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Ranjeetha's unflinching faith

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(From Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu)


Hare Krsna.

Dear devotees and Guru Maharaj,please accept my humble

obeisances.All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Preaching is always glorious!

We have been preaching in Tamil Nadu.Every week we are

having a village preaching programme in a small place

Kadayam.Most of the participants of that programme are

poor village children numbering more than sixty.

Even though they are basicaly uneducated they know by

heart all the ISKCON songs and singing them with great


Among those children is one small girl by the name

Ranjeetha.She's 10.She's a regular attendant of the

programme along with her 3 sisters.Even during the

rainy season she used to come on time keeping an

umbrella in her hand.

Before fifteen days unavoidable Providence influenced

her life.Along with her father she was sitting in a

train to Kerala.When Ranjeetha got down to get some

drinking water the train started.Running back to jump

in her compartment she unfortunately slipped on a

banana skin and felt down almost under the train.

Alas,the train has smashed her left leg and later on

in the hospital she got her leg cut off.

We were in distress to know that.Three days back I

went to see her with another devotee in the hospital.

We were ready to meet her in distressful condition.

On the contrary ,we were welcomed by her broad smile

and "Hare Krsna!".She was keeping Bhagavad-gita in her

hand and by the side there was a diary in which she

spent her time writing Krsna's name.Also,she had a

beautiful tilaka.

Conversing with her father I came to know that all the

visiting doctors were struck with wonder seeing her

devotion in such a tender age and painful bodily

condition.Christian preachers are used to go to the

hospitals and distribute food,clothes along with the

Bible.Gradually,giving the patients some financial

facilities they are converting them into Christianity.

And it so happened that when a Christia missionaries

approached her with such a things,she boldly told :

"I'm not in need of Bible.I have already my Lord


I was wonderind hearing this and left the hospital

without any fear for her future,thinking how Krsna

empowers even such a small heart and protects his

devotees.May all the Vaishnavas pray for the Lord's

mercy on her to protect her in all circumstances.

Your servant,Akinchana Krsna das,Tirunelveli.

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