.”


raksa kula hasta tumi srilaksmanacandra

tumi gopa-putra haladhara murtimanta


“You are Sri Laksmanacandra, destroyer of the raksasa

dynasty. You are Haladhara, the son of a cowherd.”


murkha nica adhama patita uddharite

tumi avartina haiyacha prthibite


“You descended to save the fallen, wretched, foolish,

and low-class people.”


ye bhakti banchaye yogesvara munigane

toma haite taha paibe yete jane


“By Your mercy, everyone easily achieves devotional

service that is aspired for by great sages and mystic



-- Advaita Acarya’s prayers, Sri Nityananda-caritamrta

Chapter 6



"Radha-Krishna prana mora jugala-kisora, jivane marane gati aro nahi mora."


"The divine couple, Sri Radha and Krsna, are my life and soul. In life or death

I have no other refuge but Them."


-- Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura




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