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viShNu puraaNa 6.7.75 -Sanskrit?

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Can someone please send me the original sanskrit of the following verse


viShNu puraaNa 6.7.75.


I used this verse from the achintya file list but only the English translation

is present. The verse establishes the Supremacy of Krishna over Brahman and



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achintya, Aravind Mohanram <psuaravind>


> Haribol,


> Can someone please send me the original sanskrit of the following



> viShNu puraaNa 6.7.75.


> I used this verse from the achintya file list but only the English

translation is present. The verse establishes the Supremacy of

Krishna over Brahman and paramatma.


> in your service.

> Aravind.




The reasons the Sanskrit was not provided for that verse is probably

because it was taken from one of Kushakratha's Sandarbha

translations, which do not provide the original Sanskrit. To make

matters worse, there appears to be some differences between the

various editions of the Vishnu Puraana being used. The one I have,

which is the so-called "critical edition" of H.H. Wilson, does not

saying anything in 6.7.75 regarding the supremacy of Krishna over

paramaatmaa or impersonal brahman. That's not to say that it isn't

there - the problem is that the numbering for the verses appears to

be different. It doesn't make matters any easier that I only have a

dry academic's translation, and he is likely not familiar with the

lofty theological concept you are referring to. But I did read a

couple of verses before and ahead, and I did not see anything in the

Sanskrit that would reflect what was translated in Jiva Gosvami's



There is another edition of the Vishnu Puraana published by Nag

Publishers (Sanskrit only) and translated into English (published by

Motilal Banarsidass). It might be easier to read than Wilson's

edition. But the bottom line is that we need to see the original

Sanskrit fro the verse so we can locate it using a verse index or

something similar. For that, we will have to wait until someone

publishes the rest of the Sandarbhas with the original Sanskrit. I

heard that Satyanarayana was going to do this as well as

Gopiparanadhana dasa of the BBT.




- K

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Thank you for the candid response. What are the key scriptural verses used by

Gaudiyas to establish the SUPREMACY of bhagavan over brahman and paramatma?

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achintya, Aravind Mohanram <psuaravind>


> Haribol,


> Thank you for the candid response. What are the key scriptural

verses used by Gaudiyas to establish the SUPREMACY of bhagavan over

brahman and paramatma?



Any verse which describes the nature of the Supreme as being with

attributes, form, personality, etc will be saying this at least



But more explicit descriptions of the formless aspect being a

manifestation of the original form are found in various places. Look

at the verse list for "brahmajyoti" - you can find a few there.

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There is an exhaustive presentation on the topic in the Bhagavat sandarbha by

Srila Jiva Gosvami Prabhupada.


Rupa-vilasa dasa


Aravind Mohanram


Sunday, June 15, 2003 10:57 AM

Re: Re: viShNu puraaNa 6.7.75 -Sanskrit?



Thank you for the candid response. What are the key scriptural verses used by

Gaudiyas to establish the SUPREMACY of bhagavan over brahman and paramatma?

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This topic is specifically and very elaborately discussed in both the Krsna and

Bhagavat Sandarbhas by Srila Jiva Gosvami, most specifically in the Bhagavat

sandarbha, which begins with an analysis of the verse from SB 1.2.11.


Rupa-vilasa dasa


Aravind Mohanram


Sunday, June 15, 2003 10:57 AM

Re: Re: viShNu puraaNa 6.7.75 -Sanskrit?



Thank you for the candid response. What are the key scriptural verses used by

Gaudiyas to establish the SUPREMACY of bhagavan over brahman and paramatma?

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In Kusakratha Prabhu's translation of Bhagavat-sandarbha he cites the following

verses from Vishnu Purana:




yat tad avyaktam ajaram

acintyam ajam aksayam

anirdesyam arupam ca



vibhum sarva-gatam nityam

bhuta-yonim akaranam

vyapy avyapyam yatah sarvam

tad vai pasyanti surayah


tad brahma paramam dhama

tad dhyeyam moksa-kanksinam

sruti-vakyoditam suksmam

tad visnoh paramam padam


tad eta bhagavad-vacyam

svarupam paramatmanah

vacako bhagavac-chabdas



"The impersonal Brahman feature of the Supreme is unmanifested, free from old

age, inconceivable, birthless, free from decay and diminution, indescribable,

formless, without hands, feet or other limbs, all-powerful, all-pervading,

eternal, the origin of all material elements, without any cause, present in

everything, although nothing is situated in it, the source of the material

cosmos, the object of vision for the demigods, and the object of meditation for

they who aspire after liberation. The impersonal Brahman is the supremely subtle

spiritual effulgence and abode of Lord Visnu, which is described in the mantras

of the Vedas. Brahman is the effulgence of the the Bhagavan feature of the

Lord, and the all-pervading Supersoul (Paramatma) is the partial manifestation

of the transcendental form of the imperishable Supreme Person, Sri Bhagavan."


At least these verses do touch on the subject matter although the numbers are

different than the one cited (6.7.75).

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hare Krishna,



>Thank you for the candid response. What are the key scriptural verses

used by Gaudiyas to establish the SUPREMACY of bhagavan over brahman and




>Any verse which describes the nature of the Supreme as being with

attributes, form,

>personality, etc will be saying this at least implicitly.



The Chapter 15 "Description of Kingdom of God" in the 3rd Canto seems to

be very pertinent in understanding the supremacy of bhagavan over

brahman and paramatma. In the verse 3.15. 43 it is described the four

Kumaras were attached to impersonal Brahman understanding

(aksara-jusam). But when the breeze carrying the aroma of tulasi leaves

from the toes of the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord entered their

nostrils, they experienced a change in both body and mind. Srila

Prabhupada explains in the purport that the sages were protagonists of

the philosophy of monism. But as soon as they saw the Lord's features

their mind changed. Further in 3.15.47 the four Kumaras explicitly state

bhagavan param atma-tattvam. Srila Prabhupada adrresses this issue in

the purport by stating the three features of the Absolute Truth and then

explains "Here it is admitted that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is

the last word in understanding the Absolute Truth". Thus we see a clear

case where impersonalist is converted to a personalist after realizing

that Bhagavan realization is the summum bonnum in realizing the



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