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Simple Folio scholarship

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In Digest Number 794 Mukunda Datta Prabhu wrote:


> Simple Folio scholarship also has its weaknesses. The best

> system is to learn the philosophical conclusions of Vaisnava acaryas

> through serving pure devotees.


Another trait noticeable on Achintya is discussion of abstruse philosophical

points (e.g. the legitimacy or otherwise of Mira) by persons seemingly

lacking grounding in basic Gaudiya understanding.


The online courses on Gita As It Is that are available would probably be

helpful for the practical spiritual advancement of some Achintya-ites. Those

interested could contact me for details.


Hare Krishna.


dasa, BVS

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achintya, "Bhakti Vikasa Swami"

<Bhakti.Vikasa.Swami@p...> wrote:


> Another trait noticeable on Achintya is discussion of abstruse


> points (e.g. the legitimacy or otherwise of Mira) by persons


> lacking grounding in basic Gaudiya understanding.


Discussion is most valuable to me when it causes me to reevaluate my

faith, and force me to find solid ground upon which to develop strong

conviction. If devotees avoid sentimentalism and try to stick to an

evidence-based approach, there is much we can learn. The problem I

think is when discussion exposes a gap in one's knowledge, and yet

one continues to argue in spite of this. Another problem is when

devotees argue on the basis of pure sentiment... i.e. "How can you

doubt this person, he is obviously a great devotee!" etc etc.


The Mira discussion is a case in point. I avoided this deliberately

because I think one has to understand the fundamentals of rasa

theology, which I do not claim to do. Furthermore, there is obvious

attachment to Mira's bhajans by some followers which may not be

tempered with consideration of these philosophical points. Thus, I

have only asked that members who wish to discuss it make reference to

explicit points rather than speaking in a general way. The fact that

this discussion is not continuing suggests to me that most devotees

are not comfortable dealing with such advanced issues of devotion

between Krishna and the gopikas, which I suppose is reasonable.

Really, I think before one can argue that Mira's bhajans are

acceptable to Gaudiiya Vaishnava devotees, one has to at least know

Nectar of Devotion well... and quite possibly more than that.


> The online courses on Gita As It Is that are available would

probably be

> helpful for the practical spiritual advancement of some Achintya-

ites. Those

> interested could contact me for details.


I think this would be a good example of a link which could be added

to the Achintya links section. I would like to see that URL so I can

add it.




- K

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Nityananda-Gauranga bol!


Krishna Susarla writes:


>> Furthermore, there is obvious attachment to Mira's

bhajans by some followers which may not be tempered

with consideration of these philosophical points.

Thus, I have only asked that members who wish to

discuss it make reference to explicit points rather

than speaking in a general way. <<


In case nobody noticed, it was suggested that an

example of Mirabai's bhajans was submitted for

critical analysis and I provided such a point.

Probably nobody noticed because we got caught up in

other discussions. However the link to that bhajan is

still there in my original post if anyone wants to

discuss and analyse it.


>> The fact that this discussion is not continuing

suggests to me that most devotees are not comfortable

dealing with such advanced issues of devotion between

Krishna and the gopikas, which I suppose is

reasonable. <<


Personally, I don't mind as I am not uncomfortable.


However a good reminder is that even a contemporary

(well, recent) Acharya such Srila Gour Govinda Swami

specifically mentioned the subject of Mirabai's bhava

as comparable to that of Gaudiya Vaishnavas,

specifically rejecting it on the basis that they

apparently desire sayujya-mukti which, as we all know,

is not acceptable to Gaudiyas.


>> Really, I think before one can argue that Mira's

bhajans are acceptable to Gaudiiya Vaishnava devotees,

one has to at least know Nectar of Devotion well...

and quite possibly more than that. <<




Kind regards,





"One who chants Gauranga's name will get the mercy of Krsna, and he will be able

to live in Vrndavana. One who worships Krsna without chanting the name of

Gauranga will get Krsna only after a long time. But he who takes Gauranga's name

quickly gets Krsna, for offenses do not remain within him."


- Sri Narada Muni, Navadvipa Dhama-mahatmya, Chapter 7




The New Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.


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achintya, Sanjay Dadlani <dark_knight_9>


> Nityananda-Gauranga bol!

> > Personally, I don't mind as I am not uncomfortable.

> However a good reminder is that even a contemporary

> (well, recent) Acharya such Srila Gour Govinda Swami

> specifically mentioned the subject of Mirabai's bhava

> as comparable to that of Gaudiya Vaishnavas,

> specifically rejecting it on the basis that they

> apparently desire sayujya-mukti which, as we all know,

> is not acceptable to Gaudiyas.


>> Krishna Susarla writes:>


> >> Really, I think before one can argue that Mira's

> bhajans are acceptable to Gaudiiya Vaishnava devotees,

> one has to at least know Nectar of Devotion well...

> and quite possibly more than that. <<


> Correct.


> Kind regards,


> Jay


Nectar of Devotion and also what Srila Prabhupada himself say about

the vaisnava personality of Mirabhai.I have not read anything he say

against her. Maybe is this exist somehere?


The source comes from a Mayavadi's propaganda showing in a painting

the so-called fusion of Mirabhai and Krsna. Prabhupada call them bad

names as he was informed of that deed. So why rejecting them on that

basis they "apparently desire sayujya mukti"?.


Again we receive references coming from other's statement based on

apparence but not directly from the Iskcon-founder-acarya, writer of

NOD , this may lead us in incomplete understanding of those topics

reputed delicate to approach, but broadcasted by sadhus expert in the

matter, as for any other spiritual teaching.


But If we don't agree with the reality of Prabhupada's vani, as

Maharaja said in a darshan, what is the use of recording so much

opinions , statements and books of Srila Prabhupa as NOD?. And in

the same logic, what is the use of reading Maharaja's instructions

since he is not yet "contemporary (well,recent)" anymore?. I beg you

to clear my doubts close from a sunyavada misconception.



I hope having contributed for the glorification of qualified

vaisnavas and not ofending any one by the precision I brought and I

asked for.




Vrajananda das

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