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Today is Vaamana Dvaadashi

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The Supreme Personality of Godhead, being very pleased by the payo-

vrata ceremony performed by Aditi, appeared before her in full

opulence. At her request, the Lord agreed to become her son. When the

Supreme Personality of Godhead, who has a sac-cid-ananda body,

appeared as the son of Kasyapa and Aditi, both of His parents were

very astonished. After His appearance, the Lord assumed the form of a

dwarf (Vamana). All the great sages expressed their jubilation, and

with Kasyapa Muni before them they performed the birthday ceremony of

Lord Vamana.


Lord Vamanadeva then visited the sacrificial arena on the northern

side of the Narmada River, at the field known as Bhrigukaccha, where

brahmanas of the Bhrgu dynasty were performing yajnas. Wearing a belt

made of munja straw, an upper garment of deerskin and a sacred thread

and carrying in His hands a danda, an umbrella and a waterpot, Lord

Vamanadeva appeared in the sacrificial arena of Maharaja Bali.

Because of His transcendentally effulgent presence, all the priests

were diminished in their prowess, and thus they all stood from their

seats and offered prayers to Lord Vamanadeva. Even Lord Shiva accepts

on his head the Ganges water generated from the toe of Lord

Vamanadeva. Therefore, after washing the Lord's feet, Bali Maharaja

immediately accepted the water from the Lord's feet on his head and

felt that he and his predecessors had certainly been glorified. Then

Bali Maharaja inquired of Lord Vamanadeva's welfare and requested the

Lord to ask him for money, jewels or anything He might desire. After

praising the family in which Bali Maharaja had been born, He begged

the King for three paces of land. Bali Maharaja agreed to give this

land in charity, since this was very insignificant, but Sukracharya,

who could understand that Vamanadeva was Vishnu, the friend of the

demigods, forbade Bali Maharaja to give this land.


Despite his knowledge that Lord Vamanadeva was cheating him, Bali

Maharaja gave everything to the Lord in charity, and thus the Lord

extended His body and assumed a gigantic form as Lord Vishnu. The

Lord gradually covered the entire surface of the world, and by

extending His body He covered the entire sky. With His hands He

covered all directions, and with His second footstep He covered the

entire upper planetary system. Therefore there was no vacant place

where He could take His third footstep. Lord Vamanadeva, desiring to

advertise the glories of Bali Maharaja, arrested him for not

fulfilling his promise in regard to the Lord's third step. Bali

Maharaja considered how great personalities give up their family

relationships and material possessions to satisfy the Supreme

Personality of Godhead. Indeed, they sometimes even sacrifice their

lives for the satisfaction of the Lord, just to become His personal

servants. Considering all these points, he decided to give his head

in charity as the place for Vishnu's third step. (SB 8:17-22)


O Kesava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who has assumed the

form of a dwarf brahmana! All glories unto You! O wonderful dwarf, by

Your massive steps You deceive king Bali, and by the Ganges water

that emanated from the nails of your lotus feet, You deliver all

living beings within this world.

(Jayadeva Goswami)



Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama

Rama Hare Hare

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