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Prediction and Condemnation of Advaita (was Hindu movements in Kali yuga)

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achintya, nina r <ynincay> wrote:

> Hare Krishna!



> > The Padma Puraana contains statements in which Lord

> > Shiva predicts

> > his coming as Shankaraachaarya. Not only that, but

> > it also contains

> > statements explaining why other Hindu religious

> > movements (i.e.

> > Shaivism, Shaktaism) exist in Kali Yuga.


> Can you tell us in few words why or direct us where we

> can find that information?


> ys Nina


Regarding the foretelling of Shrii Shankaraachaarya and the promoting

of Advaita (Sanskrit from Nag Publishers, English from Motilal

Published translation of G.P. Bhatt):


maayaavaadamasachchaastra.mprachchanna.mbauddha uchyate |

mayaivakathita.mdevikalaubraahmaNaruupiNaa || Pa Pur 6.236.7 ||


The doctrine of Maayaa (illusion) is a wicked doctrine and said to be

pseudo-Buddhist. I myself, of the form of a braahmana, proclaimed it

in Kali (age). (padma puraaNa, uttara-khaNDa, 236.7)


apaartha.mshrutivaakyaanaa.mdarshayanlokagarhitam |

svakarmmaruupa.mtyaajyatvamatraivapratipaadhyate || Pa Pur 6.236.8 ||


It shows the meaninglessness of the words of the holy texts and is

condemned in the world. In this (doctrine) only the giving up of

one's own duties is expounded. (padma puraaNa, uttara-khaNDa, 236.8)


sarvakarmmaparibhraShTairvaidharmmatva.mtaduchyate |

pareshajiivapaaraikya.mmayaatupratipaadhyate || Pa Pur 6.236.9 ||


And that is said to be religiousness by those who have fallen from

all duties. I have propounded the identity of the Highest Lord and

the (individual) soul. (padma PuraaNa, uttara-khaNDa, 236.9)


brahmaNosyasvaya.mruupa.mnirguNa.mvakshyate mayaa |

sarvasyajagatopyatramohanaartha.mkalauyuge || Pa Pur 6.236.10 ||

vedaarthavanmahaashaastra.mmaayayaayadavaidikam |

mayaivakalpita.mdevijagataa.nnaashakaaraNaat || Pa Pur 6.236.11 ||


I stated this Brahman's nature to be qualityless. O goddess, I myself

have conceived, for the destruction of the worlds, and for deluding

the world in this Kali age, the great doctrine resembling the purport

of the Vedas, (but) non-Vedic due to the principle of Maayaa

(illusion) (present in it). (padma puraaNa 236.10-11)


Although "Advaita" is not explicitly named in the above, it is

abundantly clear that Advaita is being described. The key points are:


1) That Lord Shiva would proclaim this doctrine in Kali Yuga

2) That Lord Shiva would come in the form of a brahmin

3) That this doctrine teaches the giving up of duties (which Advaita

does, since the world is maayaa and one must renounce it)

4) That this doctrine states that Brahman is without form or qualities

5) That this doctrine is based on the principle of maayaa (which is

why Advaita is called maayaavaada, since the whole world is maayaa).


There is no other doctrine that this could be referring to. In the

verses immediately before and after this one, Lord Shiva has already

discussed Buddhism, Nyaaya, Saankhya, Caarvaaka, Vaisheshika, Shaiva,

and Paashupata systems. So, given what has been excluded by context

and what is described about this philosophy, it can only be Advaita.




- K

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