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Sri Radhashtami

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Can the names of Srimati RadhaRani be chanted as "Radhe

Radhe" etc in kirtans, bcos I was under the impression that as Her name is

already there in the Mahamatra, even Srila Prabhupada did not favor the

explicit chanting or calling of Srimati RadhaRani's names.

I also heard that Srila Bhakthi Siddantha Saraswati Thakura did not

approve the singing of " Radhe Jaya Jaya Madhava Dayite". Can someone please

shed some light on this, as I ususally find that people who visit Vrindavan get

infected with the Vrajavasi mood & end up calling "Radhe Radhe" instead of Hare

Krishna. What is Srila Prabhupada's view on this? I also have read that, while

the Vrajavasis used to wish" Radhe Radhe" Srila Prabhupada who was in Vrindavan

for 30 years used to reply back with "Hare Krisna"


I have heard a lecture by Srila Prabhupada given

on Radhashtami in Vrindavan(I don't remember which year).While one expects him,

under these circumstances to reveal about Srimati RadhaRani & Her pastimes with

Krishna, their special relationship etc, he speaks for most of the lecture

about how we are all conditioned souls struggling in the material world & that

we are not the body. At the end , he hints at the elevated position of Srimati

Radha Rani & goes on to say that, unless we undertand Krishna, we cannot

understand someone who is very dear to Him & also how real Radha Krishna

worship starts only after liberation.

Today, the Radhashtami festival at the local

temple was abound with Bhajans & Kirtans about Srimati RadhaRani, I was not

sure whether it was favored by our acharyas or not. Hence this mail.









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