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anxiety brings perfection

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Visnujana: How do we render perfect service to Krsna?


Prabhupada: By your anxiety. (laughter, "Haribol!") If you are anxious to

serve Krsna, that is the real asset. Krsna is unlimited. What service we can

offer to Him? And He has got unlimited servants also. What service He

requires from you and me? He's perfect in Himself. He doesn't require any

service also. But if you are anxious to serve Him, then He does not refuse.

That is His mercy; that is His magnanimity. So the more you increase your

anxiety to serve Krsna, the more it becomes perfect. He's unlimited. Your

anxiety, you become unlimited. So there is competition. The more you serve

Krsna, the more He accepts you and the more He gives you intelligence. You

see? So the spiritual world is unlimited. There is no end of service, and

there is no end of accepting the service. It is not that. So eagerness.

Tatra laulyam eka mulyam. I am not manufacturing the answer, but I am giving

you evidence from Rupa Gosvami, our acarya. He says,

krsna-bhakti-rasa-bhavita matih kriyatam yadi kuto 'pi labhyate: "My dear

gentlemen, my dear boys and girls, if you can purchase a..., your sense of

loving Krsna -- 'How I can love Krsna more and more' -- this, this much,

this anxiety, if you can purchase this matih," -- means intelligence; it is

very nice intelligence -- " 'How I shall serve Krsna...' "

Krsna-bhakti-rasa-bhavita matih. Matih means intelligence or status of mind,

that "I'll serve Krsna.If you can purchase this status of mind anywhere,

please immediately purchase." Then next question will be, "All right, I

shall purchase. What is the price, do you know?Yes, I know what is the

price.What is that price?Laulyam, simply your eagerness, that's all."

Laulyam ekam mulyam. "Ah, that I can have." No. Na janma kotibhis sukrtibhir

labhyate. This eagerness, how to love Krsna, this is not available even

after many, many births. So if you have a pinch of that anxiety, "How I can

serve Krsna?" you must know you are the most fortunate man. A pinch only,

laulya, this anxiety, "How I can serve Krsna?" it is very nice. Then Krsna

will give you intelligence.


tesam satata-yuktanam

bhajatam priti-purvakam

buddhi-yogam dadami tam...

[bg. 10.10]


"Anyone who is engaged with love and affection in My service, without any

hypocrisy," then Krsna can understand everything. He is within me, within

you. Then He will give you intelligence: "My dear boy, you do like this."

And by doing that, what he will achieve? Yena mam upayanti te: "He'll come

back to Me." And what profit he will get by going there? Ah, yad gatva na

nivartante tad dhama paramam mama [bg. 15.6]. Mam hi partha vyapasritya ye

'pi syuh papa-yonayah. Duhkhalayam asasvatam [bg. 8.15]. There are so many.

Please read Bhagavad-gita As It Is. You'll get perfect knowledge, the

science of God. That is the only study for human being.


So simply your eagerness is the perfection for serving Krsna. Increase that

eagerness. And eagerness means if you love Krsna, that eagerness will

increase with your increase of love: "How I shall serve Krsna?" Because you

are voluntary servant, nobody is forcing. That means unless you love Krsna,

how that eagerness will increase? So there are so many things to love Krsna.

Beginning is this sravanam kirtanam. This sravanam, hearing, and chanting.

Hearing, you are hearing Hare Krsna, you are hearing Bhagavad-gita, you are

hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam about Krsna, and chanting. This is the beginning.

Then, naturally,


sravanam kirtanam visnoh

smaranam pada-sevanam

arcanam vandanam dasyam

sakhyam atma-nivedanam

[sB 7.5.23]


These nine kinds of different varieties of service to Krsna will enlighten

you, will advance you in Krsna consciousness, and your life will be



>>> Ref. VedaBase => Lecture -- Seattle, October 4, 1968

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A Transcendental Diary - Vol 2

Travels with HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

April 1976 - June 1976


ISKCON Melbourne Mahaprabhu Mandira

197 Danks Street, Albert Park


April 26th, 1976, p. 40


>From 6:30am to 7:30am Prabhupada took his morning walk around the Botanical

Gardens. As we walked along the outer perimeter, Cittahari dasa asked if a

devotee is always unhappy to see others suffering.


