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Proposal for discussion of Prasthaana Traya and Gaudiya Vedanta ...

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This proposal is excellent but to be able to present GV philosophy in the

manner you propose would require one or more individuals to engage in full

time study over several years. Any volunteers?

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1) Srimad Bhagvatam should be shown to be a commentary on VS. This is gonna be

the cornerstone of GV according to me. We have SPs commentary on SB and

Baladevas commentary on VS. Using the two and knowledge of sanskrit knowing

people if we can clearly show how sutra by sutra VS is actually explained in

the words of Bhagavata, it will be a major milestone accomplished.


2) Ramanuja never commented on Upanishads because he felt that he had already

commented on major upanisads vakya in his momnumental work Sri Bhashya.

Similarly taking the cue from SB shown to be actual commentary on VS[Point 1]

and Govinda Bhashya itself, we should comment on each and every verse of

atleast the following upanisads:


Aitareya Upanishad, Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, Chandogya Upanishad, Isavasya

Upanishad, Katha Upanishad, Kaushitaki Brahmana Upanishad, Kena Upanishad,

Maitreya Upanishad, Mandukya Upanishad[With Karikas], Mundaka Upanishad, Prasna

Upanishad, Svetasvatara Upanishad, Taittiriya Upanishad.


We can also follow the Madhva Bhashya wherever it is in agreement with Gaudiya

Philosophy. Commenting on upanisads will require that we are able to explain

the text of upanisads which have been classified by Sri Ramanuja as:


Passages which declare difference of nature between the world, the self and

Brahman. Here the world is the non-sentient matter (acit) which is the object

of experience, the self is the experiencing conscious subject (cit), and

Brahman, the absolute ruling principle. These may be named analytical texts.

Passages which teach that Brahman is the inner self of all entities which

constitute his body. For instance, "He who dwells in the earth and within the

earth, whom the earth does not know, whose body the earth is, and who rules the

earth within, he is thy Self, the ruler within, the immortal" etc. (Br. III,

vii, 3-23). These are called ghataka-srutis or mediating texts. Passages which

proclaim the unity of Brahman with the world in its causal as well as effected

aspect. The famous text, 'That thou art, O Svetaketu' (Cha. VI 2-8) comes under

this category. These may be termed as synthetic passages. Sri Ramanuja lays down

that the interpretation of the various passages must be such that they are not

made to contradict each other, and not a single passage should be so

interpreted as to be divested of its primary significance.

All these three types should be explained in light of Achintya Bheda-Abheda

Philosophy, which in turn requires that we understand the doctrine well enough

from Sandarbha of Srila Jiva Goswami and doctrine of Acintya Sakti and Sakti

Parinamvada from Sandarbha and Brahma Sutra.


3) After this we can, if we feel, rewrite a Gita Bhashya incorporating more

proper and siddhantic explanations based on the points 1 and 2.


4) Then someone who is really advance and who understands Priti and Bhakti

Sandarbha of Jiva Goswami along with intimate sections[Rasa and bhakti

oriented] of SB and Chaitanya Charitamrita should write a commentary on Bhakti

Rasamrita Sindhu. This also needs appropriate understanding of summary of BRS

given by SP in Nectar of Devotion.


Until these four points ain't met properly, we will never be able to present our

school as a true Vedanta School and get it counted as one amongst those three.


I don't mean that its just us who can do this or its just we who have to do

this. Lets start the work who knows Krishna mercifully will direct us to some

effulgent personality who can actually do this or make it possible. Yamunacarya

had the feeling of Vishistadvaita but he couldn't actually put down the

philosophy completely. Seeing this Lord sent Ramanuja who did the work. So lets

take Krishnas name and start seriously.


However, as Vikasa Swami ji just mentioned, we have to do a hardcore study of

Vedanta and relevant Sastras for multiple years. I am ready for this in my



May Krishna and Vaishnava Acarya bless us all.


Hare Krishna. Haribol

Sumeet.Bhakti Vikasa Swami <Bhakti.Vikasa.Swami (AT) pamho (DOT) net> wrote:

This proposal is excellent but to be able to present GV philosophy in themanner

you propose would require one or more individuals to engage in fulltime study

over several years. Any volunteers?



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