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aphalakanksibhir yajno

vidhi-disto ya ijyate

yastavyam eveti manah

samadhaya sa sattvikah




aphala-akanksibhih--by those devoid of desire for result;

yajnah--sacrifice; vidhi-distah--according to the direction of

scripture; yah--which; ijyate--is performed; yastavyam--must be

performed; eva--certainly; iti--thus; manah--mind; samadhaya--fixing;

sah--it; sattvikah--in the mode of goodness.




Of sacrifices, the sacrifice performed according to the directions of

scripture, as a matter of duty, by those who desire no reward, is of

the nature of goodness.




The general tendency is to offer sacrifice with some purpose in mind,

but here it is stated that sacrifice should be performed without any

such desire. It should be done as a matter of duty. Take, for example,

the performance of rituals in temples or in churches. Generally they

are performed with the purpose of material benefit, but that is not in

the mode of goodness. One should go to a temple or church as a matter

of duty, offer respect to the Supreme Personality of Godhead and offer

flowers and eatables. Everyone thinks that there is no use in going to

the temple just to worship God. But worship for economic benefit is

not recommended in the scriptural injunctions. One should go simply to

offer respect to the Deity. That will place one in the mode of

goodness. It is the duty of every civilized man to obey the

injunctions of the scriptures and offer respect to the Supreme

Personality of Godhead.


Copyright 1983 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with


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