"Yes," Prabhupada replied, "this is Krsna anxiety. This kind of anxiety is

welcome." He explained that in the material world people are in anxiety to

get money and sex, but in the spiritual realm, the anxiety is to get Krsna.

The anxiety is there, but the quality is different.


Cittahari inquired further, "If we're in anxiety that we cannot perform

devotional service nicely, that is all right." Prabhupada explained that is

not so easy to become anxious for Krsna - one can get such anxiety only

after many, many millions of lives of pious activities. If one becomes full

of anxiety for Krsna, that is the highest stage of perfection. He said that

this stage cannot be imitated, however, by following the regulative

principles one gradually comes to this platform.


Cittahari asked, "If one is in anxiety because he has a falling down from

following the regulative principle, is this material anxiety?"


Srila Prabhupada said yes, anxiety for oneself is material, whereas anxiety

for Krsna is spiritual. Smiling, he quoted Rupa Goswami, who said that if

one can purchase anxiety for Krsna one must do it at any price. But the

price he said ironically, is that one must be in anxiety to have it, that

anxiety is not available even after millions of births of pious activities.


"So if we're performing the Deity worship and we get in anxiety, how to make

it nice?" Cittahari asked.


"Yes, that is Krsna anxiety," Srila Prabhupada said. If you become anxious

how to worship Deity, how to dress Krsna nicely, that will develop your

anxiety for Krsna. Therefore Deity worship is essential. Exactly in time to

get up, to offer mangala-arati, to dress - this anxiety is the beginning of

Krsna anxiety. Then, when you become perfect, you'll always be anxious for

Krsna. And that is perfectional stage. Therefore, by the injunction of the

sastra, regulative, it is a way of creating that anxiety. So we must follow.

Then we'll come to the real anxiety."


Another devotee asked if being in anxiety about whether he is distributing a

lot of books or not is spiritual.


Again Prabhupada gave his confirmation. "For selling books anxiety is Krsna

anxiety. If you become very anxious how to sell more books, that is Krsna

anxiety. That is not trade anxiety;, that is Krsna anxiety".


Gurukrpa Maharaja took advantage of the conversation to clear up a

managerial point. "Some people say that 'When I go on sankirtana to sell

books I become in too much anxiety if I'm not doing well, so I'd rather not

do it.' "


But Prabhupada replied, "No, that is Krsna anxiety. He does not know. Let

him know that that is Krsna anxiety. Mother Yasoda became mother of Krsna so

that she would always remain in anxiety for Krsna; whether Krsna is safe.

That is mother's anxiety. Therefore she became mother. How to become in

Krsna anxiety? This philosophy nobody knows. Everyone takes Krsna as the

father. Father means I'm anxiety-less: 'Father, you supply my wants', And to

become father of Krsna means to purchase anxiety for Krsna. This philosophy

they do not know."


Prabhupada said that mother Yasoda is in constant anxiety for Krsna,

wondering if He is safe, if some monkey is bothering Him, or if some demon

is threatening. It is a transcendental irony that only the devotees can

understand. The Mayavadis want santi, peace, but they cannot become

anxiety-less. The anxiety should be purified from material contamination,

and it should be only for Krsna.




----Original Message Follows----

"Bhakti Vikasa Swami" <Bhakti.Vikasa.Swami



Visnujana: How do we render perfect service to Krsna?


Prabhupada: By your anxiety. (laughter, "Haribol!") If you are anxious to

serve Krsna, that is the real asset. Krsna is unlimited. What service we can

offer to Him? And He has got unlimited servants also. What service He

requires from you and me? He's perfect in Himself. He doesn't require any

service also. But if you are anxious to serve Him, then He does not refuse.

That is His mercy; that is His magnanimity. So the more you increase your

anxiety to serve Krsna, the more it becomes perfect. He's unlimited. Your

anxiety, you become unlimited.



>>> Ref. VedaBase => Lecture -- Seattle, October 4, 1968



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