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Srila Prabhupada Satakam

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A recent issue of BTG featured verses from Srila Prabhupada Satakam, by

Professor M. Narasimhachary (Oxford Centre for Vaishnava and Hindu Studies),

translated by Radhika Ramana Prabhu. Here are a few more verses from this

wonderful work, featured twice: first with diacritical marks, to be read in

Balaram font, and then without (most) diacritical marks.


äcära-püto mita-väg hitaiñé

samasta-bhüta-prakara-priyaç ca

sadä-japaù çänta-manä manéñé

samasta-cittäni jigäya mauné


He is pure in behavior, measured in words, well-wishing, and dear to all

living beings. He is given to constant chanting, peaceful in mind, and

thoughtful. He, being silent, conquered the hearts of one and all.


gurur yadä dhyäna-nimélitäkñas

tadä mukundo jagad-antarätmä

säkñäd-bhaved äçrita-pärijätaù



When our spiritual master closes his eyes in meditation, then Lord Mukunda,

who is the inner soul of the universe, who is the Pärijäta tree for those

who have taken shelter of him, and whose flute-song enthralls the entire

world, appears directly before him.


unmélya cakñus sa yadä prapaçyet

tadäpi kåñëaù purataç cakästi

antar bahis sarvata eva säkñät

näräyaëo 'stéti ca veda üce


But even when he opens his eyes, Lord Kåñëa appears before him. Thus the

Veda says, "Within, without, and everywere, Näräyaëa is directly present."


etena san-mauni-vareëa tävat

vyäsoditaà bhägavataà puräëam

prajïä-dåçä samyag avekñya loke

prakhyäpitaà vyäsa-nibandhanena


The best among saintly persons, Çréla Prabhupäda, observed everything

correctly with the eyes of intuitive knowledge, and through his

commentaries, made the Bhägavata Puräëa of Vyasadeva popular throughout the



çiñyeñu vätsalyam anantam asya

präcärya-varyasya vadanti santaù

na ko 'pi tan-mandiram etya bhaktaù

pipäsito vä kñudhito na dåñöaù


The wise say that Çréla Prabhupäda, the most excellent äcärya, had unlimited

parental love for his disciples. No devotee was ever seen hungry or thirsty

after going to one of Çréla Prabhupäda's temples.


pitä yathä putra-kåtäparädhaà

na marñayed evam ayaà mahätmä

kruddhaù kadäcit kaöhinaà vaded vä

kintv asya cittaà nava-néta-tulyam


Just as a father would not tolerate the offenses of his son, so the mahätmä,

Çréla Prabhupäda, would sometimes become angry and speak strong words, but

actually his heart is as soft as fresh butter.


ghoräparädhän api mätå-nétyä

kñämyet prabhur naiva sa nirghåëaù syät

candraù kim asmän dahati sva-dhämnä

jalaà ca kià çaitya-guëaà vimuïcet


Like a mother, our master could forgive even terrible offenses. He was never

uncompassionate. After all, can the moon burn us with its rays? Can water

give up its quality of coolness?





acara-püto mita-vag hitaisi

samasta-bhüta-prakara-priyas ca

sada-japah santa-mana manisi

samasta-cittani jigaya mauni


He is pure in behavior, measured in words, well-wishing, and dear to all

living beings. He is given to constant chanting, peaceful in mind, and

thoughtful. He, being silent, conquered the hearts of one and all.


gurur yada dhyana-nimilitaksas

tada mukundo jagad-antaratma

saksad-bhaved asrita-parijatah



When our spiritual master closes his eyes in meditation, then Lord Mukunda,

who is the inner soul of the universe, who is the Parijata tree for those

who have taken shelter of him, and whose flute-song enthralls the entire

world, appears directly before him.


unmilya caksus sa yada prapasyet

tadapi krsnah puratas cakasti

antar bahis sarvata eva saksat

narayano 'stiti ca veda üce


But even when he opens his eyes, Lord Krsna appears before him. Thus the

Veda says, "Within, without, and everywere, Narayana is directly present."


etena san-mauni-varena tavat

vyasoditam bhagavatam puranam

prajna-drsa samyag aveksya loke

prakhyapitam vyasa-nibandhanena


The best among saintly persons, Srila Prabhupada, observed everything

correctly with the eyes of intuitive knowledge, and through his

commentaries, made the Bhagavata Purana of Vyasadeva popular throughout the



sisyesu vatsalyam anantam asya

pracarya-varyasya vadanti santah

na ko 'pi tan-mandiram etya bhaktah

pipasito va ksudhito na drstah


The wise say that Srila Prabhupada, the most excellent acarya, had unlimited

parental love for his disciples. No devotee was ever seen hungry or thirsty

after going to one of Srila Prabhupada's temples.


pita yatha putra-krtaparadham

na marsayed evam ayam mahatma

kruddhah kadacit kathinam vaded va

kintv asya cittam nava-nita-tulyam


Just as a father would not tolerate the offenses of his son, so the mahatma,

Srila Prabhupada, would sometimes become angry and speak strong words, but

actually his heart is as soft as fresh butter.


ghoraparadhan api matr-nitya

ksamyet prabhur naiva sa nirghrnah syat

candrah kim asman dahati sva-dhamna

jalam ca kim saitya-gunam vimuncet


Like a mother, our master could forgive even terrible offenses. He was never

uncompassionate. After all, can the moon burn us with its rays? Can water

give up its quality of coolness?

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