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Krsna's Appearance

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In Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusan's Sri Aisvarya-kadambini, Pancami Vrsti, Fifth

Shower, text 6 it states:


hitva tasminn atma-putram yasoda-

kanyam nitva so bhyadat kamsa-raje

aikyam bimbir arbhayor va tadabhud

ekanamsacintya-saktir yato 'sau


Vasudeva placed his own son in Nanda's home, took Yasoda's daughter, and gave

her to King Kamsa. By Lord Krsna's inconceivable potency the two Krsnas born

separately from Devaki and Yasoda became one tiny child.


Note: HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada mentions this pastime in the

following words (Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.3.47 Purport): `Srila Visvanatha

Cakravarti discusses that Krsna appeared simultaneously as the son of Devaki

and the son of Yasoda, along with the spiritual energy Yogamaya. As the son of

Devaki, He first appeared as Visnu, and because Vasudeva was not in the

position of pure affection for Krsna, Vasudeva worshiped his son as Lord Visnu.

Yasoda, however, pleased her son Krsna without understanding His Godhood. This

is the difference between Krsna as the son of Yasoda and as the son of Devaki.

This is explained by Visvanatha Cakravarti on the authority of Hari-vamsa."


Kusa-kratha also cites Srila Rupa Gosvami:


"Srila Rupa Gosvami also discusses this pastime in these words (Laghu-Bhagavatamrta 1.5.454-456:


kecid bhagavatah prahur

evam atra puratanah

vyuhah pradurbhaved adyo

grhesv tu mayaya sardham



"In ancient times some devotees have said that the Lord appeared in His Vasudeva

feature in the home of Maharaja Vasudeva, and at the same time He appeared in

His original form Krsna in the village of Vraja. In this way these devotees

have said that Sri Krsna and Yogamaya were the twin children of Yasoda in



gatva yadu-varo gostham

tatra suri-grham visan

kanyam eva param viksya

tam adayavrajat puram

pravisad vasudevas tu



"When Maharaja Vasudeva arrived in Vrajabhumi he entered Yasoda-devi's maternity

room, saw Yasoda's daughter, took her, and returned with her to Mathura. The

Vasudeva expansion Maharaja Vasudeva carried with him entered the body of Sri

Krsna, who had just taken birth as the son of Yasoda. In this way the two forms

of Vasudeva and Krsna became one."


tac cati-rahasyatvan

noktam tatra katha-krame

kintu kvacit prasangena

sucyate sri sukadibhih


"Because this pastime is very confidential it was not related in

Srimad-Bhagavatam. Nevertheless Sukadeva Gosvami and other great devotees have

indirectly described it in some of their writings."

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achintya, "rupavi" <rupavi@n...> wrote:


> tac cati-rahasyatvan

> noktam tatra katha-krame

> kintu kvacit prasangena

> sucyate sri sukadibhih


> "Because this pastime is very confidential it was not related in

Srimad-Bhagavatam. Nevertheless Sukadeva Gosvami and other great

devotees have indirectly described it in some of their writings."


Bhagavata is the top most vaishnava scripture. Indeed it is Sri

Krishna himself. It describes all the confidential past times of

Krishna like Rasa-lila etc.... which is not understood by greatest of

the transcendentalists. Bhagavata is last word on Vaishnava Vedanta,

then why Bhagavata, the epitome of Vedas will exclude this past

time ?



Your Servant Always,


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> Bhagavata is the top most vaishnava scripture. Indeed it is Sri Krishna

himself. It describes all the confidential past times of Krishna like Rasa-lila

etc.... which is not understood by greatest of the transcendentalists. Bhagavata

is last word on Vaishnava Vedanta, then why Bhagavata, the epitome of Vedas will

exclude this past time ? Your Servant Always,Sumeet.

Actually, the quote in question is from the writings of Srila Rupa Gosvami, not

my idea. But in relation to the general import of your question, Sukadeva

Gosvami had seven days to speak to Maharaja Pariksit. He didn't mention much

about Radharani directly either, but discussion of Radharani and other topics

is covered in some depth in other parts of Vedic literature. Not every

confidential topic is discussed in unlimited detail in the SB; however, that

doesn't diminish its status as the topmost Purana.

Rupa-vilasa dasa

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