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Srimati Radharani - A note of caution. Read First.

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Tue, 2 Sep 2003 09:08:07 -0700 (PDT)



Saturday, August 25, 2001 4:22 AM

Srimati Radharani - A note of caution. Read First.



The name "Sri Radha" is worthy of pronunciation only by those who are completely

free from lusty desires.


Because of Srimati Radharani's Supremely exalted position (She is

"madana-mohana-mohiniOne who attracts the Supreme Lord of Lords, Lord

Madana-Mohana, Lord Krishna to whom even the cupid is attracted), and because

She is the Original Supreme Mother of all living entities, because She is the

original source of all Lakshmi incarnations, because even Lord Krishna humbly

places His head on Her lotus feet, devotees realize that she is worthy of



Being in material human bodies, we naturally tend towards, lust, greed, envy,

anger etc. As long as we are in material-bodily concept of life, deny as much

we may, yet lust remains deep rooted in the core of our heart.


As long as we live a life where, by our day-to-day practical action we

demonstrate that we identify living beings as material bodies, we must

understand that we are not in a liberated stage. Translation: "I still have



As long as I am covered with lust, I must understand that I will only be

committing unlimited sins if I actually dare pronounce the word "gopi", what to

speak of saying the word "Sri Radha".


Gopis, amongst whom Srimati Radharani is the topmost, are not human females made

of human flesh. They may appear as girls, but they are NOT girls.


Exactly like Lord Krishna may look like a man, but dare anyone even dream for a

fraction of a fraction of a moment that He is not God, but a man!


Lord Krishna is the Supreme Lord at all point of times. We are made on His

image. We look like Him and ofcourse we are NOT Him.


Exactly like, a robot may look like us and act like us. But if you open up the

robot, you will find wires, PCBs, chips etc. But if you open us up, you will

find organs, blood, bones etc.


Someday, externally a well made robot may look and behave like a regular human,

but factually it is an altogether different category, a different class of



Similarly we may look like God. Our bodies too have two hands, two legs, two

eyes, a nose, mouth etc. But then it should not be confused with the Lord's

body. His bodily composition is different than ours. [We can discuss about

this in detail some other time.]


Similarly the Gopis are a different class of beings than human females. It is a

great offense to consider them in the same category as human females.


Gopis are "bhava-shakti" forms. Each gopi is a personified form of the zillions

of ever new minutest of mental states of Srimati Radharani.


In case of you and me, our mind is never sitting steady, at every fraction of a

moment it is running hither thither going thru various states. How many states

would Srimati Radharani's pure spiritual transcendental loving devotional mind

run at every fraction of the spiritual "time"? Each one of those states

incarnate in a form of a "gopi" to serve Srimati Radharani as Her personal



The above was just some kind of tiny miniscule hint towards what is the stature

of each gopi.


In course of the above explanation, I had to many a time think of this word as

well as write it. I shudder and tremble in fear of even bringing this word in my

mind. Yet out of duty, taking the risk, I have presented the above facts with a

pure desire of generating respect and great honor in the minds of the reader

towards the Sakhi associates of the Supreme Creator, Owner and Master of all

Universes - Lord Sri Krishna.


Srimati Radharani's name is pronounceable only by Pure-Devotees and liberated

souls. We don't understand the Supreme stature of Srimati Radharani, no matter

how deeply we have studied and how much great book-knowledge we have.


We may be great orators of spiritual topics, we may be a big scholar, we may be

a very "senior" devotee, yet, as long as there is any trace of lust (kaam

vaasnaa), anywhere in the region of 70 billion light years around us, it is best

advised to stay away from speaking, thinking or hearing the names of the Sakhi

associates of the Supreme Lord.


A lot of critique may arise here, but I fully believe that "Acharya" means, "One

who teaches by Acharan (personal conduct)". Nobody in this creation has any

dispute to the fact that Srila Prabhupada is an Acharya.


It is a well known, documented, observed, filmed, audio taped, transcribed fact

that Srila Prabhupada has practically never been heard chanting these names.


It is a well known custom in India among the members of cultured traditional

families, even to this day (specially in vaishnava villages in Bengal and in

South), that we never ever take the name of our mother from our lips. NEVER

EVER, under ANY CONDITION. A son or a daughter JUST DOESN'T PRONOUNCE the name

of his or her mother. PERIOD.


This is taught to us from childhood. We just don't take our mother's name.

Speaking out one's mothers name is considered highly improper in a Vedic



"Mother" is honored and respected. She is an object of great honor and worship.

She is the most beloved person in our life. We have drank her milk. She is

respected and loved more than anything or anyone in our life. Her name just

cannot be there amongst any assembly of men. Can't hear it. Can't see it. If

we would have to hear our mother's name spoken in a public assembly we would

slash away our ears or slash away the tongue of the person who spoke.


Mother's name is a matter of great honor. Its not a public property. Mother

lives in home and inside the core of our heart. We eat her lovingly cooked

items, our lives are sustained out of her "mamtaa". We owe all of our life to

her. We cannot even imagine our mother's name to be anywhere there in the minds

or ear of the public. This would amount to dishonor of our loving dear mother.

To maintain her high honor, the above action (externally seeming extreme) is

considered most justified by those who hold their loving mothers in high esteem.


Unfortunately in this day and time, such cultural values are not imbibed in most

'modern' families. But in a Vedic society it is unthinkable for an offspring to

pronounce or hear his/her mother's name in public as well in private.


Seen from this viewpoint, we may start beginning to understand that if this is

the kind of strictness a Vedic person may show for his material mother, then

what kind of maintenance of strict honor would be appropriate for Mother Srimati

Radharani who is the Supreme Goddess and Original Mother of all that there is.


I mean, how can you ever speak her name?


