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Srila Prabhupada and Swami Vivekananda on strength

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Thu, 1 May 2003 00:41 -0400

"Bhakti Vikasa Swami" <Bhakti.Vikasa.Swami

Srila Prabhupada and Swami Vivekananda on strength


In the Upanisads it is stated, nayam atma bala-hinena labhyah. The purport

is that one cannot attain the supreme platform of self-realization without

being sufficiently favored by Balarama. Bala does not mean physical

strength. No one can attain spiritual perfection by physical strength. One

must have the spiritual strength which is infused by Balarama, or



(Srila Prabhupada, Krsna Book Ch. 2)




Be strong, my young friends, that is my advice to you. You will be nearer to

heaven through football than through the study of the Gita. These are bold

words, but I have to say them, for I love you. I know where the shoe

pinches. I have gained a little experience. You will understand the Gita

better with your biceps, your muscles, a little stronger.


(The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Vol.III, p. 242).



Haribol Maharaj


My experience tells me that certian ISKCON devotees in Durban as I recall have

used the 'wasting of one's breathe ' as an excuse to avoid physical exercise.

For 14 Years I have been attempting the Comrades Marathon of which I completed

nine races over a distance +- 90 Km.


I try to imagine Lord Gauranga or Srila Prabhupada waiting for me at the finish.

I would chant the Maha-mantra plus wear Tilak and shave up etc for the event.

Gradually many Runners became aware of the principles of Bhakti Yoga. As I

passed the crowds someone will shout out "Hare Krsna" and I would respond

"Haribol". Some times Haribol will resound from the crowd un knowingly when they

heard the words. Other times a runner will say "I like your hair style...soon

about the mark on my face...is it paint ?, why do you wear it.


Currently there are many devotees who run the Comrades Marathon wearing thiluk

etc. By the way Lord Jaganath has manifested himself enroute on a rock piece

near a place called Inchanga. Some one was kind enough to paint his face and

eyes in appropriate colours. I had a desire to try to arrange a Maha Harinam 90

Km and pulling a chariot with Srila Prabhupada in it.

Unfortunately the local Temple devotees were not favorable plus there were too

few devotees.



Now, since Bhakti Marg Swami's Canadian cross country, perhaps there is a chance

for this event to fructify if the Temple Devotees can see the light.


For me the 90 Km run is realization of how useless this body is and that the

mind controls it and every thing is arranged by Lord Krsna.


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am hoping to establish an Athletic Club in Honour of Srila Prabhupada.

"Prabhupada Athletic Club" or "ISKCON Athletic Club". Or Lord Gauranga please

give me the strength.


Rakesh Manohar






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