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Disappearance day of Srila Vrindavan das Thakura

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"As Vyasadeva has compiled all the pastimes of Lord

Krsna in Srimad-Bhagavatam, Thakura Vrindavana das has

depicted the pastimes of Lord Caitanya." - CC Adi 8.34


"What a wonderful description he has given of the

pastimes of Lord Caitanya! Anyone in the three worlds

who hears it is purified." - CC Adi 8.42


"Srila Vrindavana das Thakura, the authorized writer

of the pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, is as good

as Srila Vyasadeva. He has described the pastimes in

such a way as to make them sweeter and sweeter." - CC

Adi 13.48


"By nature all the activities of Sri Caitanya

Mahaprabhu are very wonderful and sweet, and when they

are described by Vrindavan das Thakura, they become

like a shower of nectar." - CC Madhya 4.5


"The ocean of nectarean pastimes of Sri Caitanya

Mahaprabhu is like the ocean of milk. According to his

thirst, Vrindavan das Thakura filled his pitcher and

drank from that ocean." - CC Antya 20.88


"Whatever remnants of milk Vrindavan das Thakura has

given me is sufficient to fill my belly. Now my thirst

is completely satiated." - CC Antya 20.89


"I thus offer my resepctful obeisances unto the lotus

feet of Vrindavan das Thakura. I hope that I will not

offend his lotus feet by this action." - CC Madhya 4.9



"One who chants Gauranga's name will get the mercy of Krsna, and he will be able

to live in Vrndavana. One who worships Krsna without chanting the name of

Gauranga will get Krsna only after a long time. But he who takes Gauranga's name

quickly gets Krsna, for offenses do not remain within him."


- Sri Narada Muni, Navadvipa Dhama-mahatmya, Chapter 7




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