Over this there is the case of unlimited lusty desires in our consciousness and

our body.


And then there is the taught example of Srila Prabhupada who would always say

"Hare Krishna" instead of chanting Her name.


In Vrindavan, even when the Vrajavasis would greet Srila Prabhupada by repeating

her name, he would only reply back "HARE KRISHNA".


This is what he taught by his PERSONAL EXAMPLE. If Acharya teaches by Personal

example something and we go on doing something to the contrary, please tell me,

are we going right or wrong?




Ok, so Mr. Avadhut das, webmaster ACBSPN.COM, we understand your point, but then

if this was the case, what was the necessity for all this deluge of emails on

Srimati Radharani? :-)


Well, she is our mother. Right?

So don't we love her?


Don't we love her lotssssssssss?


Our relationship with our mother is our *PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP*


We are allowed to have a PERSONAL INTERNAL RELATIONSHIP with Srimati Radharani

as her child/ maidservant.


(Don't dream of considering Her as your friend please --- even if you are in a

female body. If you have, then know that your female body is a temporary body

of matter. As long as we have a material body, we are in the mood of "purusha"

- the enjoyer. So drop it. Once we have a spiritual body in Goloka, then we

can see about it, if we are qualified to be accepted by Her as Her friend. Its

too risky a shot now, so please please please drop the idea. Don't even think

about it ever after.)


[For aspiring devotees in male body, its safest/best to accept Her as our

mother. For aspiring devotees currently in female bodies, if they wish, i.e., if


feel a relationship of a dedicated maidservant of maidservant of maidservant of

maidservant of maidservant of maidservant of maidservant of maidservant of hers.

Exercise caution, or else get back to honoring Her as mother.]




When we love and honor someone, hearing about their glories and greatness,

increases our attachment and love towards that person.


On the occasion of Sri Radhastami, the appearance day of our most merciful

loving mother, when there is practically no question of lust .... well to

whatever extent and when our minds are automatically more inclined towards a

surrendered devotional mood and also just by the potency of the day of her most

merciful appearance ... its quite appropriate to get into great sadhana and



By reading her glories at such a time, we would generate great respect and honor

for her in our heart and take little steps forward to get into the mood of a

surrendered servant of the Lord following her mood of pure servitude.


These texts from various Puranas and the Acharyas are being presented as

inspirational texts.


By hearing bonafide and appropriate texts containing the pastimes of loving

relationship between Srimati Radharani and Lord Sri Krishna, we get to realize

that, it is the Supreme Lord who is the FACTUAL ENJOYER of all that He considers

worthy of enjoyment.


Notice the dialogs between Sridama prabhu and Mother Radharani. Just look at

the mellow. He is chastising her but honoring her as mother. She is chastising

him, but honoring him as her "child". In all the curses and chastisement there

is JUST ONE THING... Unalloyed Glorification of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna.


Look at the mellow of surrender of Srimati Radharani. Look at the highly

elevated position of Mother Viraja. Look at the state of consciousness of the

maidservants of Mother Radharani. Look at the consciousness of Lord Krishna -


GODHEAD... WHY NOT? Look at His servant's relationships to Him. Hear there



Just going thru those texts, dissolves away our lust, our pride... imbibes great

love, honor, respect and devotion to the Supreme Lord and His eternal

associates. This is the potency of Hari Katha.


By reading all those texts, we strenthen spiritual love in our heart for the

Supreme Lord and His absolute dominion.


The essence of all Spiritual life, Spiritual Studies, Spiritual Practices is to



In our Radhastami postings of ACBSPN, if even one person out of the few

ten-thousands in our mailing list have felt their surrender to Lordships Sri Sri

Radha Krishna increase even a tiny wee bit, then we consider staying awake

blissfully preparing and sending these emails a worthy effort.


This is so, because LOVE OF GOD by nature is contagious. One gets it, like the

fragrance of flower, without any effort it then automatically spreads around!


Everybody says in this world all that is lacking is Love. What to speak of

ordinary 'love', if we are able to spread "LOVE OF GOD" in the mood taught and

spread by Lord Chaitanya and His servants, then what is the harm?



Oops... NO... Please don't confuse. I don't have it. Personally, I am a highly

lusty and a degraded person. Please know my position -- I am just a postman

webmaster, I am simply forwarding that what I see the Acharyas are offering.

When the postman gives Rs.10000, it is not his money he is giving. He is just a

government employee. His own salary may be Rs.125, and for all you know, he may

not be even a good person... He is just doing his job and that too in

expectation of salary!


Yeah, I know your question is, what's my salary? Ok, my salary is that I get to

stay in spiritual circuits... by your mercy. You keep asking questions, I keep

answering... Plus I keep posting all the lectures of Srila Prabhupada.. this way

I "stay in touch". For a fool like me, this is big enough a salary!


Hare Krishna!



Oops... received this mail:


<<When your sending very confidential matters like krishna and Srimati Radharani

conjugal affairs, Please do not send me. I am still on body platform. If

segregation of list is not possible, Please drop me from list.>>


Must say, this mood is very nice.


Here is our official response:


The conjugal affairs of Mother Srimati Radharani and Lord Krishna presented thru

our mailing list is of the nature which should generally be removing the knots

of lusty feelings from our heart while increasing our attachment towards Their

Divine Lordships.


Topics of deeper intimate nature is strictly blocked out by us and we have no

intention of presenting them in future either. As a personal crusade, we are

strictly against sahajiaism and inappropriate rasikaism to the extent that we

find the chanting of Mother Srimati Radharani's holy name (when not in

conjuncture with Lord Krishna) absolutely objectionable.

Hare Krishna!


-- Did you chant Hare Krishna today? --

Audio japa guide: http://www.acbspn.com/audio/index.htm

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