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strength from Balarama

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Significant in this verse are the words jnanasim acyuta-balah. Jnanasim, the

sword of knowledge, is given by Krsna, and when one serves the guru and

Krsna in order to hold the sword of Krsna's instructions, Balarama gives one

strength. Balarama is Nityananda. Vrajendra-nandana yei, saci-suta haila

sei, balarama ha-ila nitai. This bala-Balarama-comes with Sri Caitanya

Mahaprabhu, and both of Them are so merciful that in this age of Kali one

may very easily take shelter of Their lotus feet. They come especially to

deliver the fallen souls of this age. papi tapi yata chila, hari-name

uddharila. Their weapon is sankirtana, hari-nama. Thus one should accept the

sword of knowledge from Krsna and be strong with the mercy of Balarama. We

are therefore worshiping Krsna-Balarama in Vrndavana. In the Mundaka

Upanisad (3.2.4) it is said:


nayam atma bala-hinena labhyo

na ca pramadat tapaso vapy alingat

etair upayair yatate yas tu vidvams

tasyaisa atma visate brahma-dhama


One cannot attain the goal of life without the mercy of Balarama. Sri

Narottama dasa Thakura therefore says, nitaiyera karuna habe, vraje

radha-krsna pabe: when one receives the mercy of Balarama, Nityananda, one

can attain the lotus feet of Radha and Krsna very easily.


se sambandha nahi yara, brtha janma gela tara,

vidya-kule hi karibe tara


If one has no connection with Nitai, Balarama, then even though one is a

very learned scholar or jnani or has taken birth in a very respectable

family, these assets will not help him. We must therefore conquer the

enemies of Krsna consciousness with the strength received from Balarama.




>From SB 7.15.45 purport by Srila Prabhupada.

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