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Sri Chaitanya in Vishnu Sahasranama

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Dear Aravind Prabhu,


Hare Krishna

Please accept my humble obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada


Thank you for your enquiry.


Regarding the explanation given by our Acharyas, many meanings can be obtained

from the description used.

Where it may be applied to more than one incarnation, the explanations merely

complement one another.

There is no conflict and one possibility does not render another invalid.


However, we have to also understand that there are both general descriptions

which may be applied to many incarnations of the Lord and there are more

specific descriptions related to a particular pastime, place of appearance,

parents' names, etc.


We have to gel all these together to conclude the avatarhood of Sri Chaitanya.

Both types of descriptions abound in confirming His divinity. Also, He is

channa avatara or a hidden incarnation and hence many of the evidences are

indirect or present in very confidential portions of the scriptures, many of

which are not extant today or where cited, not universally accepted by all

Vedic scholars.


Also, where they fit the bill, they cannot be rejected.


Also, please note that there is the description, "suvarna varno hemango varangas

chandanaangadi" - He is of molten golden complexion and decorated with

sandalwood" - this description fits many incarnations of the Lord. Certainly

Lord Chaitanya too fits the bill.


Even Sripad Ramanujacharya is described as rukma or golden in his pranama mantra

"yo nityam achyuta padambhoja RUKMA ...". So, yes it can fit others too. But

what it does show is that Lord Chaitanya's personality has the potential.

And in addition to that, more direct references to His specific pastimes, mark

Him out as an avatar. So the corroboration is in toto.


For example, other portions of Vayu Purana, Atharva Veda, etc. describe the

Lord's appearance as "kalau sankirtanarambhe bhavishyaami SACHISUTAH" is

mentioned. Here we find direct mention of His mother's name.


So, we have to look at the matter in its entirety to see the tenability of

associating Lord Chaitanya's divinity with a certain quote.


Just as in the case of the Puranas, Mahaprabhu has mentioned in his teachings to

Srila Rupa and Sanatana Goswamis that when seen individually, the Puranas appear

to glorify a particular deity as Supreme. But when taken in entirety, the

Supremacy of Lord Krishna is established by viewing the evidences as a whole.


Therefore the issue is how we see the matter in its entirety. That will show us

how the verses or descriptions may be deemed feasible in terms of the

interpretation. Otherwise we may run the risk of becoming victims of

ardha-kukkuti nyaya or the half-hen ill-logic.



your servant

R. Jai Simman


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