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meditation upon Vrindavana

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> Srila Prabhupada writes

> in his "Nectar Of Devotion", in chapter 16 about practices of

> raganuga-bhakti. He says that those, who have come to the liberated state,

> should always meditate on Vrindavana and Krishnas devotees there, if they

> cant live there. My question is that when I´m perfoming

> vaidhi-sadhana-bhakti, does meditation upon Vrindavana bring me faster to

> raganuga-sadhana-bhakti or is it bonafide at all, when I´m just a very

> unexperienced neophyte practitioner of devotional service. In other words,

> which is the fastest and most effective way to get through anartha

> nivritti stage?


Certainly meditation upon Vrindavana is bona fide, but a key point here is

to have come to the liberated stage. Srila Prabhupada is indicating that

such systematic meditation as part of one's sadhana is suitable for devotees

who have come to a considerably advanced platform. Elsewhere in his writings

Srila Prabhupada indicates that for devotees to attempt to enter higher

levels before attaining eligibilty will be detrimental to their advancement

and even to that of others.


So to hear about and cultivate remembrance of Vrindavana is good even from

the beginning of one's Krishna consciousness, but not disproportionately.

One also has to cultivate basic knowledge of the devotional science, and

serve a guru and other devotees and become purified. In this regard please

see CC adi 7.17 Purport.


Regarding the fastest and most effective way to get through the anartha

nivritti stage: the answer may be found in the first few verses and purports

of Nectar of Instruction. It is best to be more concerned about

effectiveness rather than speed. Usually persons unduly keen to go through

quickly fail to do so effectively. Better to be slow and sure, and to depend

on the mercy of guru and Vaisnavas rather than trying to polevault into rasa

lila. Patience is a virtue.

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