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Prameya Ratnaavalii of Shriila Baladeva Vidyaabhuushana - First Prameya (cont'd)

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> hetutvaad vibhuchaitanyaanandatvaadi guNaashrayaat |

> nityalakShmyaadimatvaach ch kR^iShNaH paratamo mataH || 10 ||


> Since He is the primordial cause, since He is the abode of all

> attributes like all-pervadingness, intelligence bliss and the rest;

> and since He possesses eternally energies like Lakshmii and the


> therefore Krishna is considered the Highest God. (10)



tatra sarvahetutva.m yathaahuH svetaashvataraaH |


On this subject of His being the Universal cause, the

Shvetaashvataras 5.4-5 say:


(sarvva disha urddhvamadhashcha tiryyak prakaashayan bhraajate

yadvanaDvaan) eva.m sa devo bhagavaan vareNyo

yonisvabhaavaanadhitiShTatyekaH || 4 || yachcha svabhaava.m pachati

vishvayoniH paachyaa.nshcha sarvaan pariNaamayedhyaH |

(sarvametadvishvamadhitiShTatyeko guNaa.nshcha sarvaan

viniyojayedhyaH || 5 ||


As the car of the sun shines, lighting up all quarters above, below,

and across, thus does that God, who is one (Highest of all) and hence

adorable, rule over all that has the nature of being the cause (of

the world, such as Pradhaana, Mahat and the rest).

He being one, rules over all and everything so that the universal

germ (Prakriti) ripens its nature (becomes modified into Mahat,

etc.), diversifies all natures that can be ripened, and determines

all qualities.


vibhuchaitanyaanandatva.m, yathaa kaaTake


As regards His all-pevadingness, intelligence and bliss, in the Katha

Up (2.21) we have the following:


ashriirachha shariireShvanavastheShvavasthitam |

mahaanta.m vibhumaatmaana.m matvaa dhiiro na shochati || iti ||


(The wise who knows the Self, as bodiless within the bodies, as

unchanging among unchanging things), as great and Omnipresent, does

never grieve.


vij~naanasukharuupatvamaatmashabdena bodhyate |

anena muktagamyatva.m vyutpatteriti tadvidaH ||


By the word Aatman is understood the intelligence and blissfulness of

God, because the wise say that Aatman is derived from Ata, 'to

obtain;' and it means He who is obtained by the Muktas (and it is

well-known that the Muktas reach bliss and intelligence).


vaajasaneyinashchaahuH |


In the Bri Aar Up (3.9.28) the Vaajasaneyins read the following:


vij~naanamaananda.m brahma raatirdaatuH paraayaNa.m tiShTamaanasya

tadvida iti || 28 ||


Brahman, who is knowledge and bliss, He is the principal, both to him

who gives gifts, and also to him who stands firm, and knows.


shriigopaalopaniShad cha |


tameka.m govina.m sachchidaanandavigraham | iti |


That one Govinda whose form is existence, knowledge and bliss.


(to be continued)

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