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Rama-nama in the mahamantra.

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I sent this query some days ago, but as no one ventured to answer, I'll

myself proffer a reply.


> In the purport of mahamantra Srila Prabhupada refers to both Krishna and

> Rama mean "Supreme Pleasure". Does the Holy Names differ in their

> potencies. If chanting the holy name of Krishna is more beneficial than

> chanting of holy names of Vishnu and Rama. Then what is the significance

> of holy name Rama in the mahamantra.


The answer may be understood from the following purport by Srila Prabhupada:


mukti-hetuka taraka haya `rama-nama'

`krsna-nama' paraka hana kare prema-dana


mukti-hetuka -- the cause of liberation; taraka -- deliverer; haya -- is;

rama-nama -- the holy name of Lord Rama; krsna-nama -- the holy name of Lord

Krsna; paraka -- that which gets one to the other side of the ocean of

nescience; hana -- being; kare -- gives; prema-dana -- the gift of love of



"The holy name of Lord Rama certainly gives liberation, but the holy name of

Krsna transports one to the other side of the ocean of nescience and at last

gives one ecstatic love of Krsna.


In an indirect way, this verse explains the chanting of the Hare Krsna

maha-mantra. The Hare Krsna maha-mantra -- Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna

Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare -- includes

both the holy name of Lord Krsna and the name of Lord Rama. Lord Rama gives

one the opportunity to be liberated, but simply by liberation one does not

get actual spiritual benefit. Sometimes if one is liberated from the

material world but has no shelter at the lotus feet of Krsna, one falls down

to the material world again. Liberation is like a state of convalescence, in

which one is free from a fever but is still not healthy. Even in the stage

of convalescence, if one is not very careful, one may have a relapse.

Similarly, liberation does not offer as much security as the shelter of the

lotus feet of Krsna. It is stated in the sastra:

ye 'nye 'ravindaksa vimukta-maninas

tvayy asta-bhavad avisuddha-buddhayah

aruhya krcchrena param padam tatah

patanty adho 'nadrta-yusmad-anghrayah

"O Lord, the intelligence of those who think themselves liberated but who

have no devotion is impure. Even though they rise to the highest point of

liberation by dint of severe penances and austerities, they are sure to fall

down again into material existence, for they do not take shelter at Your

lotus feet." (Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.2.32) Yusmad-anghrayah refers to the

lotus feet of Krsna. If one does not take shelter of Krsna's lotus feet, he

falls down (patanty adhah), even from liberation. The Hare Krsna

maha-mantra, however, gives liberation and at the same time offers shelter

at the lotus feet of Krsna. If one takes shelter at the lotus feet of Krsna

after liberation, he develops his dormant ecstatic love for Krsna. That is

the highest perfection of life.



>>> Ref. VedaBase => Antya 3.258



This understanding is suitable for aspiring devotees. And for perfect

devotees, Rama in the mahamantra is appreciated as He who gives pleasure to


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Nityananda Gauranga.


Bhakti Vikasa Swami wrote:


>> This understanding is suitable for aspiring

devotees. And for perfect devotees, Rama in the

mahamantra is appreciated as He who gives pleasure to

Radha. <<


Isn't this a clear case of rasabhasa?


Even if we are not referring to Sri Ramachandra, but

in fact Sri Baladeva, isn't that still rasabhasa?


Is there any clear sastric evidence that suggest that

either of the two Ramas have a relationship of some

sort to Srimati Radharani?


In service of Nityananda-Gauranga,





"One who chants Gauranga's name will get the mercy of Krsna, and he will be able

to live in Vrndavana. One who worships Krsna without chanting the name of

Gauranga will get Krsna only after a long time. But he who takes Gauranga's name

quickly gets Krsna, for offenses do not remain within him."


- Sri Narada Muni, Navadvipa Dhama-mahatmya, Chapter 7




The New Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.


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According to the Ram charita manas (Goswami Tulasidas)...

Naarad once approached SRi Ram while he was alone and asked him for a boon...saying thus..

" There are so many names of the almighty in the Vedas and shastras...but i ask

that let the name rAma be like the full moon in a dark night and let all your

other names be like stars.  That is...let the name rAma be above all other


Pleases with nArada muni...srI rAma said "tathAstu"  --- so shall be.....



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In the commentary of Sri Gopal Guru Goswami on Hare Krishna

Mahamantra, He writes: -


RAMA. Sankarji said to Parvati, He Devi! By pronouncing the

first syllable of the word Räma (rä) all sins leave the body, and

when one chants the syllable ma, the door of the mouth closes so

they cannot re-enter.

Yogés meditate on parä-tattva, the transcendental, unlimited truth

and the embodiment of pleasure. That parä-tattva parama brahma

is known as Räma.

The predominating deity (adhisthätri deva) of all rasa filled pas-

times, the crest-jewel of the clever, rasika sekhara Sri Krsna, eter-

nally enjoys with Srimati Rädhikä. Thus, He is referred to as Räma.

Sré Krsna attracts the mind of Sri Rädhikä and thus enjoys per-

forming pastimes with Her. He is, therefore, known as Räma.

In the Krama-dipikä, Sri Krishna spoke to Candramä, the moon.

"Rädhä's name is superior to hundreds of My names. Even I do

not know what benefit awaits that person who always chants and

remembers Sri Rädhä..


In general, our Gaudiya Acharyas refer the name of Rama in

Mahamantra as "Radika Raman", The One Who gives pleasure to Radhika.

Hari Nam Bhasya of Srila Jiva Goswami, Srila Gopal Guru Goswami and

Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur, etc provides similar meanings.


Explanation of the Maha-mantra by Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura


O Hari! Having captured my mind, please free me from material


O Krishna! Please attract my mind by pulling it to You.

O Hari! Please capture my mind by Your unsurpassed sweetness.

O Krishna! Please purify my mind with knowledge about devotional

service given to me by Your own devotee.

O Krishna! Please make me able to relish Your transcendental name,

form, qualities, pastimes, etc.

O Krishna! Please make me able to relish Your transcendental name,

form, qualities, pastimes, etc.

O Hari! Please make me fit to serve You.

O Hari! Please make me able to relish Your transcendental name,

form, qualities, pastimes, etc.

O Hari! Please direct me to do some particular service for You.

O Rama! Let me hear about Your most cherished pastimes in the

company of Your dearest devotee.

O Hara (Radha)! Please reveal to me Your most cherished pastimes

with Your beloved Sri Krishna.

O Rama! Please reveal to me Your most cherished pastimes with

Your beloved Sri Radha.

O Rama! Please engage me in remembering Your transcendental name,

form, qualities, pastimes, etc.

O Rama! Please make me fit to serve You while remembering Your

transcendental name, form, qualities, pastimes, etc.

O Hari! Having accepted me as one of Your own servitors, please

enjoy me as You please.

O Hari! Please enjoy with me in Your transcendental way.

This is my humble request at Your lotus feet.



Sri Gurukrpa-prarthi

Hari Prasad Das

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